test_name 	 multi-constraint-constrained-by-self			
test_description A formal that is constrained by itself and by another class causes the compiler to report an incorrect VTMC(1) error if the formal is first in its list of constraining types and if this is a void-safe system

define		CONSTRAINT "{TEST2, G}"
copy_sub	Ace $TEST Ace
copy_raw	test.e $CLUSTER test.e
copy_sub	test1.e $CLUSTER test1.e
copy_raw	test2.e $CLUSTER test2.e

compile_result	ok

execute_work 	NONE 	exec_output1
execute_result 	ok
compare		exec_output1 output

define		CONSTRAINT "{G, TEST2}"
copy_sub	test1.e $CLUSTER test1.e

compile_result	ok

execute_work 	NONE 	exec_output2
execute_result 	ok
compare		exec_output2 output
