class TEST_IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make is -- Execute test. do test_as_lower test_as_upper test_ends_with test_fuzzy_index test_has test_hash_code test_has_substring test_index_of test_is_boolean test_is_case_insensitive_equal test_is_double test_is_empty test_is_equal test_is_integer test_is_real test_is_valid_as_string_8 test_infix_greater test_infix_greater_or_equal test_infix_less test_infix_less_or_equal test_infix_plus test_item test_code test_last_index_of test_linear_representation test_make test_make_empty test_make_filled test_make_from_c test_make_from_string test_max test_min test_mirrored test_occurrences test_out test_plus test_prunable test_resizable test_same_string test_same_characters test_same_caseless_characters test_same_type test_split test_starts_with test_string test_shared_substring test_substring test_substring_index test_substring_index_in_bounds test_tagged_out test_three_way_comparison test_to_c test_to_cil test_to_double test_to_integer test_to_integer_64 test_to_real test_twin test_valid_index end feature {NONE} -- Implementation test_as_lower is local s, t: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string ("ABcd EF gh I 123 ;Ü") t := s.as_lower check_string_equality ("as_lower", t, "abcd ef gh i 123 ;ü") check_boolean ("as_lower", t /= s) end test_as_upper is local s, t: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string ("ABcd EF gh I 123 ;ü") t := s.as_upper check_string_equality ("as_upper", t, "ABCD EF GH I 123 ;Ü") check_boolean ("as_upper", t /= s) end test_ends_with is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "1234567890" check_boolean ("Ends with empty%N", s.ends_with ("")) check_boolean ("Ends with itself%N", s.ends_with (s)) check_boolean ("Ends with its twin%N", s.ends_with (s.twin)) check_boolean ("Not ends with itself twice%N", not s.ends_with (s + s)) check_boolean ("Not ends with 123%N", not s.ends_with ("123")) check_boolean ("Not ends with 23%N", not s.ends_with ("23")) check_boolean ("Ends with 890%N", s.ends_with ("890")) check_boolean ("Not ends with 89%N", not s.ends_with ("89")) end test_fuzzy_index is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 i: INTEGER do s := "Eiffel Software Enterprise Edition" i := s.fuzzy_index ("Soltware", 1, 1) check_equality ("fuzzy_index", i, 8) i := s.fuzzy_index ("Sotware", 1, 1) check_equality ("fuzzy_index", i, 0) i := s.fuzzy_index ("Edataon", 10, 2) check_equality ("fuzzy_index", i, 28) i := s.fuzzy_index ("Edataon", 29, 2) check_equality ("fuzzy_index", i, 0) i := s.fuzzy_index ("Enterprise", 1, 0) check_equality ("fuzzy_index", i, 17) i := s.fuzzy_index ("Entreprise", 1, 0) check_equality ("fuzzy_index", i, 0) i := s.fuzzy_index ("Enterprise", 1, 0) check_equality ("fuzzy_index", i, 17) end test_has is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do create s.make (10) check_boolean ("has", not s.has ('c')) check_boolean ("has", not s.has ('%U')) s := "1234c1234" check_boolean ("has", s.has ('c')) check_boolean ("has", not s.has ('9')) s := "" check_boolean ("has", not s.has ('c')) check_boolean ("has", not s.has ('9')) s := "1234c1234" s := s.shared_substring (2, 4) check_boolean ("has", not s.has ('1')) check_boolean ("has", not s.has ('c')) check_boolean ("has", s.has ('2')) check_boolean ("has", s.has ('3')) check_boolean ("has", s.has ('4')) s := s.shared_substring (2, 1) check_boolean ("has", not s.has ('2')) check_boolean ("has", not s.has ('3')) check_boolean ("has", not s.has ('4')) end test_hash_code local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l_val: INTEGER do s := "12345" l_val := s.hash_code s := "012345" s := s.shared_substring (2, 6) check_boolean ("hash_code", l_val = s.hash_code) end test_has_substring is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string ("!23") check_boolean ("has_substring", s.has_substring (s)) check_boolean ("has_substring", s.has_substring ("23")) check_boolean ("has_substring", not s.has_substring ("12")) check_boolean ("has_substring", not s.has_substring ("!23 ")) check_boolean ("has_substring", s.has_substring ("!23")) check_boolean ("has_substring", ("").has_substring ("")) check_boolean ("has_substring", ("foobar").has_substring ("oo")) check_boolean ("has_substring", not ("foobar").has_substring ("abo")) end test_index_of is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 i: INTEGER do create s.make_from_string ("1234567890") i := s.index_of ('0', 1) check_equality ("index_of", i, 10) i := s.index_of ('x', 1) check_equality ("index_of", i , 0) i := s.index_of ('5', 4) check_equality ("index_of", i , 5) i := s.index_of ('5', 5) check_equality ("index_of", i , 5) i := s.index_of ('5', 6) check_equality ("index_of", i , 0) -- New string is now "567890" s := s.shared_substring (5, 10) i := s.index_of ('x', 1) check_equality ("index_of", i , 0) i := s.index_of ('1', 1) check_equality ("index_of", i , 0) i := s.index_of ('2', 1) check_equality ("index_of", i , 0) i := s.index_of ('9', 5) check_equality ("index_of", i , 5) end test_is_boolean is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "true" check_boolean ("is_boolean", s.is_boolean) s := "1true" s := s.shared_substring (2, 5) check_boolean ("is_boolean", s.is_boolean) s := " true " check_boolean ("is_boolean", not s.is_boolean) s := "1 true " s := s.shared_substring (2, 12) check_boolean ("is_boolean", not s.is_boolean) s := "True" check_boolean ("is_boolean", s.is_boolean) s := "1True" s := s.shared_substring (2, 5) check_boolean ("is_boolean", s.is_boolean) s := "false" check_boolean ("is_boolean", s.is_boolean) s := "1false" s := s.shared_substring (2, 6) check_boolean ("is_boolean", s.is_boolean) s := " false " check_boolean ("is_boolean", not s.is_boolean) s := "1 false " s := s.shared_substring (2, 13) check_boolean ("is_boolean", not s.is_boolean) s := "False" check_boolean ("is_boolean", s.is_boolean) s := "1False" s := s.shared_substring (2, 6) check_boolean ("is_boolean", s.is_boolean) s := "TRUE" check_boolean ("is_boolean", s.is_boolean) s := "1TRUE" s := s.shared_substring (2, 5) check_boolean ("is_boolean", s.is_boolean) s := "FALSE" check_boolean ("is_boolean", s.is_boolean) s := "1FALSE" s := s.shared_substring (2, 6) check_boolean ("is_boolean", s.is_boolean) s := "Tru" check_boolean ("is_boolean", not s.is_boolean) s := "1Tru" s := s.shared_substring (2, 4) check_boolean ("is_boolean", not s.is_boolean) s := "tru" check_boolean ("is_boolean", not s.is_boolean) s := "1tru" s := s.shared_substring (2, 4) check_boolean ("is_boolean", not s.is_boolean) s := "Fal" check_boolean ("is_boolean", not s.is_boolean) s := "1Fal" s := s.shared_substring (2, 4) check_boolean ("is_boolean", not s.is_boolean) s := "fal" check_boolean ("is_boolean", not s.is_boolean) s := "1fal" s := s.shared_substring (2, 4) check_boolean ("is_boolean", not s.is_boolean) end test_is_case_insensitive_equal is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string ("12345") check_boolean ("is_case_insensitive_equal", s.is_case_insensitive_equal (s)) check_boolean ("is_case_insensitive_equal", s.is_case_insensitive_equal ("12345")) check_boolean ("is_case_insensitive_equal", not s.is_case_insensitive_equal ("123456")) check_boolean ("is_case_insensitive_equal", not s.is_case_insensitive_equal ("1234")) s := "abcdef" check_boolean ("is_case_insensitive_equal", s.is_case_insensitive_equal ("ABCDEF")) s := "ABCDEF" check_boolean ("is_case_insensitive_equal", s.is_case_insensitive_equal ("abcdef")) s := "ABCdef" check_boolean ("is_case_insensitive_equal", s.is_case_insensitive_equal ("abcDEF")) check_boolean ("is_case_insensitive_equal", not s.is_case_insensitive_equal ("")) s := "ABCdef" s := s.shared_substring (4, 6) check_boolean ("is_case_insensitive_equal", s.is_case_insensitive_equal ("DEF")) check_boolean ("is_case_insensitive_equal", not s.is_case_insensitive_equal ("")) end test_is_double is do check_boolean ("is_double", ("5").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("5.5").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("5E4").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", not ("5 E4").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("5e-4").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("5e5").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", not ("5e 5").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", (".0").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("0.1e10").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("-1").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("-1.0").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("-1e1").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("-1e-1").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("-1.0e1").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("-1.0e-1").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("-.1").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("1e5").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", not ("e5").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", not (".e1").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("1e").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("1e1").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", (" 5").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("5 ").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", not ("%U5").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", not ("5.6%U").is_double) check_boolean ("is_double", ("1").is_double) end test_is_empty is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string ("Fds") check_boolean ("is_empty", not s.is_empty) create s.make (10) check_boolean ("is_empty", s.is_empty) check_boolean ("is_empty", ("").is_empty) end test_is_equal is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do create s.make_from_string ("12345") check_boolean ("is_equal", s.is_equal (s)) check_boolean ("is_equal", s.is_equal ("12345")) check_boolean ("is_equal", not s.is_equal ("123456")) check_boolean ("is_equal", not s.is_equal ("1234")) s := "abcdef" check_boolean ("is_equal", not s.is_equal ("ABCDEF")) check_boolean ("is_equal", not s.is_equal ("")) end test_is_integer is do check_boolean ("is_integer", not ("a").is_integer) check_boolean ("is_integer", not ("%U1").is_integer) check_boolean ("is_integer", ("1").is_integer) check_boolean ("is_integer", (" 1").is_integer) check_boolean ("is_integer", ("1 ").is_integer) end test_is_real is do check_boolean ("is_real", ("5").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("5.5").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("5E4").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", not ("5 E4").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("5e-4").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("5e5").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", not ("5e 5").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", (".0").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("0.1e10").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("-1").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("-1.0").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("-1e1").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("-1e-1").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("-1.0e1").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("-1.0e-1").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("-.1").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("1e5").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", not ("e5").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", not (".e1").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("1e").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("1e1").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", (" 5").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", ("5 ").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", not ("%U5").is_real) check_boolean ("is_real", not ("5.6%U").is_real) end test_is_valid_as_string_8 local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 s32: STRING_32 do s := "12345" check_boolean ("is_valid_as_string_8", s.is_valid_as_string_8) s32 := "12345" s32.put ({CHARACTER_32} '%/0x1111/', 1) s := s32 check_boolean ("is_valid_as_string_8", not s.is_valid_as_string_8) s := s.shared_substring (2, 5) check_boolean ("is_valid_as_string_8", s.is_valid_as_string_8) end test_infix_greater is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 p: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "12345" p := "12345" check_boolean (">", not (s > s)) check_boolean (">", not (s > p)) p := "12345a" check_boolean (">", not (s > p)) check_boolean (">", p > s) p := "12045" check_boolean (">", s > p) check_boolean (">", not (p > s)) s := "123" check_boolean (">", s > p) check_boolean (">", not (p > s)) s := "" p := "" check_boolean (">", not (s > s)) check_boolean (">", not (s > p)) p := "a" check_boolean (">", not (s > p)) check_boolean (">", p > s) end test_infix_greater_or_equal is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 p: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "12345" p := "12345" check_boolean (">=", s >= s) check_boolean (">=", s >= p) p := "12345a" check_boolean (">=", not (s >= p)) check_boolean (">=", p >= s) p := "12045" check_boolean (">=", s >= p) check_boolean (">=", not (p >= s)) s := "123" check_boolean (">=", s >= p) check_boolean (">=", not (p >= s)) s := "" p := "" check_boolean (">=", s >= s) check_boolean (">=", s >= p) p := "a" check_boolean (">=", not (s >= p)) check_boolean (">=", p >= s) end test_infix_less is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 p: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "12345" p := "12345" check_boolean ("<", not (s < s)) check_boolean ("<", not (s < p)) p := "12345a" check_boolean ("<", s < p) check_boolean ("<", not (p < s)) p := "12045" check_boolean ("<", not (s < p)) check_boolean ("<", p < s) s := "123" check_boolean ("<", not (s < p)) check_boolean ("<", p < s) s := "" p := "" check_boolean ("<", not (s < s)) check_boolean ("<", not (s < p)) p := "a" check_boolean ("<", s < p) check_boolean ("<", not (p < s)) end test_infix_less_or_equal is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 p: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "12345" p := "12345" check_boolean ("<=", s <= s) check_boolean ("<=", s <= p) p := "12345a" check_boolean ("<=", s <= p) check_boolean ("<=", not (p <= s)) p := "12045" check_boolean ("<=", not (s <= p)) check_boolean ("<=", p <= s) s := "123" check_boolean ("<=", not (s <= p)) check_boolean ("<=", p <= s) s := "" p := "" check_boolean ("<=", s <= s) check_boolean ("<=", s <= p) p := "a" check_boolean ("<=", s <= p) check_boolean ("<=", not (p <= s)) end test_infix_plus is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "12345" check_string_equality ("+", s + s, "1234512345") check_string_equality ("+", "" + "", "") check_string_equality ("+", "" + s, "12345") check_string_equality ("+", s + "", "12345") end test_item local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "12345" check_boolean ("item", s.item (1) = '1') check_boolean ("item", s.item (2) = '2') check_boolean ("item", s.item (3) = '3') check_boolean ("item", s.item (4) = '4') check_boolean ("item", s.item (5) = '5') s := s.shared_substring (2, 4) check_boolean ("item", s.item (1) = '2') check_boolean ("item", s.item (2) = '3') check_boolean ("item", s.item (3) = '4') end test_code local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "12345" check_boolean ("code", s.code (1) = 49) check_boolean ("code", s.code (2) = 50) check_boolean ("code", s.code (3) = 51) check_boolean ("code", s.code (4) = 52) check_boolean ("code", s.code (5) = 53) s := s.shared_substring (2, 4) check_boolean ("code", s.code (1) = 50) check_boolean ("code", s.code (2) = 51) check_boolean ("code", s.code (3) = 52) end test_last_index_of is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "a" check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('a', 1), 1) check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('b', 1), 0) s := "1234554321" check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('3', 10), 8) check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('3', 5), 3) check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('3', 3), 3) check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('3', 2), 0) check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('X', 10), 0) s := "ba" s := s.shared_substring (2, 2) check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('a', 1), 1) check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('b', 1), 0) s := "0001234554321" s := s.shared_substring (4, 13) check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('3', 10), 8) check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('3', 5), 3) check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('3', 3), 3) check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('3', 2), 0) check_equality ("last_boolean", s.last_index_of ('X', 10), 0) end test_linear_representation is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l_c: LINEAR [CHARACTER_32] i: INTEGER do s := "12345" l_c := s.linear_representation check_boolean ("linear_representation", l_c /= s.linear_representation) check_boolean ("linear_representation", not s.linear_representation.is_empty) from l_c.start until loop i := i + 1 check_boolean ("linear_representation", l_c.item = s.item (i)) l_c.forth end check_boolean ("linear_representation", i = 5) end test_make is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "1234567890" create s.make (2) check_boolean ("make", s.is_empty) check_boolean ("make", s.count = 0) check_boolean ("make", s.capacity >= 2) end test_make_empty is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do create s.make_empty check_boolean ("make_empty", s.is_empty) check_boolean ("make_empty", s.count = 0) check_boolean ("make_empty", s.capacity >= 0) end test_make_filled is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do create s.make_filled (' ', 10) check_boolean ("make_filled", s.count = 10) check_boolean ("make_filled", s.capacity >= 10) check_boolean ("make_filled", s.occurrences (' ') = 10) check_boolean ("make_filled", s.occurrences ('x') = 0) check_boolean ("make_filled", s.is_equal (" ")) create s.make_filled ('a', 10) check_boolean ("make_filled", s.count = 10) check_boolean ("make_filled", s.capacity >= 10) check_boolean ("make_filled", s.occurrences (' ') = 0) check_boolean ("make_filled", s.occurrences ('x') = 0) check_boolean ("make_filled", s.occurrences ('a') = 10) check_boolean ("make_filled", s.is_equal ("aaaaaaaaaa")) end test_make_from_c is local l_ptr: MANAGED_POINTER s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do create l_ptr.make_from_array ({ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} << 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 0 >>) create s.make_from_c (l_ptr.item) check_boolean ("make_from_c", s.is_equal ("0123456")) create l_ptr.make_from_array ({ARRAY [NATURAL_8]} << 0, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 0 >>) create s.make_from_c (l_ptr.item) check_boolean ("make_from_c", s.is_empty) end test_make_from_string is local s, p: STRING_32 do p := "12345" create s.make_from_string (p) check_boolean ("make_from_string", s.is_equal ("12345")) check_boolean ("make_from_string", s.area /= p.area) end test_max is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 p: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "12345" p := "12345" check_boolean ("max", s.max (s) = s) check_boolean ("max", s.max (p) = s) check_boolean ("max", p.max (s) = p) p := "12345a" check_boolean ("max", s.max (p) = p) check_boolean ("max", p.max (s) = p) p := "12045" check_boolean ("max", s.max (p) = s) check_boolean ("max", p.max (s) = s) s := "" p := "" check_boolean ("max", s.max (s) = s) check_boolean ("max", s.max (p) = s) check_boolean ("max", p.max (s) = p) p := "a" check_boolean ("max", s.max (p) = p) check_boolean ("max", p.max (s) = p) end test_min is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 p: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "12345" p := "12345" check_boolean ("min", s.min (s) = s) check_boolean ("min", s.min (p) = s) check_boolean ("min", p.min (s) = p) p := "12345a" check_boolean ("min", s.min (p) = s) check_boolean ("min", p.min (s) = s) p := "12045" check_boolean ("min", s.min (p) = p) check_boolean ("min", p.min (s) = p) s := "" p := "" check_boolean ("min", s.min (s) = s) check_boolean ("min", s.min (p) = s) check_boolean ("min", p.min (s) = p) p := "a" check_boolean ("min", s.min (p) = s) check_boolean ("min", p.min (s) = s) end test_mirrored is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 p: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "" p := s.mirrored check_string_equality ("mirrored", s, "") check_string_equality ("mirrored", p, "") s := "a" p := s.mirrored check_string_equality ("mirrored", s, "a") check_string_equality ("mirrored", p, "a") s := "ab" p := s.mirrored check_string_equality ("mirrored", s, "ab") check_string_equality ("mirrored", p, "ba") s := "abc" p := s.mirrored check_string_equality ("mirrored", s, "abc") check_string_equality ("mirrored", p, "cba") s := "abcd" p := s.mirrored check_string_equality ("mirrored", s, "abcd") check_string_equality ("mirrored", p, "dcba") s := "abcde" p := s.mirrored check_string_equality ("mirrored", s, "abcde") check_string_equality ("mirrored", p, "edcba") end test_occurrences is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do check_boolean ("occurrences", ("").occurrences ('%U') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("").occurrences (' ') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U").occurrences ('%U') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U").occurrences (' ') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" ").occurrences ('%U') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" ").occurrences (' ') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" ").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("a").occurrences ('%U') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("a").occurrences (' ') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("a").occurrences ('a') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U%U").occurrences ('%U') = 2) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U%U").occurrences (' ') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U%U").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U ").occurrences ('%U') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U ").occurrences (' ') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U ").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" %U").occurrences ('%U') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" %U").occurrences (' ') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" %U").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" ").occurrences ('%U') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" ").occurrences (' ') = 2) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" ").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" a").occurrences ('%U') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" a").occurrences (' ') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" a").occurrences ('a') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("a ").occurrences ('%U') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("a ").occurrences (' ') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("a ").occurrences ('a') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("aa").occurrences ('%U') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("aa").occurrences (' ') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("aa").occurrences ('a') = 2) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U%U%U").occurrences ('%U') = 3) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U%U%U").occurrences (' ') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U%U%U").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" %U%U").occurrences ('%U') = 2) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" %U%U").occurrences (' ') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" %U%U").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U %U").occurrences ('%U') = 2) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U %U").occurrences (' ') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U %U").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U%U ").occurrences ('%U') = 2) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U%U ").occurrences (' ') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U%U ").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U ").occurrences ('%U') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U ").occurrences (' ') = 2) check_boolean ("occurrences", ("%U ").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" %U ").occurrences ('%U') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" %U ").occurrences (' ') = 2) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" %U ").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" %U").occurrences ('%U') = 1) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" %U").occurrences (' ') = 2) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" %U").occurrences ('a') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" ").occurrences ('%U') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" ").occurrences (' ') = 3) check_boolean ("occurrences", (" ").occurrences ('a') = 0) s := "2211111122" s := s.shared_substring (3, 5) check_boolean ("occurrences", s.occurrences ('2') = 0) check_boolean ("occurrences", s.occurrences ('1') = 3) end test_out is do check_string_equality ("out", ("").out, "") check_string_equality ("out", ("1").out, "1") check_string_equality ("out", ("12").out, "12") check_string_equality ("out", ("123").out, "123") check_string_equality ("out", ("1234").out, "1234") check_string_equality ("out", ("12345").out, "12345") end test_plus is local is_32: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 is_8: IMMUTABLE_STRING_8 s_32: STRING_32 s_8: STRING_8 do is_32 := "12345" s_32 := "12345" is_8 := "67890" s_8 := "67890" check_string_equality ("plus", (is_32), "1234512345") check_string_equality ("plus", (s_32), "1234512345") check_string_equality ("plus", (is_8), "1234567890") check_string_equality ("plus", (s_8), "1234567890") check_string_equality ("plus", (""), "12345") is_32 := "" check_string_equality ("plus", (is_32), "") check_string_equality ("plus", (s_32), "12345") check_string_equality ("plus", (is_8), "67890") check_string_equality ("plus", (s_8), "67890") check_string_equality ("plus", (""), "") s_32 := "" is_8 := "" s_8 := "" check_string_equality ("plus", (is_32), "") check_string_equality ("plus", (s_32), "") check_string_equality ("plus", (is_8), "") check_string_equality ("plus", (s_8), "") check_string_equality ("plus", (""), "") end test_prunable is do check_boolean ("prunable", ("").prunable) check_boolean ("prunable", ("%U").prunable) check_boolean ("prunable", ("abc").prunable) end test_resizable is do check_boolean ("resizable", ("").resizable) check_boolean ("resizable", ("1").resizable) check_boolean ("resizable", ("12").resizable) check_boolean ("resizable", ("123").resizable) end test_same_string is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "" check_boolean ("same_string", s.same_string (s)) check_boolean ("same_string", s.same_string ("")) s := "12345" check_boolean ("same_string", s.same_string (s)) check_boolean ("same_string", s.same_string ("12345")) check_boolean ("same_string", not s.same_string ("123456")) check_boolean ("same_string", not s.same_string ("123")) check_boolean ("same_string", not s.same_string ("")) s := "abcdef" check_boolean ("same_string", not s.same_string ("ABCDEF")) end test_same_characters is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 o: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "12345" o := "234" check_boolean ("same_characters", s.same_characters (o, 1, 3, 2)) check_boolean ("same_characters", o.same_characters (s, 2, 4, 1)) o := "432" check_boolean ("same_characters", not s.same_characters (o, 1, 3, 2)) check_boolean ("same_characters", not o.same_characters (s, 2, 4, 1)) s := "abcdef" o := "BCD" check_boolean ("same_characters", not s.same_characters (o, 1, 2, 2)) end test_same_caseless_characters is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 o: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "12345" o := "234" check_boolean ("same_caseless_characters", s.same_caseless_characters (o, 1, 3, 2)) check_boolean ("same_caseless_characters", o.same_caseless_characters (s, 2, 4, 1)) o := "432" check_boolean ("same_caseless_characters", not s.same_caseless_characters (o, 1, 3, 2)) check_boolean ("same_caseless_characters", not o.same_caseless_characters (s, 2, 4, 1)) s := "abcdef" o := "BCD" check_boolean ("same_caseless_characters", s.same_caseless_characters (o, 1, 2, 2)) check_boolean ("same_caseless_characters", not s.same_caseless_characters (o, 1, 2, 3)) end test_same_type is do check_boolean ("same_type", (create {IMMUTABLE_STRING_32}.make_empty).same_type (create {IMMUTABLE_STRING_32}.make_empty)) check_boolean ("same_type", (create {IMMUTABLE_STRING_32}.make_empty).same_type (create {IMMUTABLE_STRING_32}.make (10))) check_boolean ("same_type", ("").same_type ("12345")) end test_split is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 l: LIST [IMMUTABLE_STRING_32] do s := "" l := s.split ('%U') check_equality ("split", l.count, 1) check_string_equality ("split", l [1], "") s := "1234543212345" l := s.split ('%U') check_equality ("split", l.count, 1) check_string_equality ("split", l [1], "1234543212345") l := s.split ('6') check_equality ("split", l.count, 1) check_string_equality ("split", l [1], "1234543212345") l := s.split ('1') check_equality ("split", l.count, 3) check_string_equality ("split", l [1], "") check_string_equality ("split", l [2], "2345432") check_string_equality ("split", l [3], "2345") l := s.split ('2') check_equality ("split", l.count, 4) check_string_equality ("split", l [1], "1") check_string_equality ("split", l [2], "34543") check_string_equality ("split", l [3], "1") check_string_equality ("split", l [4], "345") l := s.split ('5') check_equality ("split", l.count, 3) check_string_equality ("split", l [1], "1234") check_string_equality ("split", l [2], "4321234") check_string_equality ("split", l [3], "") end test_starts_with is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "1234567890" check_boolean ("Starts with empty%N", s.starts_with ("")) check_boolean ("Starts with itself%N", s.starts_with (s)) check_boolean ("Starts with its twin%N", s.starts_with (s.twin)) check_boolean ("Not starts with itself twice%N", not s.starts_with (s + s)) check_boolean ("Starts with 123%N", s.starts_with ("123")) check_boolean ("Not starts with 23%N", not s.starts_with ("23")) check_boolean ("Not starts with 890%N", not s.starts_with ("890")) check_boolean ("Not starts with 89%N", not s.starts_with ("89")) end test_string is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "" check_boolean ("string", s.string /= s) check_string_equality ("string", s.string, s) check_boolean ("string", not s.string.shared_with (s)) s := "12345" check_boolean ("string", s.string /= s) check_string_equality ("string", s.string, s) check_boolean ("string", not s.string.shared_with (s)) end test_shared_substring is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "" check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s.shared_substring (100, 1000), "") check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s.shared_substring (-1, 1), "") check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s.shared_substring (1, 1), "") check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s.shared_substring (1, 0), "") s := "12345" check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s.shared_substring (100, 1000), "") check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s.shared_substring (-1, 0), "") check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s.shared_substring (-1, 1), "") -- Current implementation assumes that out-of-range indexes result in empty string check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s.shared_substring (1, 0), "") check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s.shared_substring (1, 5), "12345") check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s.shared_substring (3, 5), "345") check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s.shared_substring (3, 10), "") -- Current implementation assumes that out-of-range indexes result in empty string check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s.shared_substring (-100, 100), "") -- Current implementation assumes that out-of-range indexes result in empty string s := "1234567890987654321" s := s.shared_substring (11, 19) check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s, "987654321") s := s.shared_substring (5, 9) check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s, "54321") s := s.shared_substring (2, 4) check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s, "432") s := s.shared_substring (2, 3) check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s, "32") s := s.shared_substring (2, 2) check_string_equality ("shared_substring", s, "2") end test_substring is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "" check_string_equality ("substring", s.substring (100, 1000), "") check_string_equality ("substring", s.substring (-1, 1), "") check_string_equality ("substring", s.substring (1, 1), "") check_string_equality ("substring", s.substring (1, 0), "") s := "12345" check_string_equality ("substring", s.substring (100, 1000), "") check_string_equality ("substring", s.substring (-1, 0), "") check_string_equality ("substring", s.substring (-1, 1), "") -- Current implementation assumes that out-of-range indexes result in empty string check_string_equality ("substring", s.substring (1, 0), "") check_string_equality ("substring", s.substring (1, 5), "12345") check_string_equality ("substring", s.substring (3, 5), "345") check_string_equality ("substring", s.substring (3, 10), "") -- Current implementation assumes that out-of-range indexes result in empty string check_string_equality ("substring", s.substring (-100, 100), "") -- Current implementation assumes that out-of-range indexes result in empty string end test_substring_index is -- Perform test on `substring_index'. local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "foo" check_equality ("substring_index", s.substring_index ("", 1), 1) check_equality ("substring_index", s.substring_index ("", 4), 4) s := "foobarfoobar" check_equality ("substring_index", s.substring_index ("bar", 1), 4) check_equality ("substring_index", s.substring_index ("bar", 4), 4) check_equality ("substring_index", s.substring_index ("bar", 5), 10) check_equality ("substring_index", s.substring_index ("bar", 11), 0) end test_substring_index_in_bounds is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "foo" check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("f", 1, 1), 1) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("f", 1, 3), 1) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("f", 2, 3), 0) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("o", 1, 3), 2) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("o", 2, 3), 2) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("o", 3, 3), 3) s := "foobarfoobar" check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("bar", 1, 5), 0) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("bar", 1, 6), 4) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("bar", 3, 6), 4) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("bar", 4, 6), 4) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("bar", 4, 10), 4) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("bar", 5, 6), 0) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("bar", 5, 8), 0) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("bar", 5, 11), 0) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("bar", 5, 12), 10) check_equality ("substring_index_in_bounds", s.substring_index_in_bounds ("bar", 11, 12), 0) end test_tagged_out is do check_boolean ("tagged_out", ("").tagged_out /= Void) check_boolean ("tagged_out", not equal (("").tagged_out, "")) check_boolean ("tagged_out", ("12345").tagged_out /= Void) check_boolean ("tagged_out", not equal (("12345").tagged_out, "")) end test_three_way_comparison is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 p: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "12345" p := "12345" check_boolean ("three_way_comparison", s.three_way_comparison (s) = 0) check_boolean ("three_way_comparison", s.three_way_comparison (p) = 0) p := "12345a" check_boolean ("three_way_comparison", s.three_way_comparison (p) = -1) check_boolean ("three_way_comparison", p.three_way_comparison (s) = 1) p := "12045" check_boolean ("three_way_comparison", s.three_way_comparison (p) = 1) check_boolean ("three_way_comparison", p.three_way_comparison (s) = -1) s := "123" check_boolean ("three_way_comparison", s.three_way_comparison (p) = 1) check_boolean ("three_way_comparison", p.three_way_comparison (s) = -1) s := "" p := "" check_boolean ("three_way_comparison", s.three_way_comparison (s) = 0) check_boolean ("three_way_comparison", s.three_way_comparison (p) = 0) p := "a" check_boolean ("three_way_comparison", s.three_way_comparison (p) = -1) check_boolean ("three_way_comparison", p.three_way_comparison (s) = 1) end test_to_c is do if not {PLATFORM}.is_dotnet then check_boolean ("to_c", ("").to_c /= Void) check_boolean ("to_c", ("123").to_c /= Void) end end test_to_cil is do if {PLATFORM}.is_dotnet then check_boolean ("to_cil", ("").to_cil /= Void) check_boolean ("to_cil", ("123").to_cil /= Void) end end test_to_double is do check_equality ("to_double", ("0").to_double, {DOUBLE} 0.0) check_equality ("to_double", ("1").to_double, {DOUBLE} 1.0) check_equality ("to_double", ("123").to_double, {DOUBLE} 123.0) check_equality ("to_double", ("0.75").to_double, {DOUBLE} 0.75) check_equality ("to_double", ("-348.75").to_double, {DOUBLE} -348.75) check_equality ("to_double", ("62.5e-3").to_double, {DOUBLE} 62.5e-3) check_equality ("to_double", ("1.e-4").to_double, {DOUBLE} 1.e-4) check_equality ("to_double", ("1.e-4").to_double, {DOUBLE} 0.0001) check_equality ("to_double", ("62.5e-3").to_double, {DOUBLE} 62.5e-3) end test_to_integer is do -- Unsigned integers check_equality ("to_integer", ("000000").to_integer, 0) check_equality ("to_integer", ("000000000000000000001").to_integer, 1) check_equality ("to_integer", ("127").to_integer, 127) check_equality ("to_integer", ("128").to_integer, 128) check_equality ("to_integer", ("255").to_integer, 255) check_equality ("to_integer", ("256").to_integer, 256) check_equality ("to_integer", ("32767").to_integer, 32767) check_equality ("to_integer", ("32768").to_integer, 32768) check_equality ("to_integer", ("65535").to_integer, 65535) check_equality ("to_integer", ("65536").to_integer, 65536) check_equality ("to_integer", ("2147483647").to_integer, 2147483647) -- Positive integers check_equality ("to_integer", ("+000000").to_integer, 0) check_equality ("to_integer", ("+000000000000000000001").to_integer, 1) check_equality ("to_integer", ("+127").to_integer, 127) check_equality ("to_integer", ("+128").to_integer, 128) check_equality ("to_integer", ("+255").to_integer, 255) check_equality ("to_integer", ("+256").to_integer, 256) check_equality ("to_integer", ("+32767").to_integer, 32767) check_equality ("to_integer", ("+32768").to_integer, 32768) check_equality ("to_integer", ("+65535").to_integer, 65535) check_equality ("to_integer", ("+65536").to_integer, 65536) check_equality ("to_integer", ("+2147483647").to_integer, 2147483647) -- Negative integers check_equality ("to_integer", ("-000000").to_integer, 0) check_equality ("to_integer", ("-000000000000000000001").to_integer, -1) check_equality ("to_integer", ("-127").to_integer, -127) check_equality ("to_integer", ("-128").to_integer, -128) check_equality ("to_integer", ("-255").to_integer, -255) check_equality ("to_integer", ("-256").to_integer, -256) check_equality ("to_integer", ("-32767").to_integer, -32767) check_equality ("to_integer", ("-32768").to_integer, -32768) check_equality ("to_integer", ("-65535").to_integer, -65535) check_equality ("to_integer", ("-65536").to_integer, -65536) check_equality ("to_integer", ("-2147483647").to_integer, -2147483647) check_equality ("to_integer", ("-2147483648").to_integer, -2147483648) end test_to_integer_64 is do -- Unsigned integers check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("000000").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 0) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("000000000000000000001").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 1) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("127").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 127) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("128").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 128) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("255").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 255) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("256").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 256) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("32767").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 32767) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("32768").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 32768) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("65535").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 65535) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("65536").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 65536) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("2147483647").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 2147483647) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("2147483648").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 2147483648) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("9223372036854775807").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) -- Positive integers check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+000000").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 0) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+000000000000000000001").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 1) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+127").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 127) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+128").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 128) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+255").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 255) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+256").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 256) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+32767").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 32767) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+32768").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 32768) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+65535").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 65535) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+65536").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 65536) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+2147483647").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 2147483647) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+2147483648").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 2147483648) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("+9223372036854775807").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) -- Negative integers check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-000000").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} 0) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-000000000000000000001").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -1) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-127").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -127) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-128").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -128) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-255").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -255) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-256").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -256) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-32767").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -32767) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-32768").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -32768) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-65535").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -65535) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-65536").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -65536) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-2147483647").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -2147483647) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-2147483648").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -2147483648) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-9223372036854775807").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -0x7FFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF) check_equality ("to_integer_64", ("-9223372036854775808").to_integer_64, {INTEGER_64} -0x8000_0000_0000_0000) end test_to_real is do check_equality ("to_real", ("0").to_real, {REAL} 0.0) check_equality ("to_real", ("1").to_real, {REAL} 1.0) check_equality ("to_real", ("123").to_real, {REAL} 123.0) check_equality ("to_real", ("0.75").to_real, {REAL} 0.75) check_equality ("to_real", ("-348.75").to_real, {REAL} -348.75) check_equality ("to_real", ("62.5e-3").to_real, {REAL} 62.5e-3) end test_twin is local s: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32 do s := "" check_string_equality ("twin", s.twin, "") check_boolean ("twin", s /= s.twin) check_boolean ("twin", s.shared_with (s.twin)) s := "12345" check_string_equality ("twin", s.twin, "12345") check_boolean ("twin", s /= s.twin) check_boolean ("twin", s.shared_with (s.twin)) end test_valid_index is do check_boolean ("valid_index", not ("").valid_index (-1)) check_boolean ("valid_index", not ("").valid_index (0)) check_boolean ("valid_index", not ("").valid_index (1)) check_boolean ("valid_index", not ("").valid_index (2)) check_boolean ("valid_index", not ("123").valid_index (-1)) check_boolean ("valid_index", not ("123").valid_index (0)) check_boolean ("valid_index", ("123").valid_index (1)) check_boolean ("valid_index", ("123").valid_index (2)) check_boolean ("valid_index", ("123").valid_index (3)) check_boolean ("valid_index", not ("123").valid_index (4)) end feature {NONE} -- Checking check_equality (a_name: STRING; a, b: ANY) is -- If `a' and `b' are not equal print something on the console. require a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void do if not equal (a, b) then io.put_string ("Not OK: " + a_name) io.put_new_line end end check_string_equality (a_name: STRING; a, b: IMMUTABLE_STRING_32) is -- If `a' and `b' are not equal print something on the console. require a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void do if not equal (a, b) then io.put_string ("Not OK: " + a_name) io.put_new_line end end check_boolean (a_name: STRING; b: BOOLEAN) is -- If `a' and `b' are not equal print something on the console. require a_name_not_void: a_name /= Void do if not b then io.put_string ("Not OK: " + a_name) io.put_new_line end end end