class TEST create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make local t: HASH_TABLE [INTEGER_32, INTEGER_32] s: STRING_TABLE [INTEGER_32] do create t.make (3) t [1] := 1 t [2] := 2 t [3] := 3 t.remove (0); report (not t.removed, 1) t.remove (5); report (not t.removed, 2) t.remove (2); report (t.removed, 3) t.remove (2); report (not t.removed, 4) create s.make (3) s ["a"] := 1 s ["b"] := 2 s ["c"] := 3 s.remove ("0"); report (not s.removed, 5) s.remove ("x"); report (not s.removed, 6) s.remove ("b"); report (s.removed, 7) s.remove ("b"); report (not s.removed, 8) end feature {NONE} -- Output report (v: BOOLEAN; n: NATURAL_8) -- Report that test of number `n` has been completed with value `v`. do io.put_string ("Test ") io.put_natural_8 (n) io.put_string (if v then ": OK" else ": Failed" end) io.put_new_line end end