test_name conversion-take-deanchored-form test_description With full class checking we should detect an error and because this should be on by default we certainly expect the error. The following is the former description of the tests when full class checking was not the norm which explains the few commented line below: "A conversion from has a target which is using an anchor, the created type should rely on the deanchored form of the target to follow the ECMA specification. Note that the test is not using full class checking, the reason is that if it was the code would be rejected since invalid, we are only checking here the code generation to ensure that the creation is indeed using the deanchored form." copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_raw test.e $CLUSTER test.e copy_raw test1.e $CLUSTER test1.e copy_raw test2.e $CLUSTER test2.e copy_raw test3.e $CLUSTER test3.e copy_raw test4.e $CLUSTER test4.e compile_melted compile_result validity_error TEST VJAR --execute_work NONE exec_output1 --execute_result ok --compare exec_output1 output test_end