--| Copyright (c) 1993-2006 University of Southern California and contributors.
--| All rights reserved.
--| Your use of this work is governed under the terms of the GNU General
--| Public License version 2.

-- This is a test control file

test_name 	 switch-expanded-attributes
test_description After initial compilation, the order of two attributes (which are each of an expanded type) is switched.  After recompilation, system execution should initialize the expanded attributes in a different order but it does not.  The initial compilation and recompilation can each be either a melt or a freeze - the problem occurs regardless.

copy_sub 	 Ace $TEST Ace
define		 ATTRIBUTE1 "x: TEST1"
define		 ATTRIBUTE2 "y: TEST2"
copy_sub 	 test.e  $CLUSTER test.e
copy_raw 	 test1.e  $CLUSTER test1.e
copy_raw 	 test2.e  $CLUSTER test2.e
compile_result 	 ok

execute_work 	NONE exec_output1
execute_result 	ok
compare		exec_output1 output1

define		 ATTRIBUTE1 "y: TEST2"
define		 ATTRIBUTE2 "x: TEST1"
copy_sub 	 test.e  $CLUSTER test.e
compile_result 	 ok

execute_work 	NONE exec_output2
execute_result 	ok
compare		exec_output2 output1
