note description: "[ Facilities for adapting the exception handling mechanism. This class may be used as ancestor by classes needing its facilities. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class EXCEPTIONS inherit EXCEP_CONST feature -- Status report meaning (except: INTEGER): STRING -- A message in English describing what `except' is do if valid_code (except) then Result := exception_names @ except end end assertion_violation: BOOLEAN -- Is last exception originally due to a violated -- assertion or non-decreasing variant? do Result := (original_exception = Check_instruction) or else (original_exception = Class_invariant) or else (original_exception = Loop_invariant) or else (original_exception = Loop_variant) or else (original_exception = Postcondition) or else (original_exception = Precondition) end is_developer_exception: BOOLEAN -- Is the last exception originally due to -- a developer exception? do Result := (original_exception = Developer_exception) end is_developer_exception_of_name (name: STRING): BOOLEAN -- Is the last exception originally due to a developer -- exception of name `name'? do Result := is_developer_exception and then equal (name, developer_exception_name) end developer_exception_name: STRING -- Name of last developer-raised exception require applicable: is_developer_exception local conv_de: EIFFEL_EXCEPTION do conv_de ?= {ISE_RUNTIME}.last_exception Result := conv_de.tag end is_signal: BOOLEAN -- Is last exception originally due to an external -- event (operating system signal)? do Result := (original_exception = Signal_exception) end is_system_exception: BOOLEAN -- Is last exception originally due to an -- external event (operating system error)? do Result := (original_exception = External_exception) or else (original_exception = Operating_system_exception) end tag_name: STRING -- Tag of last violated assertion clause local conv_fl: EIFFEL_EXCEPTION le: NATIVE_EXCEPTION do le := {ISE_RUNTIME}.last_exception if le /= Void then conv_fl ?= le if conv_fl /= Void then Result := conv_fl.tag else create Result.make_from_cil (le.message) end else create Result.make (0) end end recipient_name: STRING -- Name of the routine whose execution was -- interrupted by last exception local le: NATIVE_EXCEPTION do le := {ISE_RUNTIME}.last_exception if le /= Void then create Result.make_from_cil ( else create Result.make (0) end end class_name: STRING -- Name of the class that includes the recipient -- of original form of last exception local le: NATIVE_EXCEPTION do le := {ISE_RUNTIME}.last_exception if le /= Void then create Result.make_from_cil (le.target_site.reflected_type.full_name) else create Result.make (0) end end exception: INTEGER -- Code of last exception that occurred local le: NATIVE_EXCEPTION do le := {ISE_RUNTIME}.last_exception if le /= Void then Result := exception_to_code (le) else Result := 0 end end exception_trace: STRING -- String representation of the exception trace local le: NATIVE_EXCEPTION do le := {ISE_RUNTIME}.last_exception if le /= Void then create Result.make_from_cil (le.stack_trace) else create Result.make (0) end end original_tag_name: STRING -- Assertion tag for original form of last -- assertion violation. local conv_fl: EIFFEL_EXCEPTION le: NATIVE_EXCEPTION do le := {ISE_RUNTIME}.last_exception if le /= Void then from until le.inner_exception = Void loop le := le.inner_exception end conv_fl ?= le if conv_fl /= Void then Result := conv_fl.tag else create Result.make_from_cil (le.message) end else create Result.make (0) end end original_exception: INTEGER -- Original code of last exception that triggered -- current exception local le: NATIVE_EXCEPTION do le := {ISE_RUNTIME}.last_exception if le /= Void then from until le.inner_exception = Void loop le := le.inner_exception end Result := exception_to_code (le) else Result := 0 end end original_recipient_name: STRING -- Name of the routine whose execution was -- interrupted by original form of last exception local le: NATIVE_EXCEPTION do le := {ISE_RUNTIME}.last_exception if le /= Void then from until le.inner_exception = Void loop le := le.inner_exception end create Result.make_from_cil ( else create Result.make (0) end end original_class_name: STRING -- Name of the class that includes the recipient -- of original form of last exception local le: NATIVE_EXCEPTION do le := {ISE_RUNTIME}.last_exception if le /= Void then from until le.inner_exception = Void loop le := le.inner_exception end create Result.make_from_cil (le.target_site.reflected_type.full_name) else create Result.make (0) end end feature -- Status setting catch (code: INTEGER) -- Make sure that any exception of code `code' will be -- caught. This is the default. do check False --| Not supported. end end ignore (code: INTEGER) -- Make sure that any exception of code `code' will be -- ignored. This is not the default. do check False --| Not supported. end end raise (name: STRING) -- Raise a developer exception of name `name'. local fle: EIFFEL_EXCEPTION do create fle.make (Developer_exception, name) {ISE_RUNTIME}.raise (fle) end raise_retrieval_exception (name: STRING) -- Raise a retrieval exception of name `name'. local fle: EIFFEL_EXCEPTION do create fle.make (Retrieve_exception, name) {ISE_RUNTIME}.raise (fle) end die (code: INTEGER) -- Terminate execution with exit status `code', -- without triggering an exception. do {ENVIRONMENT}.exit (code) end new_die (code: INTEGER) obsolete "Use ``die''" -- Terminate execution with exit status `code', -- without triggering an exception. do die (code) end message_on_failure -- Print an exception history table -- in case of failure. -- This is the default. do check False --| Not supported. end end no_message_on_failure -- Do not print an exception history table -- in case of failure. do check False --| Not supported. end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation exception_to_code (ex: NATIVE_EXCEPTION): INTEGER -- Return the Eiffel code corresponding to exception `ex'. require valid_ex: ex /= Void local conv_io: IO_EXCEPTION conv_sys: SYSTEM_EXCEPTION conv_acc: UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS_EXCEPTION conv_sec: SECURITY_EXCEPTION conv_fl: EIFFEL_EXCEPTION do conv_fl ?= ex if conv_fl /= Void then Result := conv_fl.code else conv_sys ?= ex if conv_sys /= Void then Result := Operating_system_exception else conv_acc ?= ex conv_sec ?= ex conv_io ?= ex if conv_io /= Void or conv_sec /= Void or conv_acc /= Void then Result := Io_exception else Result := Signal_exception end end end ensure valid_code: valid_code (Result) end exception_names: ARRAY [STRING] -- Names describing each type of exception. once create Result.make (1, number_of_codes) Result.put ("Feature call on void target.", Void_call_target) Result.put ("No more memory.", No_more_memory) Result.put ("Precondition violated.", Precondition) Result.put ("Postcondition violated.", Postcondition) Result.put ("Floating point exception.", Floating_point_exception) Result.put ("Class invariant violated.", Class_invariant) Result.put ("Assertion violated.", Check_instruction) Result.put ("Routine failure.", Routine_failure) Result.put ("Unmatched inspect value.", Incorrect_inspect_value) Result.put ("Non-decreasing loop variant.", Loop_variant) Result.put ("Loop invariant violated.", Loop_invariant) Result.put ("Operating system signal.", Signal_exception) Result.put ("Eiffel run-time panic.", 13) Result.put ("Exception in rescue clause.", Rescue_exception) Result.put ("Out of memory.", 15) Result.put ("Resumption attempt failed.", 16) Result.put ("Create on deferred.", 17) Result.put ("External event.", External_exception) Result.put ("Void assigned to expanded.", Void_assigned_to_expanded) Result.put ("Exception in signal handler.", 20) Result.put ("I/O error.", Io_exception) Result.put ("Operating system error.", Operating_system_exception) Result.put ("Retrieval error.", Retrieve_exception) Result.put ("Developer exception.", Developer_exception) Result.put ("Eiffel run-time fatal error.", 25) Result.put ("CECIL cannot call melted code", 26) Result.put ("Runtime I/O error.", Runtime_io_exception) Result.put ("COM error.", Com_exception) end note library: "EiffelBase: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end -- class EXCEPTIONS