test_name change-export-create-generic-contraint-error-ignored test_description When specifying the export clause of the create of a type involved in constrained generic, the VTCG is not caught unless recompiling from scratch. define FOO_BAR_EXPORT_CLAUSE "FOO_FACTORY" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e copy_sub foo.e $CLUSTER foo.e copy_sub foo_bar.e $CLUSTER foo_bar.e copy_sub foo_factory.e $CLUSTER foo_factory.e copy_sub foo_bar_factory.e $CLUSTER foo_bar_factory.e compile_melted compile_result ok define FOO_BAR_EXPORT_CLAUSE "FOO_BAR_FACTORY" copy_sub foo_bar.e $CLUSTER foo_bar.e compile_melted compile_result validity_error FOO_BAR_FACTORY VTCG test_end