--| Copyright (c) 1993-2006 University of Southern California and contributors. --| All rights reserved. --| Your use of this work is governed under the terms of the GNU General --| Public License version 2. -- This is a test control file test_name delete-ace-resume-compile test_description A system with a syntax error is compiled. When the error is reported, the Ace file is deleted or renamed. When compilation is resumed, the compiler dies with exception tag "No such file or directory". copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 10 delete $TEST Ace resume_compile compile_result validity_error NONE VD21 copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw test_rev1.e $CLUSTER test.e resume_compile compile_result ok test_end