note description: "Test exceptions on separate callbacks." author: "Florian Besser, Roman Schmocker" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" original_source: "" original_tests: "Maude Tests/exceptions_and_retry/, % %Maude Tests/exceptions_and_retry_sync/, % %Maude Tests/exceptions_and_separate_callbacks/" class CLIENT create make feature make -- Entry point for the test. local retried: BOOLEAN supplier: separate SUPPLIER do create supplier if not retried then do_unsynced (supplier) print ("OK: In {CLIENT}.make, Step 1.%N%N") do_synced (supplier) print ("OK: In {CLIENT}.make, Step 2.%N%N") do_fail (supplier) print ("OK: In {CLIENT}.make, Step 3.%N%N") end rescue print ("ERROR: In Rescue of {CLIENT}.make.%N") retried := True retry end do_unsynced (a_supplier: separate SUPPLIER) -- SCOOP helper to control `a_supplier'. do a_supplier.execute_callback (Current) end do_synced (a_supplier: separate SUPPLIER) -- SCOOP helper to control `a_supplier'. do a_supplier.execute_callback_sync (Current) end do_fail (a_supplier: separate SUPPLIER) -- SCOOP helper to control `a_supplier'. local retried: BOOLEAN do if not retried then a_supplier.execute_callback_fail (Current) print ("ERROR: In body of {CLIENT}.do_fail.%N") end rescue print ("OK: In rescue of {CLIENT}.do_fail.%N") retried := True retry end fail -- Throw an exception. do print ("OK: At start of {CLIENT}.fail.%N") my_exception.raise print ("ERROR: At end of {CLIENT}.fail.%N") rescue print ("OK: In rescue of {CLIENT}.fail.%N") end succeed -- Do not throw an exception. do print ("OK: In body of {CLIENT}.succeed.%N") rescue print ("ERROR: In rescue of {CLIENT}.succeed.%N") end sync: BOOLEAN do print ("OK: In body of {CLIENT}.sync.%N") Result := True rescue print ("ERROR: In rescue of {CLIENT}.sync.%N") end my_exception: DEVELOPER_EXCEPTION once create Result end end