test_name verbatim-manifest-string test_description Verbatim manifest strings -- Verbatim strings with braces and "old_verbatim_strings (yes)" define EMPTY "" define INDENT "%T%T%T%T" define SPACE " " define OPEN "{" define OPEN_CODE "123" define CLOSE "}" define CLOSE_CODE "125" define CLOSE_OTHER "]" define CLOSE_OTHER_CODE "93" define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS "" define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_sub test.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result ok execute_work NONE old_brace_output execute_result ok compare old_brace_output output cleanup_compile define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok cleanup_compile define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok cleanup_compile -- Verbatim strings with braces and "old_verbatim_strings (no)" define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS "" define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok execute_work NONE new_brace_output execute_result ok compare new_brace_output output cleanup_compile define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok cleanup_compile define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok cleanup_compile -- Verbatim strings with braces and no special options define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS "" define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok execute_work NONE brace_output execute_result ok compare brace_output output cleanup_compile define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok cleanup_compile define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok cleanup_compile -- Verbatim strings with brackets and "" define INDENT "" define SPACE "" define OPEN "[" define OPEN_CODE "91" define CLOSE "]" define CLOSE_CODE "93" define CLOSE_OTHER "}" define CLOSE_OTHER_CODE "125" define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS "" define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_sub test.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result ok execute_work NONE old_bracket_output execute_result ok compare old_bracket_output output cleanup_compile define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok cleanup_compile define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok cleanup_compile -- Verbatim strings with brackets and "old_verbatim_strings (no)" define INDENT "" define SPACE "" define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS "" define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_sub test.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result ok execute_work NONE new_bracket_output execute_result ok compare new_bracket_output output cleanup_compile define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok cleanup_compile define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok cleanup_compile -- Verbatim strings with brackets and no special options define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS "" define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok execute_work NONE bracket_output execute_result ok compare bracket_output output cleanup_compile define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok cleanup_compile define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace compile_melted compile_result ok cleanup_compile -- Test for invalid strings define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS "" define OLD_VERBATIM_STRINGS_WARNING "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace define LINE1 "" define LINE2 "" define LINE1 """ copy_sub test_invalid_syntax.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 15 abort_compile define LINE1 ""a" copy_sub test_invalid_syntax.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 15 abort_compile define LINE1 ""[" copy_sub test_invalid_syntax.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 19 abort_compile define LINE1 ""{" copy_sub test_invalid_syntax.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 19 abort_compile define LINE1 ""a[" copy_sub test_invalid_syntax.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 19 abort_compile define LINE1 ""a{" copy_sub test_invalid_syntax.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 19 abort_compile define LINE1 "a"" copy_sub test_invalid_syntax.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 15 abort_compile define LINE1 ""%" copy_sub test_invalid_syntax.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 15 abort_compile define LINE1 ""a[" define LINE2 "]b"" copy_sub test_invalid_syntax.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 19 abort_compile define LINE1 ""a{" define LINE2 "}b"" copy_sub test_invalid_syntax.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 19 abort_compile define LINE1 ""[" define LINE2 "}"" copy_sub test_invalid_syntax.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 19 abort_compile define LINE1 ""{" define LINE2 "]"" copy_sub test_invalid_syntax.e $CLUSTER test.e compile_melted compile_result syntax_error TEST 19 abort_compile test_end