test_name dead-code-removal-qat-and-generic test_description A class should not be marked as dead when it is used in a qualified anchored type supplied as an actual generic for the formal generic that is created. copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw aa.e $CLUSTER aa.e copy_raw bb1.e $CLUSTER bb1.e copy_raw bb2.e $CLUSTER bb2.e copy_raw cc1.e $CLUSTER cc1.e copy_raw cc2.e $CLUSTER cc2.e copy_raw xx.e $CLUSTER xx.e copy_raw zz1.e $CLUSTER zz1.e copy_raw zz2.e $CLUSTER zz2.e copy_raw zz3.e $CLUSTER zz3.e compile_final compile_result ok c_compile_final c_compile_result ok execute_final NONE exec_output_f execute_result ok compare exec_output_f output test_end