test_name bogus-vtcg-2 test_description A sequence of changes cause the compiler to report a bogus VTCG error define PARENT_GENERICS "G, H" define QAT_GENERICS "G, H" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e copy_raw test2.e $CLUSTER test2.e copy_sub test3.e $CLUSTER test3.e compile_melted compile_result ok define PARENT_GENERICS "H, I" copy_sub test3.e $CLUSTER test3.e compile_melted compile_result validity_error TEST3 VDRD(2) define PARENT_GENERICS "H, H" define QAT_GENERICS "H, H" copy_sub test3.e $CLUSTER test3.e resume_compile compile_result ok test_end