class TEST inherit EXECUTION_ENVIRONMENT create make feature make do test_mutex test_semaphore test_condvar test_read_write_lock end feature {NONE} -- Mutex test_mutex local mutex: MUTEX worker_thread: WORKER_THREAD do create mutex.make -- Let's verify we do have recursive mutex mutex.lock mutex.lock mutex.unlock mutex.unlock -- `mutex' can now be locked by any thread, let's verify that create worker_thread.make (agent critical_section_1 (mutex)) worker_thread.launch worker_thread.join -- `mutex' cannot be locked by any thread, let's verify that mutex.lock create worker_thread.make (agent critical_section_2 (mutex)) worker_thread.launch worker_thread.join mutex.unlock -- Let's verify recursive mutex works properly mutex.lock mutex.lock mutex.unlock if mutex.try_lock then io.put_string ("Mutex Rec Success%N") mutex.unlock end mutex.unlock -- `mutex' can now be locked by any thread, let's verify that create worker_thread.make (agent critical_section_1 (mutex)) worker_thread.launch worker_thread.join end critical_section_1 (a_mutex: MUTEX) -- Blocking lock on `a_mutex'. do a_mutex.lock io.put_string ("Mutex CS1 Success%N") a_mutex.unlock end critical_section_2 (a_mutex: MUTEX) -- Tentative of lock on `a_mutex'. do if a_mutex.try_lock then a_mutex.unlock else io.put_string ("Mutex CS2 Success%N") end end feature {NONE} -- Semaphore test_semaphore local sem: SEMAPHORE worker_thread_1, worker_thread_2: WORKER_THREAD do create sem.make (0) -- Ensure that we haven't decremented the counter if not sem.try_wait then io.put_string ("Semaphore trywait 1 False%N") end -- Ensure that the wait will eventually return when the other thread will post. create worker_thread_1.make (agent semaphore_wait (sem)) worker_thread_1.launch create worker_thread_2.make (agent worker_thread_2.launch worker_thread_2.join worker_thread_1.join create sem.make (2) sem.wait sem.wait -- Ensure that we haven't decremented the counter if not sem.try_wait then io.put_string ("Semaphore trywait 2 False%N") end if sem.try_wait then io.put_string ("Semaphore trywait 3 True%N") end -- Ensure we can augment the initial count. sem.wait sem.wait sem.wait sem.wait if not sem.try_wait then io.put_string ("Semaphore trywait 4 False%N") end end semaphore_wait (a_sem: SEMAPHORE) do a_sem.wait io.put_string ("Semaphore wait 1 Success%N") end feature {NONE} -- Condition variable test_condvar local cond_var: CONDITION_VARIABLE mutex: MUTEX worker_thread_1, worker_thread_2: WORKER_THREAD i: INTEGER do create cond_var.make create mutex.make cond_var.signal cond_var.broadcast mutex.lock if not cond_var.wait_with_timeout (mutex, 10) then io.put_string ("Condition variable wait 1 Success%N") end mutex.unlock -- Testing signal create worker_thread_1.make (agent condition_wait (mutex, cond_var)) worker_thread_1.launch from i := 1 until i = 11 loop mutex.lock counter := i mutex.unlock cond_var.signal sleep (100_000_000) i := i + 1 end worker_thread_1.join -- Testing broadcast create worker_thread_1.make (agent condition_wait (mutex, cond_var)) worker_thread_1.launch create worker_thread_2.make (agent condition_wait (mutex, cond_var)) worker_thread_2.launch from i := 1 until i = 11 loop mutex.lock counter := i mutex.unlock cond_var.broadcast sleep (100_000_000) i := i + 1 end worker_thread_1.join worker_thread_2.join end counter: INTEGER condition_wait (a_mutex: MUTEX; a_cond_var: CONDITION_VARIABLE) do a_mutex.lock from until counter = 10 loop a_cond_var.wait (a_mutex) end io.put_string ("Condition variable wait 2 Success%N") a_mutex.unlock end feature {NONE} -- Read/Write Lock test_read_write_lock local lock: READ_WRITE_LOCK launch_semaphore: SEMAPHORE worker_thread_1, worker_thread_2: WORKER_THREAD do create lock.make -- Verify read locks are recursive lock.acquire_read_lock lock.acquire_read_lock lock.release_read_lock lock.release_read_lock -- Write locks are not recursive, we test simple sequence lock.acquire_write_lock lock.release_write_lock lock.acquire_read_lock io.put_string ("Read Lock 1 Success%N") -- Use a semaphore to ensure that `worker_thread_1' locks before `worker_thread_2'. create launch_semaphore.make (0) create worker_thread_1.make (agent reader_lock (launch_semaphore, lock)) worker_thread_1.launch launch_semaphore.wait create worker_thread_2.make (agent writer_lock (lock)) worker_thread_2.launch lock.release_read_lock worker_thread_1.join worker_thread_2.join end writer_lock (a_lock: READ_WRITE_LOCK) do a_lock.acquire_write_lock io.put_string ("Write Lock Success%N") a_lock.release_write_lock end reader_lock (a_sem: SEMAPHORE; a_lock: READ_WRITE_LOCK) do a_lock.acquire_read_lock -- Put a sleep to ensure that `writer_lock' will indeed wait for the lock -- to be released at the end of the routine and not before sleep(100_000_000) io.put_string ("Read Lock 2 Success%N") a_lock.release_read_lock end end