test_name adopt-wean-freeze-unfreeze-multithreaded test_description Performing calls to `eif_adopt' and `eif_wean' in different threads causes some memory corruption. Freeze and unfreeze needs to be done in the same thread otherwise it does not work. Those 2 limitations have been fixed/removed now. copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e copy_raw object_queue.e $CLUSTER object_queue.e compile_frozen compile_result ok c_compile_work c_compile_result ok execute_work NONE exec_output1 100000 execute_result ok compare exec_output1 output compile_final compile_result ok c_compile_final c_compile_result ok execute_final NONE exec_output2 100000 execute_result ok compare exec_output2 output test_end