--| Copyright (c) 1993-2006 University of Southern California and contributors. --| All rights reserved. --| Your use of this work is governed under the terms of the GNU General --| Public License version 2. class TEST inherit SERIALIZATION_HELPER create make feature -- Initialization make local manu: MANU [STRING] l_objects: like retrieved_objects do create manu.make ("Fdsfds", 123, 1) store_object (manu, "stored") l_objects := retrieved_objects ("stored") if l_objects.count /= storable_types.count then io.put_string ("Error occurred. List of successful retrieval:%N") across l_objects as l_item loop io.put_string ("Retrieved " + l_item.key + "%N") end elseif not across l_objects as l_item all deep_equal (l_item.item, manu) end then io.put_string ("Some objects are not equal!%N") end end a: ARRAY [expanded A] end