test_name once-class-creation-procedure test_description The creation procedure of a once class should be valid. copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw a.e $CLUSTER a.e copy_raw b.e $CLUSTER b.e copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e define PRECOMPILED $PRECOMPILED_BASE_SAFE define CONCURRENCY none define VOID_SAFETY all copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result validity_error B VKCC:7 VKCC:9 VKCC:12 abort_compile define PRECOMPILED $PRECOMPILED_BASE_MT define CONCURRENCY thread define VOID_SAFETY none copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result validity_error B VKCC:7 VKCC:9 VKCC:12 abort_compile if DOTNET test_end define PRECOMPILED $PRECOMPILED_BASE_SCOOP_SAFE define CONCURRENCY scoop define VOID_SAFETY all copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result validity_error B VKCC:7 VKCC:9 VKCC:12 abort_compile test_end