note description : "System's root class" class TEST create make feature -- Initialization make -- Creation procedure. local c1, c2, c3, c4: CHARACTER_8 c32: CHARACTER_32 do io.put_string ("CHARACTER_8 tests%N") c1 := '%/0x65/' io.put_character (c1) io.put_new_line c2 := '%/101/' io.put_character (c2) io.put_new_line c3 := '%/0b01100101/' io.put_character (c3) io.put_new_line c4 := '%/0c145/' io.put_character (c4) io.put_new_line io.put_boolean (c1 = c2 and c2 = c3 and c3 = c4) io.put_new_line io.put_string ("CHARACTER_32 tests%N") c32 := '%/0x12345678/' io.put_string (c32.out) io.put_new_line c32 := '%/0b100000000/' io.put_string (c32.out) io.put_new_line c32 := '%/0c777/' io.put_string (c32.out) io.put_new_line end end