indexing description : "System's root class" class TEST create -- TITI {ANY} -- TOOT make feature t1: TUPLE [STRING, INTEGER] t2: TUPLE [s: STRING; i: INTEGER] t3: TUPLE [x1,x2,x3: STRING; y1,y2: INTEGER; z: BOOLEAN] t4: TUPLE [] t5: TUPLE [x1: STRING; y1, y2: TUPLE[INTEGER, TUPLE[INTEGER]]] t6: TUPLE [y1, y2: TUPLE[INTEGER, TUPLE[INTEGER]]; x1: STRING] t7: TUPLE [y1, y2: TUPLE[z1:INTEGER; z2,z3: TUPLE[INTEGER]]; x1:TUPLE[z4,z5:INTEGER; z6,z7:STRING]] feature -- Initialization button_id_mask: INTEGER -- Button ID mask once Result := 0b1111 end test_recursive (a_dir: DIRECTORY) is -- Process files and directories under `a_dir'. require a_dir_not_void: a_dir /= Void a_dir_exists: a_dir.exists local dir_names, file_names: ARRAY [STRING] do dir_names := a_dir.directory_names if dir_names /= Void then dir_names.do_all (agent (a_path: STRING; a_dir_name: STRING) local l_dir: DIRECTORY do create l_dir.make (a_path + operating_environment.Directory_separator.out + a_dir_name) if l_dir.exists then test_recursive (l_dir) end end (, ?)) end a_dir.open_read file_names := a_dir.filenames if file_names /= Void then file_names.do_all (agent (a_path: STRING; a_dir_name: STRING) do update_eiffel_class ( a_path + operating_environment.Directory_separator.out + a_dir_name) end (, ?)) end end make is -- Creation procedure. local a: ANY do print (agent io) print (agent io) print (agent io.print) print (agent io.print) print ( agent io. print) print (agent io-- TOTO .-- TUTU --TATA print) print (agent (io).print) print (agent (io).print) print ( agent ( io ).print) print ( -- TOTO agent (io)--TUTU .print) print (agent io.print ("FDSF")) print (agent io.print ("FDSF")) print (equal (toto, agent print)) create a create a.default_create create a create a.default_create create a . default_create create a . -- Test default_create create {ANY} a create {ANY} a.default_create create {ANY} a create {ANY} a.default_create create {ANY} a create {ANY} a . default_create create {-- TITI ANY} --TUTU a create {ANY}-- TOTO a create {ANY} a create {ANY} a -- TEst . default_create print (create {ANY}) print (create {ANY}) print (create {ANY}.default_create) print (create {ANY} . default_create) print (create {--TOTO ANY}--TITI --TUTU . -- TATA default_create) {ISE_RUNTIME}.generating_type (objet) --ttoto {ISE_RUNTIME}.generating_type (objet) {ISE_RUNTIME}.generating_type (objet) t2 := ["hello", 10] print ((equal ("hello", t2.s) and equal (10, t2.i)).out) io.new_line t3 := ["a", "b", "c", 1, 2, True] print ((equal ("a", t3.x1) and equal ("b", t3.x2) and equal ("c", t3.x3) and equal (1, t3.y1) and equal (2, t3.y2) and equal (True, t3.z)).out) io.new_line t7 := [[1, [2], [3]], [4, [5], [6]], [7, 8, "a", "b"]] print ((equal ([2], t7.y1.z2) and equal ([6], t7.y2.z3) and equal (8, t7.x1.z5)).out) io.new_line end button_id_mask: INTEGER -- Button ID mask once Result := 0b1111 end character_mask: INTEGER is do Result := '%/123/' end test_class_cache: detachable STRING assign set_test_class -- Cache for `test_class' obsolete "Will be removed as soon as we do not need ES_TEST_WIZARD_CLASS_WINDOW" attribute end end -- class TUPLE_TEST