note description: "[ Set of features to access ISE runtime functionality. To be used at your own risk. ]" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ISE_RUNTIME feature -- Feature specific to ISE runtime. frozen c_standard_clone (other: POINTER): ANY -- New object of same dynamic type as `other' external "C signature (EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_REFERENCE use %"eif_copy.h%"" alias "eclone" ensure is_class: class end frozen c_conforms_to (obj1, obj2: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Does dynamic type of object attached to `obj1' conform to -- dynamic type of object attached to `obj2'? external "C macro use %"eif_plug.h%"" alias "econfg" ensure is_class: class end frozen c_same_type (obj1, obj2: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- Are dynamic type of object attached to `obj1' and -- dynamic type of object attached to `obj2' the same? external "C macro use %"eif_plug.h%"" alias "estypeg" ensure is_class: class end frozen c_standard_is_equal (target, source: POINTER): BOOLEAN -- C external performing standard equality external "C signature (EIF_REFERENCE, EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_BOOLEAN use %"eif_equal.h%"" alias "eequal" ensure is_class: class end frozen c_standard_copy (source, target: POINTER) -- C external performing standard copy external "C signature (EIF_REFERENCE, EIF_REFERENCE) use %"eif_copy.h%"" alias "ecopy" ensure is_class: class end frozen c_deep_clone (other: POINTER): ANY -- New object structure recursively duplicated from the one -- attached to `other' external "C signature (EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_REFERENCE use %"eif_copy.h%"" alias "edclone" ensure is_class: class end frozen c_deep_equal (a: POINTER; b: like a): BOOLEAN -- Are `a' and `b' attached to recursively isomorphic -- object structures? external "C signature (EIF_REFERENCE, EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_BOOLEAN use %"eif_equal.h%"" alias "ediso" ensure is_class: class end frozen c_tagged_out (o: ANY): STRING -- Printable representation of current object external "C use %"eif_out.h%"" ensure is_class: class end frozen c_generator_of_type (type_id: INTEGER): STRING -- Name of the generating class of current object external "C use %"eif_out.h%"" ensure is_class: class end frozen c_generator (o: POINTER): STRING -- Name of the generating class of current object external "C macro use %"eif_out.h%"" ensure is_class: class end frozen check_assert (b: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN external "C use %"eif_copy.h%"" alias "c_check_assert" ensure is_class: class end frozen c_generating_type (obj: POINTER): STRING external "C macro use %"eif_gen_conf.h%"" alias "eif_gen_typename" ensure is_class: class end frozen c_generating_type_of_type (type_id: INTEGER): STRING external "C signature (int16): EIF_REFERENCE use %"eif_gen_conf.h%"" alias "eif_gen_typename_of_type" ensure is_class: class end frozen sp_count (sp_obj: POINTER): INTEGER -- Count of special object external "C signature (EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_INTEGER use %"eif_plug.h%"" ensure is_class: class end feature -- Internal C routines frozen type_id_from_name (s: POINTER): INTEGER -- Dynamic type whose name is represented by `s'. external "C signature (char *): EIF_INTEGER use %"eif_cecil.h%"" alias "eif_type_id" ensure is_class: class end frozen dynamic_type (object: POINTER): INTEGER -- Dynamic type of `object'. external "C macro signature (EIF_REFERENCE): EIF_INTEGER use %"eif_macros.h%"" alias "Dftype" ensure is_class: class end end -- class ISE_RUNTIME