class TEST create make feature make local c, i: CHARACTER_32 p: CHARACTER_PROPERTY do io.put_string ("To lower:%N") from i := '%U' until i > {CHARACTER_32}.max_unicode_value.to_character_32 loop c := i.as_lower if c /= i then put (i) io.put_character (' ') put (c) io.put_new_line end i := i + 1 end io.put_string ("%NTo upper:%N") from i := '%U' until i > {CHARACTER_32}.max_unicode_value.to_character_32 loop c := i.as_upper if c /= i then put (i) io.put_character (' ') put (c) io.put_new_line end i := i + 1 end io.put_string ("%NTo upper and title:%N") from create p.make i := '%U' until i > {CHARACTER_32}.max_unicode_value.to_character_32 loop c := p.to_title (i) if c /= p.to_upper (i) then put (i) io.put_character (' ') put (p.to_upper (i)) io.put_character (' ') put (c) io.put_new_line end i := i + 1 end end feature {NONE} -- Output put (c: CHARACTER_32) -- Print Unicode code of `c`. local s: STRING do from -- Strip 4 leading zeroes. s := c.natural_32_code.to_hex_string until s.count <= 4 or else s [1] /= '0' loop s.remove (1) end io.put_string (s) end end