--| Copyright (c) 1993-2021 University of Southern California, Eiffel Software and contributors. --| All rights reserved. --| Your use of this work is governed under the terms of the GNU General --| Public License version 2. class TEST creation make feature -- To reproduce error: -- Compile this class as is. -- Then uncomment out the two lines at end of `make' -- and the declaration of `prefix "or"' below and rerun es3. -- When it stops with syntax error, change both the declaration -- of prefix "or" to prefix "+" and the call to `+ Current'. make is local s: STRING; do s := Current #index 3; print (s); s := Current #Index 3; print (s); s := Current #INDEX 3; print (s); end; f alias "#index" (a: INTEGER): STRING is do io.putstring ("In lowercase index%N"); Result := "1"; end; end