class TEST create make, make_initialized feature {NONE} -- Creation make -- Run the test. local t: separate TEST ao, po: separate like io do create t.make_initialized -- 1 separate t as s do -- 2 ao := -- 3 end test (t, ao, ao, "Active:") create t.make_initialized -- 1 separate t as s do -- 2 po := -- 3 end test (t, ao, po, "Passive:") end make_initialized -- Initialize object. do end feature {NONE} -- Testing test (s: separate TEST; y, w: separate STD_FILES; name: STRING) -- Run test `name` on object `s` using `w` for output and synchronizing on `y` before doing it. do y.last_character.do_nothing across name as c loop w.put_character (c.item) end w.put_new_line w.put_integer (1) w.put_character (':') -- 4 s.enable_output -- #5 w.put_new_line w.put_integer (2) w.put_character (':') -- #6 s.enable_output -- #7 w.put_new_line w.put_integer (3) w.put_character (':') -- #8 s.enable_output -- #9 w.put_new_line w.put_integer (4) w.put_character (':') -- #10 s.enable_qualified -- #11 w.put_new_line w.put_integer (5) w.put_character (':') -- #12 -- (12) -- #13 w.put_new_line check (agent (z: separate TEST; v: separate like io): BOOLEAN do v.put_integer (6) v.put_character (':') -- The class invariant check is suppressed by the outer check instruction. -- (13) -- The class invariant check is suppressed by the outer check instruction. v.put_new_line Result := True end (s, w)).item end w.put_integer (7) w.put_character (':') -- #14 -- (14) -- #15 w.put_new_line w.put_integer (8) w.put_character (':') -- #16 s.is_talking.do_nothing -- #17 w.put_new_line check (agent (z: separate TEST; v: separate like io): BOOLEAN do v.put_integer (9) v.put_character (':') -- The class invariant check is suppressed by the outer check instruction. z.is_talking.do_nothing -- The class invariant check is suppressed by the outer check instruction. v.put_new_line Result := True end (s, w)).item end w.put_integer (10) w.put_character (':') -- #18 s.is_talking.do_nothing -- #19 w.put_new_line end feature -- Status report is_verbose: BOOLEAN -- Is output verbose? is_qualified: BOOLEAN -- Are qualified calls enabled at end of an invariant function? is_called: BOOLEAN -- Is this feature called? -- Increment `count` by `1` and print it if `is_verbose`. do Result := True count := count + 1 if is_verbose then io.put_string (" #") io.put_integer (count) end if is_qualified then io.out.do_nothing else noop end end is_talking: BOOLEAN -- Same as `is_verbose`. do Result := is_verbose end feature -- Measurement count: INTEGER -- Number of times `is_called` is called. feature -- Modification enable_output -- Enable verbose output of `is_called`. do is_verbose := True end enable_qualified -- Enable qualified calls. do is_qualified := True end feature -- Basic operation noop -- Do not do anything. do end report -- Report current value of `count`. do io.put_string (" (") io.put_integer (count) io.put_string (")") noop end invariant is_called end