--| Copyright (c) 1993-2006 University of Southern California and contributors. --| All rights reserved. --| Your use of this work is governed under the terms of the GNU General --| Public License version 2. class TEST -- To reproduce error: -- Compile classes as is. -- Uncomment out Creators part in class TEST1. Rerun es3. -- TEST is now invalid, but there is no complaint. -- Uncomment declaration of `y' in `make' in TEST and save. Rerun es3. -- The `!!x' call is reported as an error. -- (Just modifying TEST without changing class text is -- not sufficient). -- Change call in TEST to `!!x.make'. Hit return. Compiles OK. -- Make the Creation clause in TEST1 `creation {NONE} make'. -- Rerun es3. The invalid call in TEST is not detected. -- Comment out declaration of `y' in `make' in TEST and save. -- Rerun es3. The `!!x.make' call is reported as an error. inherit TEST1 rename make as test1_make end creation make feature make is local x: TEST1; do $CREATION_CALL end; end