test_name vtcg-expanded test_description A generic type TEST1 which has one formal with a creation constraint that is not empty is used with TEST1 [NONE], TEST1 [NUMERIC], TEST1 [ANY]. Each of the types is made expanded. VTCG should be reported except for TEST1 [ANY]. define EXPANDED_1 "expanded" define EXPANDED_2 "" define EXPANDED_3 "" copy_sub Ace $TEST Ace copy_sub test.e $CLUSTER test.e copy_raw test1.e $CLUSTER test1.e compile_melted compile_result validity_error TEST VTCG define EXPANDED_1 "" define EXPANDED_2 "expanded" define EXPANDED_3 "" copy_sub test.e $CLUSTER test.e resume_compile compile_result validity_error TEST VTCG define EXPANDED_1 "" define EXPANDED_2 "" define EXPANDED_3 "expanded" copy_sub test.e $CLUSTER test.e resume_compile compile_result validity_error TEST VTCG define EXPANDED_1 "" define EXPANDED_2 "" define EXPANDED_3 "" copy_sub test.e $CLUSTER test.e resume_compile compile_result ok test_end