note description: "[ Containers using binary search tree algorithms. Implementation details: Binary search tree nodes contain two children and a parent. Parents would be avoidable in most cases, but they are very helpful to make the code more readable and understandable. The insertion and removal implementation is very general, such that binary search tree variants only need to redefine specific parts of the removal and insertion operations. Avoiding recursive feature calls if possible, was a decision leading to the current design, where most of the functionality is not in the node classes. Instead there are loops in the binary search tree container classes. ]" library: "Gobo Eiffel Structure Library" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Daniel Tuser and others" license: "MIT License" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" deferred class DS_BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_CONTAINER [G, K] inherit DS_BILINEAR [G] undefine has, equality_tester_settable redefine new_cursor end feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_comparator: KL_COMPARATOR [K]) -- Create a new binary search tree node. -- `a_comparator' is used for the comparison of keys. require a_comparator_not_void: a_comparator /= Void do internal_set_key_comparator (a_comparator) count := 0 set_internal_cursor (new_cursor) ensure comparator_set: key_comparator = a_comparator end make_default -- Cannot be used as a `comparator' is needed. do end feature -- Access first: G -- First item in container do Result := first_node.item end last: G -- Last item in container do Result := last_node.item end new_cursor: DS_BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_CONTAINER_CURSOR [G, K] -- New external cursor deferred end feature {NONE} -- Access at alias "@", item (k: K): G -- Item associated with key `k' -- (Performance: O(height).) require has_k: has_key (k) do search_node (k) check found_node_not_void: found_node /= Void end Result := found_node.item end value (k: K): G -- Item associated with key `k', if `k' exists; -- Default value otherwise -- (Performance: O(height).) local l_node: like root_node do search_node (k) l_node := found_node if l_node /= Void then Result := l_node.item end end key_comparator: KL_COMPARATOR [K] -- Comparison criterion for keys deferred ensure key_comparator_not_void: Result /= Void end feature {DS_BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_CONTAINER} -- Access first_node: like root_node -- Left most binary tree node; -- The `key' of this node is less than the `key' of all other nodes in the tree. successor (v: like root_node): like root_node -- Successor of `v' if it exists, Void otherwise -- (Performance: O(height).) require v_not_void: v /= Void do if v.right_child /= Void then from Result := v.right_child until Result.left_child = Void loop Result := Result.left_child end elseif v.parent /= Void then Result := v.parent if Result.right_child = v then from Result := v.parent until Result.parent = Void or else Result.parent.left_child = Result loop Result := Result.parent end if Result.parent /= Void and then Result.parent.left_child = Result then Result := Result.parent else Result := Void end end end ensure successor_in_same_tree: Result /= Void implies are_nodes_in_same_tree (Result, v) end successor_for_removal (v: like root_node): like root_node -- Successor of `v'. Used by `remove'. -- (Performance: O(height).) require v_not_void: v /= Void v_has_right_child: v.right_child /= Void v_is_in_tree: is_node_in_tree (v) do from Result := v.right_child until Result.left_child = Void loop Result := Result.left_child end ensure successor_not_void: Result /= Void successor_is_in_tree: is_node_in_tree (Result) end feature {NONE} -- Access last_node: like root_node -- Right most binary tree node; -- The `key' of this node is greater than the `key' of all other nodes in the tree. found_node: like root_node -- Node used as result for `search_node' and `search_insert_position' predecessor (v: like root_node): like root_node -- Predecessor of `v' if it exists, Void otherwise -- (Performance: O(height).) require v_not_void: v /= Void v_is_in_tree: is_node_in_tree (v) do if v.left_child /= Void then from Result := v.left_child until Result.right_child = Void loop Result := Result.right_child end elseif v.parent /= Void then Result := v.parent if Result.left_child = v then from Result := v.parent until Result.parent = Void or else Result.parent.right_child = Result loop Result := Result.parent end if Result.parent /= Void and Result.parent.right_child = Result then Result := Result.parent else Result := Void end end else Result := Void end ensure predecessor_is_in_tree: Result /= Void implies is_node_in_tree (Result) end new_tree_node (a_item: G; a_key: K): like root_node -- New tree node where `a_item' is associated with `a_key' deferred ensure node_not_void: Result /= Void item_set: Result.item = a_item key_set: Result.key = a_key no_parent: Result.parent = Void no_children: Result.left_child = Void and Result.right_child = Void end feature -- Measurement count: INTEGER -- Number of items in container height: INTEGER -- Maximum height of the binary search tree -- (Performance: O(count).) do if root_node /= Void then Result := root_node.height end ensure empty_tree_case: is_empty implies Result = 0 non_empty_tree_case: not is_empty implies Result > 0 end feature -- Status report sorted: BOOLEAN -- Is the binary search tree sorted? do if root_node = Void then Result := True else Result := root_node.sorted (key_comparator) end end feature {DS_BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_CONTAINER} -- Status report has_key (a_key: K): BOOLEAN -- Is there an item associated with `a_key'? -- (Performance: O(height).) do if root_node /= Void then search_node (a_key) Result := found_node /= Void end end feature {NONE} -- Status report valid_key (k: K): BOOLEAN -- Is `k' a valid key? do Result := True end has_void_key: BOOLEAN -- Is there an item associated with Void? -- (Performance: O(height).) local k: detachable K l_current: detachable DS_BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_CONTAINER [G, detachable K] do l_current ?= Current if l_current /= Void and k = Void then Result := l_current.has_key (k) end end key_comparator_settable (a_comparator: like key_comparator): BOOLEAN -- Can `set_key_comparator' be called with `a_comparator' -- as argument in current state of container? do Result := a_comparator /= Void and then is_empty ensure comparator_not_void: Result implies a_comparator /= Void end feature {DS_BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_CONTAINER} -- Status report is_node_in_tree (a_node: like root_node): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_node' in current tree? require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void do if root_node /= Void then Result := are_nodes_in_same_tree (a_node, root_node) end end are_nodes_in_same_tree (a_node_1, a_node_2: like root_node): BOOLEAN -- Has `a_node_1' the same `root_node' as `a_node_2'? require a_node_1_not_void: a_node_1 /= Void a_node_2_not_void: a_node_2 /= Void local l_root_node_1, l_root_node_2: like root_node do from l_root_node_1 := a_node_1 invariant l_root_node_1_not_void: l_root_node_1 /= Void until l_root_node_1.parent = Void loop l_root_node_1 := l_root_node_1.parent end from l_root_node_2 := a_node_2 invariant l_root_node_2_not_void: l_root_node_2 /= Void until l_root_node_2.parent = Void loop l_root_node_2 := l_root_node_2.parent end Result := l_root_node_1 = l_root_node_2 end feature {NONE} -- Status report is_first_node_correct: BOOLEAN -- Is the first node correctly set? local l_node: like root_node do if root_node = Void then Result := first_node = Void else from l_node := root_node until l_node.left_child = Void loop l_node := l_node.left_child end Result := first_node = l_node end end is_last_node_correct: BOOLEAN -- Is the last node correctly set? local l_node: like root_node do if root_node = Void then Result := last_node = Void else from l_node := root_node until l_node.right_child = Void loop l_node := l_node.right_child end Result := last_node = l_node end end is_removing: BOOLEAN -- During `remove' that flag is True, -- else it if False. It is needed for -- some invariants. exact_insert_position_found: BOOLEAN -- Was a tree node found during the last call to -- `search_insert_position (a_key: K)', with a -- key equal to `a_key'? insert_position_is_left: BOOLEAN -- The key of tree node found during the last call to -- `search_insert_position (a_key: K)' was not equal -- to `a_key'. If we inserted `a_key', would it be -- the left child of the found tree node? Else it -- would be the right child. feature -- Comparison is_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is container considered equal to `other'? -- Does not take cursor positions or -- `equality_tester' into account. -- (Performance: O(count).) local l_current_node, l_other_node: like root_node do if Current = other then Result := True elseif ANY_.same_types (Current, other) and count = other.count then from l_current_node := first_node l_other_node := other.first_node Result := True until not Result or else l_current_node = Void loop Result := l_current_node.item = l_other_node.item l_current_node := successor (l_current_node) l_other_node := successor (l_other_node) end end end feature {NONE} -- Setting set_key_comparator (a_comparator: like key_comparator) -- Set `key_comparator' to `a_comparator'. require key_comparator_settable: key_comparator_settable (a_comparator) deferred ensure key_comparator_set: key_comparator = a_comparator end internal_set_key_comparator (a_comparator: like key_comparator) -- Set `key_comparator' to `a_comparator'. -- (No "settable" precondition, to be used internally only.) require a_comparator_not_void: a_comparator /= Void deferred ensure key_comparator_set: key_comparator = a_comparator end feature {DS_CURSOR} -- Cursor implementation cursor_item (a_cursor: like new_cursor): G -- Item at `a_cursor' position. do Result := a_cursor.position.item end cursor_key (a_cursor: like new_cursor): K -- Key at `a_cursor' position. do Result := a_cursor.position.key end cursor_same_position (a_cursor, other: like new_cursor): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_cursor' at same position as `other'? do Result := a_cursor.position = other.position if Result and a_cursor.position = Void then Result := a_cursor.is_before = other.is_before end end cursor_go_to (a_cursor, other: like new_cursor) -- Move `a_cursor' to `other''s position. local l_was_off: BOOLEAN do l_was_off := if other.position = Void then a_cursor.set_is_before (other.is_before) if not l_was_off then remove_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) end else a_cursor.set_position (other.position) if l_was_off then add_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) end end end feature {DS_LINEAR_CURSOR} -- Cursor implementation cursor_is_first (a_cursor: like new_cursor): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_cursor' on first item? do if first_node /= Void then Result := a_cursor.position = first_node end end cursor_after (a_cursor: like new_cursor): BOOLEAN -- Is there no valid position to right of `a_cursor'? do Result := a_cursor.position = Void and then not a_cursor.is_before end cursor_start (a_cursor: like new_cursor) -- Move `a_cursor' to first position. local l_was_off: BOOLEAN do if is_empty then cursor_go_after (a_cursor) else l_was_off := a_cursor.set_position (first_node) if l_was_off then add_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) end end end cursor_forth (a_cursor: like new_cursor) -- Move `a_cursor' to next position. local l_position: like root_node l_has_cursor, l_add_cursor: BOOLEAN do l_position := a_cursor.position l_has_cursor := l_position /= Void l_add_cursor := True if a_cursor.before then l_position := first_node else l_position := successor_for_cursor (l_position) end if l_position = Void then a_cursor.set_is_before (False) l_add_cursor := False else a_cursor.set_position (l_position) end if l_has_cursor and not l_add_cursor then remove_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) elseif not l_has_cursor and l_add_cursor then add_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) end end cursor_search_forth (a_cursor: like new_cursor; v: G) -- Move `a_cursor' to first position at or after its current -- position where `cursor_item (a_cursor)' and `v' are equal. -- (Use `equality_tester''s comparison criterion -- if not void, use `=' criterion otherwise.) -- Move `after' if not found. local l_was_off: BOOLEAN do if a_cursor.before then a_cursor.forth l_was_off := True end if equality_tester = Void then from until a_cursor.after or else a_cursor.item = v loop a_cursor.forth end else from until a_cursor.after or else equality_tester.test (a_cursor.item, v) loop a_cursor.forth end end if l_was_off and not a_cursor.after then add_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) elseif not l_was_off and a_cursor.after then remove_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) end end cursor_go_after (a_cursor: like new_cursor) -- Move `a_cursor' to `after' position. local l_was_off: BOOLEAN do l_was_off := a_cursor.set_is_before (False) if not l_was_off then remove_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) end end feature {DS_BILINEAR_CURSOR} -- Cursor implementation cursor_is_last (a_cursor: like new_cursor): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_cursor' on last item? do if last_node /= Void then Result := a_cursor.position = last_node end end cursor_before (a_cursor: like new_cursor): BOOLEAN -- Is there no valid position to left of `a_cursor'? do Result := a_cursor.position = Void and then a_cursor.is_before end cursor_finish (a_cursor: like new_cursor) -- Move `a_cursor' to last position. local l_was_off: BOOLEAN do if is_empty then cursor_go_before (a_cursor) else l_was_off := a_cursor.set_position (last_node) if l_was_off then add_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) end end end cursor_back (a_cursor: like new_cursor) -- Move `a_cursor' to previous position. local l_position: like root_node l_has_cursor, l_add_cursor: BOOLEAN do l_position := a_cursor.position l_has_cursor := l_position /= Void if a_cursor.after then l_position := last_node l_add_cursor := True else l_position := predecessor_for_cursor (l_position) end if l_position = Void then a_cursor.set_is_before (True) l_add_cursor := False else a_cursor.set_position (l_position) end if l_has_cursor and not l_add_cursor then remove_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) elseif not l_has_cursor and l_add_cursor then add_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) end end cursor_search_back (a_cursor: like new_cursor; v: G) -- Move `a_cursor' to first position at or before its current -- position where `cursor_item (a_cursor)' and `v' are equal. -- (Use `equality_tester''s comparison criterion -- if not void, use `=' criterion otherwise.) -- Move `before' if not found. local l_was_off: BOOLEAN do if a_cursor.after then a_cursor.back l_was_off := True end if equality_tester = Void then from until a_cursor.before or else a_cursor.item = v loop a_cursor.back end else from until a_cursor.before or else equality_tester.test (a_cursor.item, v) loop a_cursor.back end end if l_was_off and not a_cursor.before then add_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) elseif not l_was_off and a_cursor.before then remove_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) end end cursor_go_before (a_cursor: like new_cursor) -- Move `a_cursor' to `before' position. local l_was_off: BOOLEAN do l_was_off := a_cursor.set_is_before (True) if not l_was_off then remove_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) end end feature {DS_BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_CONTAINER_CURSOR} -- Cursor implementation cursor_go_at_or_before_key (a_cursor: like new_cursor; k: K) -- Move `a_cursor' to last position with a smaller key than `k'. require a_cursor_not_void: a_cursor /= Void local l_was_off: BOOLEAN do l_was_off := if is_empty then a_cursor.set_is_before (True) elseif k = Void then a_cursor.set_is_before (True) if not l_was_off then remove_traversing_cursor (a_cursor) end else search_insert_position (k) a_cursor.set_position (found_node) if found_node.key = Void or else key_comparator.less_than (k, found_node.key) then a_cursor.back end end ensure has_key_k_implies_a_cursor_points_to_it: has_key (k) and k /= Void and a_cursor.position.key /= Void implies key_comparator.order_equal (a_cursor.position.key, k) k_greater_equal_cursor_positions_key: not and then a_cursor.position.key /= Void and k /= Void implies key_comparator.greater_equal (k, a_cursor.position.key) a_cursor_not_after: not a_cursor.after end cursor_go_at_or_after_key (a_cursor: like new_cursor; k: K) -- Move `a_cursor' to first position with a greater key than `k'. require a_cursor_not_void: a_cursor /= Void local l_was_off: BOOLEAN do l_was_off := if is_empty then a_cursor.set_is_before (False) elseif k = Void then a_cursor.set_position (first_node) else search_insert_position (k) a_cursor.set_position (found_node) if found_node.key = Void or else key_comparator.greater_than (k, found_node.key) then a_cursor.forth end end ensure has_key_k_implies_a_cursor_points_to_it: has_key (k) and k /= Void and a_cursor.position.key /= Void implies key_comparator.order_equal (a_cursor.position.key, k) k_less_equal_cursors_key: not and then a_cursor.position.key /= Void and k /= Void implies key_comparator.less_equal (k, a_cursor.position.key) a_cursor_not_before: not a_cursor.before end feature {DS_BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_CONTAINER} -- Cursor implementation predecessor_for_cursor (v: like root_node): like root_node -- Predecessor of `v' if it exists, Void otherwise -- (Performance: O(height).) require v_not_void: v /= Void v_is_in_tree: is_node_in_tree (v) do if v.left_child /= Void then from Result := v.left_child until Result.right_child = Void loop Result := Result.right_child end elseif v.parent /= Void then Result := v.parent if Result.left_child = v then from Result := v.parent until Result.parent = Void or else Result.parent.right_child = Result loop Result := Result.parent end if Result.parent /= Void and Result.parent.right_child = Result then Result := Result.parent else Result := Void end end else Result := Void end ensure predecessor_is_in_tree: Result /= Void implies is_node_in_tree (Result) end successor_for_cursor (v: like root_node): like root_node -- Successor of `v' if it exists, Void otherwise -- (Performance: O(height).) require v_not_void: v /= Void do if v.right_child /= Void then from Result := v.right_child until Result.left_child = Void loop Result := Result.left_child end elseif v.parent /= Void then Result := v.parent if Result.right_child = v then from Result := v.parent until Result.parent = Void or else Result.parent.left_child = Result loop Result := Result.parent end if Result.parent /= Void and then Result.parent.left_child = Result then Result := Result.parent else Result := Void end end end ensure successor_in_same_tree: Result /= Void implies are_nodes_in_same_tree (Result, v) end set_internal_cursor (c: like internal_cursor) -- Set `internal_cursor' to `c'. do internal_cursor := c end internal_cursor: like new_cursor -- Internal cursor feature {NONE} -- Cursor movement move_cursors_after (a_last_position: like root_node) -- Move `after' all cursors at last position. require a_last_position_not_void: a_last_position /= Void local l_cursor: like new_cursor l_previous_cursor: like new_cursor do from if internal_cursor.position = a_last_position then cursor_go_after (internal_cursor) end l_previous_cursor := internal_cursor l_cursor := l_previous_cursor.next_cursor until l_cursor = Void loop if l_cursor.position = a_last_position then cursor_go_after (l_cursor) l_cursor := l_previous_cursor.next_cursor else l_previous_cursor := l_cursor l_cursor := l_cursor.next_cursor end end end move_all_cursors (a_old_node, a_new_node: like root_node) -- Move all cursors at position `a_old_node' to `a_new_node'. require a_old_node_not_void: a_old_node /= Void a_new_node_not_void: a_new_node /= Void local l_cursor: like new_cursor do from l_cursor := internal_cursor until l_cursor = Void loop if l_cursor.position = a_old_node then l_cursor.set_position (a_new_node) end l_cursor := l_cursor.next_cursor end end move_all_cursors_after -- Move `after' all cursors. local l_cursor: like new_cursor do from if not then cursor_go_after (internal_cursor) end l_cursor := internal_cursor.next_cursor until l_cursor = Void loop cursor_go_after (l_cursor) l_cursor := internal_cursor.next_cursor end end feature -- Iteration do_all (an_action: PROCEDURE [ANY, TUPLE [G]]) -- Apply `an_action' to every item, from first to last. -- (Semantics not guaranteed if `an_action' changes the structure.) local l_node: like root_node do from l_node := first_node until l_node = Void loop ([l_node.item]) l_node := successor (l_node) end end do_all_with_index (an_action: PROCEDURE [ANY, TUPLE [G, INTEGER]]) -- Apply `an_action' to every item, from first to last. -- `an_action' receives the item and its index. -- (Semantics not guaranteed if `an_action' changes the structure.) local i: INTEGER l_node: like root_node do from l_node := first_node i := 1 until l_node = Void loop ([l_node.item, i]) l_node := successor (l_node) i := i + 1 end end do_if (an_action: PROCEDURE [ANY, TUPLE [G]]; a_test: FUNCTION [ANY, TUPLE [G], BOOLEAN]) -- Apply `an_action' to every item that satisfies `a_test', from first to last. -- (Semantics not guaranteed if `an_action' or `a_test' change the structure.) local l_node: like root_node do from l_node := first_node until l_node = Void loop if a_test.item ([l_node.item]) then ([l_node.item]) end l_node := successor (l_node) end end do_if_with_index (an_action: PROCEDURE [ANY, TUPLE [G, INTEGER]]; a_test: FUNCTION [ANY, TUPLE [G, INTEGER], BOOLEAN]) -- Apply `an_action' to every item that satisfies `a_test', from first to last. -- `an_action' and `a_test' receive the item and its index. -- (Semantics not guaranteed if `an_action' or `a_test' change the structure.) local i: INTEGER l_node: like root_node do from l_node := first_node i := 1 until l_node = Void loop if a_test.item ([l_node.item, i]) then ([l_node.item, i]) end l_node := successor (l_node) i := i + 1 end end there_exists (a_test: FUNCTION [ANY, TUPLE [G], BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_test' true for at least one item? -- (Semantics not guaranteed if `a_test' changes the structure.) local l_node: like root_node do from l_node := first_node until Result or else l_node = Void loop if a_test.item ([l_node.item]) then Result := True else l_node := successor (l_node) end end end for_all (a_test: FUNCTION [ANY, TUPLE [G], BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_test' true for all items? -- (Semantics not guaranteed if `a_test' changes the structure.) local l_node: like root_node do from l_node := first_node Result := True until not Result or else l_node = Void loop if not a_test.item ([l_node.item]) then Result := False else l_node := successor (l_node) end end end feature {NONE} -- Iteration do_all_with_key (an_action: PROCEDURE [ANY, TUPLE [G, K]]) -- Apply `an_action' to every item, from first to last. -- `an_action' receives the item and its key. -- (Semantics not guaranteed if `an_action' changes the structure.) require an_action_not_void: an_action /= Void local l_node: like root_node do from l_node := first_node until l_node = Void loop ([l_node.item, l_node.key]) l_node := successor (l_node) end end do_if_with_key (an_action: PROCEDURE [ANY, TUPLE [G, K]]; a_test: FUNCTION [ANY, TUPLE [G, K], BOOLEAN]) -- Apply `an_action' to every item that satisfies `a_test', from first to last. -- `an_action' and `a_test' receive the item and its key. -- (Semantics not guaranteed if `an_action' or `a_test' change the structure.) require an_action_not_void: an_action /= Void a_test_not_void: a_test /= Void local l_node: like root_node do from l_node := first_node until l_node = Void loop if a_test.item ([l_node.item, l_node.key]) then ([l_node.item, l_node.key]) end l_node := successor (l_node) end end there_exists_with_key (a_test: FUNCTION [ANY, TUPLE [G, K], BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_test' true for at least one item and its key? -- (Semantics not guaranteed if `a_test' changes the structure.) require a_test_not_void: a_test /= Void local l_node: like root_node do from l_node := first_node until Result or else l_node = Void loop if a_test.item ([l_node.item, l_node.key]) then Result := True else l_node := successor (l_node) end end end for_all_with_key (a_test: FUNCTION [ANY, TUPLE [G, K], BOOLEAN]): BOOLEAN -- Is `a_test' true for all items and their keys? -- (Semantics not guaranteed if `a_test' changes the structure.) require a_test_not_void: a_test /= Void local l_node: like root_node do from l_node := first_node Result := True until not Result or else l_node = Void loop if not a_test.item ([l_node.item, l_node.key]) then Result := False else l_node := successor (l_node) end end end feature {NONE} -- Element change internal_put (v: G; k: K) -- Associate `v' with key `k'. -- (Performance: O(height).) require valid_key: valid_key (k) local l_newest_tree_node: like root_node l_node: like root_node do if root_node = Void then -- The binary search tree is empty. -- Just set the necessary values. l_newest_tree_node := new_tree_node (v, k) root_node := l_newest_tree_node first_node := root_node last_node := root_node count := 1 on_node_added (l_newest_tree_node) else search_insert_position (k) l_node := found_node check l_node_not_void: l_node /= Void end if exact_insert_position_found then -- Just update the `item'. l_node.set_item (v) elseif insert_position_is_left then l_newest_tree_node := new_tree_node (v, k) l_node.set_left_child (l_newest_tree_node) -- Check if `first_node' -- needs to be updated. if l_node = first_node then first_node := l_newest_tree_node end count := count + 1 on_node_added (l_newest_tree_node) else l_newest_tree_node := new_tree_node (v, k) l_node.set_right_child (l_newest_tree_node) -- Check if `last_node' -- needs to be updated. if l_node = last_node then last_node := l_newest_tree_node end count := count + 1 on_node_added (l_newest_tree_node) end end ensure inserted: has_key (k) and then item (k) = v same_count: (old has_key (k)) implies (count = old count) one_more: (not old has_key (k)) implies (count = old count + 1) end internal_put_new (v: G; k: K) -- Associate `v' with key `k'. -- (Performance: O(height).) require valid_key: valid_key (k) new_item: not has_key (k) local l_newest_tree_node: like root_node l_node: like root_node do l_newest_tree_node := new_tree_node (v, k) if root_node = Void then -- The binary search tree is empty. -- Just set the necessary values. root_node := l_newest_tree_node first_node := root_node last_node := root_node else search_insert_position (k) l_node := found_node check l_node_not_void: l_node /= Void key_does_not_exist: not exact_insert_position_found end if insert_position_is_left then l_node.set_left_child (l_newest_tree_node) -- Check if the `first_node' -- needs to be updated. if l_node = first_node then first_node := l_newest_tree_node end else l_node.set_right_child (l_newest_tree_node) -- Check if the `last_node' -- needs to be updated. if l_node = last_node then last_node := l_newest_tree_node end end end count := count + 1 on_node_added (l_newest_tree_node) ensure one_more: count = old count + 1 inserted: has_key (k) and then item (k) = v end feature {NONE} -- Element change on_node_added (a_node: like root_node) -- `a_node' was just added to the binary search tree. -- This feature is basically used by balanced binary -- search tree variants. They are informed which -- node was just added and may rebalance the tree -- accordingly. require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void has_key_of_node: has_key (a_node.key) a_node_is_in_tree: item (a_node.key) = a_node.item deferred end feature -- Removal remove (v: K) -- Remove the item with key `v'. -- (Performance: O(height).) local l_node_for_removal: like root_node do is_removing := True search_node_for_removal (v) l_node_for_removal := found_node if l_node_for_removal /= Void then remove_node (l_node_for_removal) else on_node_for_removal_not_found (v) end unset_found_node is_removing := False ensure not_is_removing: not is_removing end wipe_out -- Remove all items and move all -- cursors `off'. do move_all_cursors_after root_node := Void first_node := Void last_node := Void count := 0 unset_found_node end feature {NONE} -- Removal remove_node (a_node: like root_node) -- Remove `a_node' from the tree. require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void a_node_is_in_tree: is_node_in_tree (a_node) local l_in_order_successor: like root_node l_old_cursor_position: like root_node l_new_cursor_position: like root_node do -- Special case of `count = 1' to avoid -- contract violations. if count = 1 then move_all_cursors_after end count := count - 1 l_old_cursor_position := a_node if a_node.left_child = Void and a_node.right_child = Void then l_new_cursor_position := remove_childless_node (a_node) elseif a_node.right_child = Void then l_new_cursor_position := remove_node_with_left_child (a_node) else -- `a_node' has to be replaced by its direct -- in-order predecessor or successor. Both -- exist. We use the successor. l_in_order_successor := successor_for_removal (a_node) -- Replace `a_node' by its `l_in_order_successor'. l_in_order_successor.copy_item_and_key_to (a_node) remove_successor_node (l_in_order_successor) l_old_cursor_position := l_in_order_successor l_new_cursor_position := a_node end -- Move the cursors to the correct positions. if count /= 0 then if l_new_cursor_position /= Void then move_all_cursors (l_old_cursor_position, l_new_cursor_position) else move_cursors_after (l_old_cursor_position) end end end remove_successor_node (a_successor: like root_node) -- Remove `a_successor'. Take care that the child -- is not lost. require a_successor_not_void: a_successor /= Void a_successor_has_parent: a_successor.parent /= Void a_successor_is_predecesor: a_successor.left_child = Void a_successor_is_from_tree: is_node_in_tree (a_successor) local l_parent: like root_node l_child: like root_node do l_parent := a_successor.parent l_child := a_successor.right_child a_successor.set_right_child (Void) if a_successor = l_parent.left_child then l_parent.set_left_child (l_child) on_node_removed (a_successor, l_parent, True) else check else_case: a_successor = l_parent.right_child end if a_successor = last_node then last_node := l_parent end l_parent.set_right_child (l_child) on_node_removed (a_successor, l_parent, False) end ensure a_successor_has_no_parent: a_successor.parent = Void a_successor_has_no_left_child: a_successor.left_child = Void a_successor_has_no_right_child: a_successor.right_child = Void end remove_childless_node (a_node: like root_node): like root_node -- Remove `a_node' from the tree and -- return its successor. require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void a_node_has_no_left_child: a_node.left_child = Void a_node_has_no_right_child: a_node.right_child = Void a_node_is_from_tree: is_node_in_tree (a_node) local l_parent: like root_node do l_parent := a_node.parent if a_node = root_node then root_node := Void first_node := Void last_node := Void elseif a_node = l_parent.left_child then if a_node = first_node then first_node := l_parent Result := l_parent else Result := successor (a_node) end l_parent.set_left_child (Void) on_node_removed (a_node, l_parent, True) else check else_case: a_node = l_parent.right_child end if a_node = last_node then last_node := l_parent else Result := successor (a_node) end l_parent.set_right_child (Void) on_node_removed (a_node, l_parent, False) end end remove_node_with_left_child (a_node: like root_node): like root_node -- Remove `a_node' from the tree and return -- its successor. require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void a_node_has_left_child: a_node.left_child /= Void a_node_has_no_right_child: a_node.right_child = Void a_node_is_from_tree: is_node_in_tree (a_node) local l_parent: like root_node l_child: like root_node do l_parent := a_node.parent if a_node = last_node then last_node := predecessor (last_node) else Result := successor (a_node) end l_child := a_node.left_child a_node.set_left_child (Void) if a_node = root_node then root_node := l_child on_root_node_removed elseif a_node = l_parent.left_child then l_parent.set_left_child (l_child) on_node_removed (a_node, l_parent, True) else check else_case: a_node = l_parent.right_child end l_parent.set_right_child (l_child) on_node_removed (a_node, l_parent, False) end end on_node_for_removal_not_found (a_key: K) -- There is no node in the tree which -- has `a_key' as key. do end feature {NONE} -- Removal on_root_node_removed -- The node that was previsously the `root_node' -- was removed. The old `root_node' had only -- one child and this child is now the `root_node'. -- This feature is used by the balanced binary -- search tree variants. require root_node_not_void: root_node /= Void deferred end on_node_removed (a_old_node, a_node: like root_node; a_was_left_child: BOOLEAN) -- `a_old_node' was just removed from the tree. -- The parent of `a_old_node' was `a_node'. -- Depending on `a_was_left_child' `a_old_node' -- was the left or the right child of `a_node'. -- This feature is used by the balanced variants -- of binary search tree. require a_old_node_not_void: a_old_node /= Void a_old_node_has_void_parent: a_old_node.parent = Void a_old_node_has_void_left_child: a_old_node.left_child = Void a_old_node_has_void_right_child: a_old_node.right_child = Void a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void deferred end feature {NONE} -- Basic operation rotate_right (a_node: like root_node) -- Apply a right rotation to `a_node'. The tree height -- is decreased on the left and increased on the right -- hand side. -- The in-order is preserved. -- -- (grand_parent) (grand_parent) -- (|) (|) -- parent a_node -- / \ => / \ -- a_node c a parent -- / \ / \ -- a b b c require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void a_node_parent_not_void: a_node.parent /= Void a_node_is_left_child_of_parent: a_node.parent.left_child = a_node local l_parent, l_grand_parent: like root_node b: like root_node l_parent_is_left: BOOLEAN do l_parent := a_node.parent l_grand_parent := l_parent.parent b := a_node.right_child -- Prepare `l_grand_parent'. if l_grand_parent /= Void then if l_grand_parent.left_child = l_parent then l_parent_is_left := True l_grand_parent.set_left_child (Void) else l_parent_is_left := False l_grand_parent.set_right_child (Void) end end -- Prepare `l_parent'. l_parent.set_left_child (Void) -- Prepare `b'. a_node.set_right_child (Void) -- Rebuild the tree. if l_grand_parent /= Void then if l_parent_is_left then l_grand_parent.set_left_child (a_node) else l_grand_parent.set_right_child (a_node) end end a_node.set_right_child (l_parent) l_parent.set_left_child (b) -- Make sure we have the correct `root_node'. if l_parent = root_node then root_node := a_node end ensure grand_parent_correct: a_node.parent = old (a_node.parent.parent) parent_correct: a_node.right_child = old (a_node.parent) a_correct: a_node.left_child = old (a_node.left_child) b_correct: a_node.right_child.left_child = old (a_node.right_child) c_correct: a_node.right_child.right_child = old (a_node.parent.right_child) root_node_corrected: (a_node = root_node) = old (a_node.parent = root_node) end rotate_left (a_node: like root_node) -- Apply a left rotation to `a_node'. The tree height -- is decreased on the right and increased on the left -- hand side. -- The in-order is preserved. -- -- (grand_parent) (grand_parent) -- (|) (|) -- parent a_node -- / \ => / \ -- a a_node parent c -- / \ / \ -- b c a b require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void a_node_parent_not_void: a_node.parent /= Void a_node_is_right_child_of_parent: a_node.parent.right_child = a_node local l_parent, l_grand_parent: like root_node b: like root_node l_parent_is_left: BOOLEAN do l_parent := a_node.parent l_grand_parent := l_parent.parent b := a_node.left_child -- Prepare `l_grand_parent' if l_grand_parent /= Void then if l_grand_parent.left_child = l_parent then l_parent_is_left := True l_grand_parent.set_left_child (Void) else l_parent_is_left := False l_grand_parent.set_right_child (Void) end end -- Prepare `l_parent'. l_parent.set_right_child (Void) -- Prepare `b'. a_node.set_left_child (Void) -- Rebuild the tree. if l_grand_parent /= Void then if l_parent_is_left then l_grand_parent.set_left_child (a_node) else l_grand_parent.set_right_child (a_node) end end a_node.set_left_child (l_parent) l_parent.set_right_child (b) -- Make sure we have the correct `root_node'. if l_parent = root_node then root_node := a_node end ensure grand_parent_correct: a_node.parent = old (a_node.parent.parent) parent_correct: a_node.left_child = old (a_node.parent) a_correct: a_node.left_child.left_child = old (a_node.parent.left_child) b_correct: a_node.left_child.right_child = old (a_node.left_child) c_correct: a_node.right_child = old (a_node.right_child) root_node_corrected: (a_node = root_node) = old (a_node.parent = root_node) end rotate_right_left (a_node: like root_node) -- -- (grand_parent) (grand_parent) -- (|) (|) -- parent child -- / \ / \ -- a a_node => parent a_node -- / \ / \ / \ -- child d a b c d -- / \ -- b c require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void a_node_parent_not_void: a_node.parent /= Void a_node_left_child_not_void: a_node.left_child /= Void local l_grand_parent: like root_node l_parent: like root_node l_parent_is_left: BOOLEAN l_child: like root_node b, c: like root_node do l_parent := a_node.parent l_grand_parent := l_parent.parent l_child := a_node.left_child b := l_child.left_child c := l_child.right_child -- Prepare `l_grand_parent'. if l_grand_parent /= Void then if l_grand_parent.left_child = l_parent then l_parent_is_left := True l_grand_parent.set_left_child (Void) else l_parent_is_left := False l_grand_parent.set_right_child (Void) end end -- Prepare `l_parent'. l_parent.set_right_child (Void) -- Prepare `l_child'. a_node.set_left_child (Void) l_child.set_left_child (Void) l_child.set_right_child (Void) -- Rebuild the tree. if l_grand_parent /= Void then if l_parent_is_left then l_grand_parent.set_left_child (l_child) else l_grand_parent.set_right_child (l_child) end end l_child.set_left_child (l_parent) l_child.set_right_child (a_node) l_parent.set_right_child (b) a_node.set_left_child (c) -- Make sure we have the correct `root_node'. if l_parent = root_node then root_node := l_child end ensure grand_parent_correct: a_node.parent.parent = old (a_node.parent.parent) parent_correct: a_node.parent.left_child = old (a_node.parent) a_correct: a_node.parent.left_child.left_child = old (a_node.parent.left_child) b_correct: a_node.parent.left_child.right_child = old (a_node.left_child.left_child) c_correct: a_node.left_child = old (a_node.left_child.right_child) d_correct: a_node.right_child = old (a_node.right_child) end rotate_left_right (a_node: like root_node) -- (grand_parent) (grand_parent) -- (|) (|) -- parent child -- / \ / \ -- a_node d => a_node parent -- / \ / \ / \ -- a child a b c d -- / \ -- b c require a_node_not_void: a_node /= Void a_node_parent_not_void: a_node.parent /= Void a_node_right_child_not_void: a_node.right_child /= Void local l_grand_parent: like root_node l_parent: like root_node l_parent_is_left: BOOLEAN l_child: like root_node b, c: like root_node do l_parent := a_node.parent l_grand_parent := l_parent.parent l_child := a_node.right_child b := l_child.left_child c := l_child.right_child -- Prepare `l_grand_parent'. if l_grand_parent /= Void then if l_grand_parent.left_child = l_parent then l_parent_is_left := True l_grand_parent.set_left_child (Void) else l_parent_is_left := False l_grand_parent.set_right_child (Void) end end -- Prepare `l_parent'. l_parent.set_left_child (Void) -- Prepare `l_child'. a_node.set_right_child (Void) l_child.set_left_child (Void) l_child.set_right_child (Void) -- Rebuild the tree. if l_grand_parent /= Void then if l_parent_is_left then l_grand_parent.set_left_child (l_child) else l_grand_parent.set_right_child (l_child) end end l_child.set_left_child (a_node) l_child.set_right_child (l_parent) l_parent.set_left_child (c) a_node.set_right_child (b) -- Make sure we have the correct `root_node'. if l_parent = root_node then root_node := l_child end ensure grand_parent_correct: a_node.parent.parent = old (a_node.parent.parent) parent_correct: a_node.parent.right_child = old (a_node.parent) a_correct: a_node.left_child = old (a_node.left_child) b_correct: a_node.right_child = old (a_node.right_child.left_child) c_correct: a_node.parent.right_child.left_child = old (a_node.right_child.right_child) d_correct: a_node.parent.right_child.right_child = old (a_node.parent.right_child) end search_node, search_node_for_removal (a_key: K) -- Set `found_node' to the node whose `key' is -- neither less nor greater than `a_key'. -- (Performance: O(height).) local l_found_node: like root_node l_key_comparator: like key_comparator l_equality: BOOLEAN do -- Accessing references via local variables is faster. As the -- performance of the binary search trees heavily depends on -- this routine, we can optimize it by accessing `found_node' -- and `key_comparator' via local variables. l_found_node := found_node l_key_comparator := key_comparator if a_key = Void then if first_node /= Void and then first_node.key = Void then l_found_node := first_node else l_found_node := Void end else if l_found_node = Void or else (l_found_node.key = Void) or else not l_key_comparator.order_equal (a_key, l_found_node.key) then from l_found_node := root_node until l_found_node = Void or else l_equality loop if l_found_node.key = Void then l_found_node := l_found_node.right_child elseif l_key_comparator.less_than (a_key, l_found_node.key) then l_found_node := l_found_node.left_child elseif l_key_comparator.greater_than (a_key, l_found_node.key) then l_found_node := l_found_node.right_child else l_equality := True end end end end found_node := l_found_node end search_insert_position (a_key: K) -- Where would `a_key' need to be inserted? -- If there is a node in the tree whose -- `key' is `order_equal' to `a_key', then -- this `found_node' becomes that node and -- `exact_insert_position_found' becomes `True'. -- Else `found_node' becomes the node where the new -- potential node with `a_key' would have -- to be inserted. The side for the insertion -- is given by `insert_position_is_left'. -- This child on this side will always be `Void'. -- (Performance: O(height).) require tree_not_empty: not is_empty local l_found_node: like root_node l_key_comparator: like key_comparator l_stop: BOOLEAN do -- Accessing references via local variables is faster. As the -- performance of the binary search trees heavily depends on -- this routine, we can optimize it by accessing `found_node' -- and `key_comparator' via local variables. l_found_node := found_node l_key_comparator := key_comparator if a_key = Void then l_found_node := first_node if first_node.key = Void then exact_insert_position_found := True else exact_insert_position_found := False insert_position_is_left := True end else exact_insert_position_found := False from l_found_node := root_node l_stop := False invariant result_not_void: l_found_node /= Void until l_stop loop if l_found_node.key = Void then if l_found_node.right_child /= Void then l_found_node := l_found_node.right_child else insert_position_is_left := False l_stop := True end elseif l_key_comparator.less_than (a_key, l_found_node.key) then if l_found_node.left_child = Void then insert_position_is_left := True l_stop := True else l_found_node := l_found_node.left_child end elseif l_key_comparator.greater_than (a_key, l_found_node.key) then if l_found_node.right_child = Void then insert_position_is_left := False l_stop := True else l_found_node := l_found_node.right_child end else exact_insert_position_found := True l_stop := True end end end found_node := l_found_node ensure result_not_void: found_node /= Void no_left_child: insert_position_is_left and not exact_insert_position_found implies found_node.left_child = Void no_right_child: not insert_position_is_left and not exact_insert_position_found implies found_node.right_child = Void end unset_found_node -- Set `found_node' to Void. do found_node := Void ensure found_node_void: found_node = Void end feature {NONE} -- Implementation root_node: DS_BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_CONTAINER_NODE [G, K] -- Root node invariant sorted: sorted is_empty_iff_no_root_node: is_empty = (root_node = Void) correct_count: root_node /= Void implies count = root_node.count first_node_set: is_empty = (first_node = Void) first_node_is_in_tree: not is_empty implies is_node_in_tree (first_node) first_node_has_no_predecessor: not is_empty implies predecessor (first_node) = Void is_first_node_correct: is_first_node_correct last_node_set: is_empty = (last_node = Void) last_node_in_in_tree: not is_empty implies is_node_in_tree (last_node) last_node_has_no_successor: not is_empty implies successor (last_node) = Void is_last_node_correct: is_last_node_correct void_is_in_first_node: has_void implies first_node.key = Void end