--| Copyright (c) 1993-2006 University of Southern California and contributors. --| All rights reserved. --| Your use of this work is governed under the terms of the GNU General --| Public License version 2. -- To reproduce error: -- Compile class as is. Compiler won't accept standard operator -- name which has one or more characters in uppercase. class TEST creation make feature make is do print (Current OR Current); io.new_line; print (Current OR ELSE Current); io.new_line; print (Current AND Current); io.new_line; print (Current AND THEN Current); io.new_line; print (Current IMPLIES Current); io.new_line; print (Current XOR Current); io.new_line; print (Current #XOR Current); io.new_line; print (Current.negated); io.new_line; print (NOT Current); io.new_line; print (#NOT Current); io.new_line; end; disjuncted alias "OR" (arg: like Current): like Current is do end; disjuncted_semistrict alias "OR ElsE" (arg: like Current): like Current is do end; conjuncted alias "aNd" (arg: like Current): like Current is do end conjuncted_semistrict alias "aNd Then" (arg: like Current): like Current is do end implication alias "IMpliES" (arg: like Current): like Current is do end disjuncted_exclusive alias "XOr" (arg: like Current): like Current is do end disjuncted_exclusive_sharp alias "#XOr" (arg: like Current): like Current is do end negated alias "NoT": like Current is do end negated_sharp alias "#NoT": like Current is do end end