note description: "[ Access to command-line arguments. This class may be used as ancestor by classes needing its facilities. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class ARGUMENTS feature -- Access argument (i: INTEGER): STRING -- `i'-th argument of command that started system execution -- (the command name if `i' = 0) require index_large_enough: i >= 0 index_small_enough: i <= argument_count do Result := arg_option (i) end argument_array: ARRAY [STRING] -- Array containing command name (position 0) and arguments once Result := internal_argument_array ensure argument_array_not_void: Result /= Void end command_line: STRING -- Total command line local i: INTEGER once create Result.make (command_name.count) from until i > argument_count loop Result.append (" ") Result.append (arg_option (i)) i := i + 1 end ensure Result.count >= command_name.count end command_name: STRING -- Name of command that started system execution once Result := arg_option (0) ensure definition: Result.is_equal (argument (0)) end feature -- Status report has_word_option (opt: STRING): INTEGER obsolete "Use index_of_word_option instead." do Result := index_of_word_option (opt) end index_of_word_option (opt: STRING): INTEGER -- Does command line specify word option `opt' and, if so, -- at what position? -- If one of the arguments in list of space-separated arguments -- is `Xopt', where `X' is the current `option_sign', -- then index of this argument in list; -- else 0. require opt_non_void: opt /= Void opt_meaningful: not opt.is_empty local i: INTEGER do from i := 1 until i > argument_count or else option_word_equal (argument_array.item (i), opt) loop i := i + 1 end if i <= argument_count then Result := i end end index_of_beginning_with_word_option (opt: STRING): INTEGER -- Does command line specify argument beginning with word -- option `opt' and, if so, at what position? -- If one of the arguments in list of space-separated arguments -- is `Xoptxx', where `X' is the current `option_sign', 'xx' -- is arbitrary, possibly empty sequence of characters, -- then index of this argument in list; -- else 0. require opt_non_void: opt /= Void opt_meaningful: not opt.is_empty local i: INTEGER do from i := 1 until i > argument_count or else option_word_begins_with (argument_array.item (i), opt) loop i := i + 1 end if i <= argument_count then Result := i end end has_character_option (o: CHARACTER): INTEGER obsolete "Use index_of_character_option instead." do Result := index_of_character_option (o) end index_of_character_option (o: CHARACTER): INTEGER -- Does command line specify character option `o' and, if so, -- at what position? -- If one of the space-separated arguments is of the form `Xxxoyy', -- where `X' is the current `option_sign', `xx' and `yy' -- are arbitrary, possibly empty sequences of characters, -- then index of this argument in list of arguments; -- else 0. require o_non_null: o /= '%U' local i: INTEGER do from i := 1 until i > argument_count or else option_character_equal (argument_array.item (i), o) loop i := i + 1 end if i <= argument_count then Result := i end end separate_character_option_value (o: CHARACTER): STRING -- The value, if any, specified after character option `o' on -- the command line. -- This is one of the following (where `X' is the current -- `option_sign', `xx' and 'yy' are arbitrary, possibly empty -- sequences of characters): -- `val' if command line includes two consecutive arguments -- of the form `Xxxoyy' and `val' respectively. -- Empty string if command line includes argument `Xxxoyy', which is -- either last argument or followed by argument starting with `X'. -- Void if there is no argument of the form `Xxxoyy'. require o_non_null: o /= '%U' local p: INTEGER do p := index_of_character_option (o) if p /= 0 then if p = argument_count or else argument_array.item (p + 1).item (1) = option_sign.item then Result := "" else Result := argument_array.item (p + 1) end end end separate_word_option_value (opt: STRING): STRING -- The value, if any, specified after word option `opt' on the -- command line. -- This is one of the following (where `X' is the current `option_sign'): -- `val' if command line includes two consecutive arguments -- of the form `Xopt' and `val' respectively. -- Empty string if command line includes argument `Xopt', which is -- either last argument or followed by argument starting with `X'. -- Void if no `Xopt' argument. require opt_non_void: opt /= Void opt_meaningful: not opt.is_empty local p: INTEGER do p := index_of_word_option (opt) if p /= 0 then if p = argument_count or else argument_array.item (p + 1).item (1) = option_sign.item then Result := "" else Result := argument_array.item (p + 1) end end end coalesced_option_character_value (o: CHARACTER): STRING obsolete "Use coalesced_character_option_value instead." do Result := coalesced_character_option_value (o) end coalesced_character_option_value (o: CHARACTER): STRING -- The value, if any, specified for character option `o' on -- the command line. -- Defined as follows (where 'X' is the current 'option_sign' and -- 'xx' is an arbitrary, possibly empty sequence of characters): -- `val' if command line includes an argument of the form `Xxxoval' -- (this may be an empty string if argument is just `Xxxo'). -- Void otherwise. require o_non_null: o /= '%U' local p: INTEGER l: STRING do p := index_of_character_option (o) if p /= 0 then l := argument_array.item (p).twin if option_sign.item /= '%U' then l.remove (1) end Result := l.substring (l.index_of (o, 1) + 1, l.count) end end coalesced_option_word_value (opt: STRING): STRING obsolete "Use coalesced_word_option_value instead." do Result := coalesced_word_option_value (opt) end coalesced_word_option_value (opt: STRING): STRING -- The value, if any, specified for word option `opt' on the -- command line. -- Defined as follows (where X is the current `option_sign'): -- `val' if command line includes an argument of the form `Xoptval' -- (this may be an empty string if argument is just `Xopt'). -- Void otherwise. require opt_non_void: opt /= Void opt_meaningful: not opt.is_empty local p: INTEGER l: STRING do p := index_of_beginning_with_word_option (opt) if p /= 0 then l := argument_array.item (p).twin if option_sign.item /= '%U' then l.remove (1) end Result := l.substring (opt.count + 1, l.count) end end option_sign: CHARACTER_REF -- The character used to signal options on the command line. -- This can be '%U' if no sign is necesary for the argument -- to be an option -- Default is '-' once create Result Result.set_item ('-') end feature -- Status setting set_option_sign (c: CHARACTER) -- Make `c' the option sign. -- Use'%U' if no sign is necesary for the argument to -- be an option do option_sign.set_item (c) end feature -- Measurement argument_count: INTEGER -- Number of arguments given to command that started -- system execution (command name does not count) once Result := arg_number - 1 ensure Result >= 0 end feature {NONE} -- Implementation arg_number: INTEGER local cmd_line: NATIVE_ARRAY [SYSTEM_STRING] do cmd_line := {ENVIRONMENT}.get_command_line_args Result := cmd_line.count end arg_option (i: INTEGER): STRING local cmd_line: NATIVE_ARRAY [SYSTEM_STRING] do cmd_line := {ENVIRONMENT}.get_command_line_args Result := create {STRING}.make_from_cil (cmd_line.item (i)) end option_word_equal (arg, w: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is `arg' equal to the word option `w'? do if option_sign.item = '%U' then Result := arg.is_equal (w) elseif arg.item (1) = option_sign.item then Result := arg.substring (2, arg.count).is_equal (w) end end option_word_begins_with (arg, w: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Does `arg' begin with the word option `w'? do if option_sign.item = '%U' and then arg.count >= w.count then Result := arg.substring (1, w.count).is_equal (w) elseif arg.item (1) = option_sign.item and then arg.count > w.count then Result := arg.substring (2, w.count + 1).is_equal (w) end end option_character_equal (arg: STRING; c: CHARACTER): BOOLEAN -- Does `arg' contain the character option `c'? do if option_sign.item = '%U' then Result := arg.has (c) elseif arg.item (1) = option_sign.item then Result := arg.substring (2, arg.count).has (c) end end internal_argument_array: ARRAY [STRING] -- Array containing command name (position 0) and arguments local i: INTEGER do create Result.make (0, argument_count) from until i > argument_count loop Result.put (arg_option (i), i) i := i + 1 end ensure internal_argument_array_not_void: Result /= Void end note library: "EiffelBase: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class ARGUMENTS