--| Copyright (c) 1993-2006 University of Southern California and contributors.
--| All rights reserved.
--| Your use of this work is governed under the terms of the GNU General
--| Public License version 2.
-- This is a test control file
test_name turn-off-multithreaded
test_description Initially, the system is frozen with an Ace file using no precompiled library that specifies either `multithreaded (yes)' or `shared_library_definition ("/foo/bar")'. Then the Ace file is changed to indicate `multithreaded (no)' or to delete the line with the shared_library_definition specification and the system is refrozen.
define SETTING ""
copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace
copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e
compile_result ok
c_compile_result ok
execute_work NONE exec_output1
execute_result ok
compare exec_output1 output
define SETTING ""
copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace
if not DOTNET compile_result validity_error NONE VD83
if not DOTNET define SETTING ""
if not DOTNET copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace
if not DOTNET resume_compile
compile_result ok
c_compile_result ok
execute_work NONE exec_output2
execute_result ok
compare exec_output2 output
define SETTING ""
copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace
compile_result ok
define SETTING ""
copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace
if not DOTNET compile_result validity_error NONE VD83
if not DOTNET define SETTING ""
if not DOTNET copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace
if not DOTNET resume_compile
compile_result ok
c_compile_result ok
execute_work NONE exec_output3
execute_result ok
compare exec_output3 output