--| Copyright (c) 1993-2006 University of Southern California and contributors. --| All rights reserved. --| Your use of this work is governed under the terms of the GNU General --| Public License version 2. class TEST -- To reproduce error: -- 1. Compile class as is. Finish_freezing. -- 2. Uncomment the line below declaring `b' of type INTEGER -- and comment out the line below it declaring -- it of type STRING (thereby changing its type). -- 3. Rerun es3. The invalid class is accepted. -- 4. Now change the type of `b' back to STRING. Rerun es3. -- 5. Next, uncomment the declaration and call of `try'. Rerun es3. -- 6. Then, redo steps 2 and 3. -- 7. Comment out the print in the body of `try'. Rerun es3. -- 8. Uncomment out the print in the body of `try'. Rerun es3. -- 9. Execute the system: disaster. creation make feature make is local c: like b; do c := "Hey you Eiffel weasel"; io.putstring (c); io.new_line; end; $ANCHOR_DECL end