note description: "[ Sequences of characters, accessible through integer indices in a contiguous range. ]" legal: "See notice at end of class." status: "See notice at end of class." date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class STRING_32 inherit STRING_GENERAL rename append as append_string_general redefine copy, is_equal, out, append_string_general end INDEXABLE [WIDE_CHARACTER, INTEGER] rename item as item redefine copy, is_equal, out, prune_all, changeable_comparison_criterion end RESIZABLE [WIDE_CHARACTER] redefine copy, is_equal, out, changeable_comparison_criterion end TO_SPECIAL [WIDE_CHARACTER] rename item as item redefine copy, is_equal, out, item, infix "@", put, valid_index end MISMATCH_CORRECTOR redefine copy, is_equal, out, correct_mismatch end create make, make_empty, make_filled, make_from_string, make_from_c, make_from_cil convert to_cil: {SYSTEM_STRING}, make_from_cil ({SYSTEM_STRING}), as_string_8: {STRING} feature -- Initialization make (n: INTEGER) -- Allocate space for at least `n' characters. require non_negative_size: n >= 0 do count := 0 internal_hash_code := 0 make_area (n + 1) ensure empty_string: count = 0 area_allocated: capacity >= n end make_empty -- Create empty string. do make (0) ensure empty: count = 0 area_allocated: capacity >= 0 end make_filled (c: WIDE_CHARACTER; n: INTEGER) -- Create string of length `n' filled with `c'. require valid_count: n >= 0 do make (n) fill_character (c) ensure count_set: count = n area_allocated: capacity >= n filled: occurrences (c) = count end make_from_string (s: STRING_32) -- Initialize from the characters of `s'. -- (Useful in proper descendants of class STRING_32, -- to initialize a string-like object from a manifest string.) require string_exists: s /= Void do if Current /= s then area := s.area.twin count := s.count internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure not_shared_implementation: Current /= s implies not shared_with (s) initialized: same_string (s) end make_from_c (c_string: POINTER) -- Initialize from contents of `c_string', -- a string created by some C function require c_string_exists: c_string /= default_pointer local l_count: INTEGER do if area = Void then c_string_provider.share_from_pointer (c_string) l_count := c_string_provider.count make_area (l_count + 1) count := l_count internal_hash_code := 0 c_string_provider.read_string_into (Current) else from_c (c_string) end end make_from_cil (a_system_string: SYSTEM_STRING) -- Initialize Current with `a_system_string'. require is_dotnet: {PLATFORM}.is_dotnet local l_count: INTEGER do if a_system_string /= Void then l_count := a_system_string.length make_area (l_count + 1) count := l_count internal_hash_code := 0 dotnet_convertor.read_system_string_into (a_system_string, Current) else make (0) end end from_c (c_string: POINTER) -- Reset contents of string from contents of `c_string', -- a string created by some C function. require c_string_exists: c_string /= default_pointer local l_count: INTEGER do c_string_provider.share_from_pointer (c_string) -- Resize string in case it is not big enough l_count := c_string_provider.count resize (l_count + 1) count := l_count internal_hash_code := 0 c_string_provider.read_string_into (Current) ensure no_zero_byte: not has ('%/0/') -- characters: for all i in 1..count, item (i) equals -- ASCII character at address c_string + (i - 1) -- correct_count: the ASCII character at address c_string + count -- is NULL end from_c_substring (c_string: POINTER; start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER) -- Reset contents of string from substring of `c_string', -- a string created by some C function. require c_string_exists: c_string /= default_pointer start_position_big_enough: start_pos >= 1 end_position_big_enough: start_pos <= end_pos + 1 local l_count: INTEGER do l_count := end_pos - start_pos + 1 c_string_provider.share_from_pointer_and_count (c_string + (start_pos - 1), l_count) -- Resize string in case it is not big enough resize (l_count + 1) count := l_count internal_hash_code := 0 c_string_provider.read_substring_into (Current, 1, l_count) ensure valid_count: count = end_pos - start_pos + 1 -- characters: for all i in 1..count, item (i) equals -- ASCII character at address c_string + (i - 1) end adapt (s: STRING_32): like Current -- Object of a type conforming to the type of `s', -- initialized with attributes from `s' do Result := new_string (0) Result.share (s) ensure adapt_not_void: Result /= Void shared_implementation: Result.shared_with (s) end remake (n: INTEGER) -- Allocate space for at least `n' characters. obsolete "Use `make' instead" require non_negative_size: n >= 0 do make (n) ensure empty_string: count = 0 area_allocated: capacity >= n end feature -- Access item, infix "@" (i: INTEGER): WIDE_CHARACTER assign put -- Character at position `i' do Result := area.item (i - 1) end code (i: INTEGER): NATURAL_32 -- Numeric code of character at position `i' do Result := area.item (i - 1).code.to_natural_32 end item_code (i: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Numeric code of character at position `i' require index_small_enough: i <= count index_large_enough: i > 0 do Result := area.item (i - 1).code end hash_code: INTEGER -- Hash code value local i, nb: INTEGER l_area: like area do Result := internal_hash_code if Result = 0 then -- The magic number `8388593' below is the greatest prime lower than -- 2^23 so that this magic number shifted to the left does not exceed 2^31. from i := 0 nb := count l_area := area until i = nb loop Result := ((Result \\ 8388593) |<< 8) + l_area.item (i).code i := i + 1 end internal_hash_code := Result end end false_constant: STRING = "false" -- Constant string "false" true_constant: STRING = "true" -- Constant string "true" shared_with (other: STRING_32): BOOLEAN -- Does string share the text of `other'? do Result := (other /= Void) and then (area = other.area) end index_of (c: WIDE_CHARACTER; start_index: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Position of first occurrence of `c' at or after `start_index'; -- 0 if none. require start_large_enough: start_index >= 1 start_small_enough: start_index <= count + 1 local a: like area i, nb: INTEGER do nb := count if start_index <= nb then from i := start_index - 1 a := area until i = nb or else a.item (i) = c loop i := i + 1 end if i < nb then -- We add +1 due to the area starting at 0 and not at 1. Result := i + 1 end end ensure valid_result: Result = 0 or (start_index <= Result and Result <= count) zero_if_absent: (Result = 0) = not substring (start_index, count).has (c) found_if_present: substring (start_index, count).has (c) implies item (Result) = c none_before: substring (start_index, count).has (c) implies not substring (start_index, Result - 1).has (c) end last_index_of (c: WIDE_CHARACTER; start_index_from_end: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Position of last occurrence of `c'. -- 0 if none require start_index_small_enough: start_index_from_end <= count start_index_large_enough: start_index_from_end >= 1 local a: like area i: INTEGER do from i := start_index_from_end - 1 a := area until i < 0 or else a.item (i) = c loop i := i - 1 end -- We add +1 due to the area starting at 0 and not at 1. Result := i + 1 ensure last_index_of_non_negative: Result >= 0 correct_place: Result > 0 implies item (Result) = c -- forall x : Result..last, item (x) /= c end substring_index_in_bounds (other: STRING_32; start_pos, end_pos: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Position of first occurrence of `other' at or after `start_pos' -- and to or before `end_pos'; -- 0 if none. require other_nonvoid: other /= Void other_valid_string_8: other.is_valid_as_string_8 other_notempty: not other.is_empty start_pos_large_enough: start_pos >= 1 start_pos_small_enough: start_pos <= count end_pos_large_enough: end_pos >= start_pos end_pos_small_enough: end_pos <= count do Result := string_searcher.substring_index (Current, other, start_pos, end_pos) ensure correct_place: Result > 0 implies other.is_equal (substring (Result, Result + other.count - 1)) -- forall x : start_pos..Result -- not substring (x, x+other.count -1).is_equal (other) end string: STRING_32 -- New STRING_32 having same character sequence as `Current'. do create Result.make (count) Result.append (Current) ensure string_not_void: Result /= Void string_type: Result.same_type (create {STRING_32}.make_empty) first_item: count > 0 implies Result.item (1) = item (1) recurse: count > 1 implies Result.substring (2, count).is_equal ( substring (2, count).string) end string_representation: STRING_32 -- Similar to `string' but only create a new object if `Current' is not of dynamic type {STRING_8} do if same_type (create {STRING_32}.make_empty) then Result := Current else Result := string end ensure Result_not_void: Result /= Void correct_type: Result.same_type (create {STRING_32}.make_empty) first_item: count > 0 implies Result.item (1) = item (1) recurse: count > 1 implies Result.substring (2, count).is_equal ( substring (2, count).string) end substring_index (other: STRING_32; start_index: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Index of first occurrence of other at or after start_index; -- 0 if none require other_not_void: other /= Void other_valid_string_8: other.is_valid_as_string_8 valid_start_index: start_index >= 1 and start_index <= count + 1 do Result := string_searcher.substring_index (Current, other, start_index, count) ensure valid_result: Result = 0 or else (start_index <= Result and Result <= count - other.count + 1) zero_if_absent: (Result = 0) = not substring (start_index, count).has_substring (other) at_this_index: Result >= start_index implies other.same_string (substring (Result, Result + other.count - 1)) none_before: Result > start_index implies not substring (start_index, Result + other.count - 2).has_substring (other) end fuzzy_index (other: STRING_32; start: INTEGER; fuzz: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Position of first occurrence of `other' at or after `start' -- with 0..`fuzz' mismatches between the string and `other'. -- 0 if there are no fuzzy matches require other_exists: other /= Void other_valid_string_8: other.is_valid_as_string_8 other_not_empty: not other.is_empty start_large_enough: start >= 1 start_small_enough: start <= count acceptable_fuzzy: fuzz <= other.count do Result := string_searcher.fuzzy_index (Current, other, start, count, fuzz) end feature -- Measurement capacity: INTEGER -- Allocated space do Result := area.count - 1 end count: INTEGER -- Actual number of characters making up the string occurrences (c: WIDE_CHARACTER): INTEGER -- Number of times `c' appears in the string local i, nb: INTEGER a: SPECIAL [WIDE_CHARACTER] do from nb := count a := area until i = nb loop if a.item (i) = c then Result := Result + 1 end i := i + 1 end ensure then zero_if_empty: count = 0 implies Result = 0 recurse_if_not_found_at_first_position: (count > 0 and then item (1) /= c) implies Result = substring (2, count).occurrences (c) recurse_if_found_at_first_position: (count > 0 and then item (1) = c) implies Result = 1 + substring (2, count).occurrences (c) end index_set: INTEGER_INTERVAL -- Range of acceptable indexes do create Result.make (1, count) ensure then Result.count = count end feature -- Comparison is_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is string made of same character sequence as `other' -- (possibly with a different capacity)? local l_count: INTEGER do if other = Current then Result := True else l_count := count if l_count = other.count then Result := str_strict_cmp (area, other.area, l_count) = 0 end end end is_case_insensitive_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is string made of same character sequence as `other' regardless of casing -- (possibly with a different capacity)? require is_valid_as_string_8: is_valid_as_string_8 other_not_void: other /= Void other_is_valid_as_string_8: other.is_valid_as_string_8 local l_area, l_other_area: like area i, nb: INTEGER do if other = Current then Result := True else nb := count if nb = other.count then from l_area := area l_other_area := other.area Result := True until i = nb loop if l_area.item (i).as_lower /= l_other_area.item (i).as_lower then Result := False i := nb - 1 -- Jump out of loop end i := i + 1 end end end ensure symmetric: Result implies other.is_case_insensitive_equal (Current) consistent: standard_is_equal (other) implies Result valid_result: as_lower.is_equal (other.as_lower) implies Result end same_string (other: STRING_32): BOOLEAN -- Do `Current' and `other' have same character sequence? require other_not_void: other /= Void local i, nb: INTEGER l_area, l_other_area: like area do if other = Current then Result := True elseif other.count = count then Result := True nb := count if same_type (other) then from l_area := area l_other_area := other.area until i = nb loop if l_area.item (i) /= l_other_area.item (i) then Result := False i := nb -- Jump out of the loop. else i := i + 1 end end else from i := 1 nb := nb + 1 until i = nb loop if item (i) /= other.item (i) then Result := False i := nb -- Jump out of the loop. else i := i + 1 end end end end ensure definition: Result = string.is_equal (other.string) end infix "<" (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is string lexicographically lower than `other'? local other_count: INTEGER current_count: INTEGER do if other /= Current then other_count := other.count current_count := count if other_count = current_count then Result := str_strict_cmp (other.area, area, other_count) > 0 else if current_count < other_count then Result := str_strict_cmp (other.area, area, current_count) >= 0 else Result := str_strict_cmp (other.area, area, other_count) > 0 end end end end feature -- Status report is_string_8: BOOLEAN = False -- Current is not a STRING_8 instance is_string_32: BOOLEAN = True -- Current is a STRING_32 instance is_valid_as_string_8: BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' convertible to STRING_8 without information loss? local i, nb: INTEGER l_area: like area do from nb := count Result := True l_area := area until i = nb or not Result loop Result := l_area.item (i).code <= {CHARACTER}.max_value i := i + 1 end end has (c: WIDE_CHARACTER): BOOLEAN -- Does string include `c'? local i, nb: INTEGER l_area: like area do nb := count if nb > 0 then from l_area := area until i = nb or else (l_area.item (i) = c) loop i := i + 1 end Result := (i < nb) end ensure then false_if_empty: count = 0 implies not Result true_if_first: count > 0 and then item (1) = c implies Result recurse: (count > 0 and then item (1) /= c) implies (Result = substring (2, count).has (c)) end has_substring (other: STRING_32): BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' contain `other'? require other_not_void: other /= Void do if other = Current then Result := True elseif other.count <= count then Result := substring_index (other, 1) > 0 end ensure false_if_too_small: count < other.count implies not Result true_if_initial: (count >= other.count and then other.same_string (substring (1, other.count))) implies Result recurse: (count >= other.count and then not other.same_string (substring (1, other.count))) implies (Result = substring (2, count).has_substring (other)) end extendible: BOOLEAN = True -- May new items be added? (Answer: yes.) prunable: BOOLEAN -- May items be removed? (Answer: yes.) do Result := True end valid_index (i: INTEGER): BOOLEAN -- Is `i' within the bounds of the string? do Result := (i > 0) and (i <= count) end valid_code (v: NATURAL_32): BOOLEAN -- Is `v' a valid code for a CHARACTER_32? do Result := True end changeable_comparison_criterion: BOOLEAN = False is_number_sequence: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' represent a number sequence? do Result := is_valid_integer_or_natural ({NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_no_limitation) ensure syntax_and_range: -- Result is true if and only if the following two -- conditions are satisfied: -- -- In the following BNF grammar, the value of -- Current can be produced by "Integer_literal": -- -- Integer_literal = [Space] [Sign] Integer [Space] -- Space = " " | " " Space -- Sign = "+" | "-" -- Integer = Digit | Digit Integer -- Digit = "0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9" end is_real: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' represent a REAL? do Result := is_double ensure syntax_and_range: -- 'Result' is True if and only if the following two -- conditions are satisfied: -- -- 1. In the following BNF grammar, the value of -- 'Current' can be produced by "Real_literal": -- -- Real_literal = Mantissa [Exponent_part] -- Exponent_part = "E" Exponent -- | "e" Exponent -- Exponent = Integer_literal -- Mantissa = Decimal_literal -- Decimal_literal = Integer_literal ["." [Integer]] | "." Integer -- Integer_literal = [Sign] Integer -- Sign = "+" | "-" -- Integer = Digit | Digit Integer -- Digit = "0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9" -- -- 2. The numerical value represented by 'Current' -- is within the range that can be represented -- by an instance of type REAL. end is_double: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' represent a DOUBLE? do if is_valid_as_string_8 then ctor_convertor.parse_string_with_type (Current, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_double) Result := ctor_convertor.is_integral_double end ensure syntax_and_range: -- 'Result' is True if and only if the following two -- conditions are satisfied: -- -- 1. In the following BNF grammar, the value of -- 'Current' can be produced by "Real_literal": -- -- Real_literal = Mantissa [Exponent_part] -- Exponent_part = "E" Exponent -- | "e" Exponent -- Exponent = Integer_literal -- Mantissa = Decimal_literal -- Decimal_literal = Integer_literal ["." [Integer]] | "." Integer -- Integer_literal = [Sign] Integer -- Sign = "+" | "-" -- Integer = Digit | Digit Integer -- Digit = "0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9" -- -- 2. The numerical value represented by 'Current' -- is within the range that can be represented -- by an instance of type DOUBLE. end is_boolean: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' represent a BOOLEAN? local nb: INTEGER l_area: like area do nb := count if nb = 4 then -- Check if this is `true_constant' l_area := area Result := l_area.item (0).lower = 't' and then l_area.item (1).lower = 'r' and then l_area.item (2).lower = 'u' and then l_area.item (3).lower = 'e' elseif nb = 5 then -- Check if this is `false_constant' l_area := area Result := l_area.item (0).lower = 'f' and then l_area.item (1).lower = 'a' and then l_area.item (2).lower = 'l' and then l_area.item (3).lower = 's' and then l_area.item (4).lower = 'e' end ensure is_boolean: Result = (true_constant.same_string (as_lower.as_string_8) or false_constant.same_string (as_lower.as_string_8)) end is_integer_8: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' represent an INTEGER_8? do Result := is_valid_integer_or_natural ({NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_integer_8) end is_integer_16: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' represent an INTEGER_16? do Result := is_valid_integer_or_natural ({NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_integer_16) end is_integer, is_integer_32: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' represent an INTEGER? do Result := is_valid_integer_or_natural ({NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_integer_32) end is_integer_64: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' represent an INTEGER_64? do Result := is_valid_integer_or_natural ({NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_integer_64) end is_natural_8: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' represent a NATURAL_8? do Result := is_valid_integer_or_natural ({NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_natural_8) end is_natural_16: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' represent a NATURAL_16? do Result := is_valid_integer_or_natural ({NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_natural_16) end is_natural, is_natural_32: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' represent a NATURAL_32? do Result := is_valid_integer_or_natural ({NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_natural_32) end is_natural_64: BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' represent a NATURAL_64? do Result := is_valid_integer_or_natural ({NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_natural_64) end feature -- Element change set (t: like Current; n1, n2: INTEGER) -- Set current string to substring of `t' from indices `n1' -- to `n2', or to empty string if no such substring. require argument_not_void: t /= Void local s: STRING_32 do s := t.substring (n1, n2) area := s.area count := s.count internal_hash_code := 0 ensure is_substring: is_equal (t.substring (n1, n2)) end copy (other: like Current) -- Reinitialize by copying the characters of `other'. -- (This is also used by `twin'.) local old_area: like area do if other /= Current then old_area := area standard_copy (other) -- Note: <= is needed as all Eiffel string should have an -- extra character to insert null character at the end. if old_area = Void or else old_area.count <= count then area := area.twin else old_area.copy_data (area, 0, 0, count) area := old_area end internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure then new_result_count: count = other.count -- same_characters: For every `i' in 1..`count', `item' (`i') = `other'.`item' (`i') end subcopy (other: like Current; start_pos, end_pos, index_pos: INTEGER) -- Copy characters of `other' within bounds `start_pos' and -- `end_pos' to current string starting at index `index_pos'. require other_not_void: other /= Void valid_start_pos: other.valid_index (start_pos) valid_end_pos: other.valid_index (end_pos) valid_bounds: (start_pos <= end_pos) or (start_pos = end_pos + 1) valid_index_pos: valid_index (index_pos) enough_space: (count - index_pos) >= (end_pos - start_pos) local l_other_area, l_area: like area do l_other_area := other.area l_area := area if end_pos >= start_pos then if l_area /= l_other_area then l_area.copy_data (l_other_area, start_pos - 1, index_pos - 1, end_pos - start_pos + 1) else l_area.overlapping_move (start_pos - 1, index_pos - 1, end_pos - start_pos + 1) end internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure same_count: count = old count copied: elks_checking implies (is_equal (old substring (1, index_pos - 1) + old other.substring (start_pos, end_pos) + old substring (index_pos + (end_pos - start_pos + 1), count))) end replace_substring (s: STRING_32; start_index, end_index: INTEGER) -- Replace characters from `start_index' to `end_index' with `s'. require string_not_void: s /= Void valid_start_index: 1 <= start_index valid_end_index: end_index <= count meaningfull_interval: start_index <= end_index + 1 local new_size: INTEGER diff: INTEGER l_area: like area s_count: INTEGER old_count: INTEGER do s_count := s.count old_count := count diff := s_count - (end_index - start_index + 1) new_size := diff + old_count if diff > 0 then -- We need to resize the string. grow (new_size) end l_area := area --| We move the end of the string forward (if diff is > 0), backward (if diff < 0), --| and nothing otherwise. if diff /= 0 then l_area.overlapping_move (end_index, end_index + diff, old_count - end_index) end --| Set new count set_count (new_size) --| We copy the substring. l_area.copy_data (s.area, 0, start_index - 1, s_count) ensure new_count: count = old count + old s.count - end_index + start_index - 1 replaced: elks_checking implies (is_equal (old (substring (1, start_index - 1) + s + substring (end_index + 1, count)))) end replace_substring_all (original, new: like Current) -- Replace every occurrence of `original' with `new'. require original_exists: original /= Void new_exists: new /= Void original_not_empty: not original.is_empty original_is_valid_as_string_8: original.is_valid_as_string_8 local l_first_pos, l_next_pos: INTEGER l_orig_count, l_new_count, l_count: INTEGER l_area, l_new_area: like area l_offset: INTEGER l_string_searcher: like string_searcher do if not is_empty then l_count := count l_string_searcher := string_searcher l_string_searcher.initialize_deltas (original) l_first_pos := l_string_searcher.substring_index_with_deltas (Current, original, 1, l_count) if l_first_pos > 0 then l_orig_count := original.count l_new_count := new.count if l_orig_count = l_new_count then -- String will not be resized, simply perform character substitution from l_area := area l_new_area := new.area until l_first_pos = 0 loop l_area.copy_data (l_new_area, 0, l_first_pos - 1, l_new_count) if l_first_pos + l_new_count <= l_count then l_first_pos := l_string_searcher.substring_index_with_deltas (Current, original, l_first_pos + l_new_count, l_count) else l_first_pos := 0 end end elseif l_orig_count > l_new_count then -- New string is smaller than previous string, we can optimize -- substitution by only moving block between two occurrences of `orginal'. from l_next_pos := l_string_searcher.substring_index_with_deltas (Current, original, l_first_pos + l_orig_count, l_count) l_area := area l_new_area := new.area until l_next_pos = 0 loop -- Copy new string into Current l_area.copy_data (l_new_area, 0, l_first_pos - 1 - l_offset, l_new_count) -- Shift characters between `l_first_pos' and `l_next_pos' l_area.overlapping_move (l_first_pos + l_orig_count - 1, l_first_pos + l_new_count - 1 - l_offset, l_next_pos - l_first_pos - l_orig_count) l_first_pos := l_next_pos l_offset := l_offset + (l_orig_count - l_new_count) if l_first_pos + l_new_count <= l_count then l_next_pos := l_string_searcher.substring_index_with_deltas (Current, original, l_first_pos + l_orig_count, l_count) else l_next_pos := 0 end end -- Perform final substitution: -- Copy new string into Current l_area.copy_data (l_new_area, 0, l_first_pos - 1 - l_offset, l_new_count) -- Shift characters between `l_first_pos' and the end of the string l_area.overlapping_move (l_first_pos + l_orig_count - 1, l_first_pos + l_new_count - 1 - l_offset, l_count + 1 - l_first_pos - l_orig_count) -- Perform last substitution l_offset := l_offset + (l_orig_count - l_new_count) -- Update `count' set_count (l_count - l_offset) else -- Optimization is harder as we don't know how many times we need to resize -- the string. For now, we do like we did in our previous implementation from until l_first_pos = 0 loop replace_substring (new, l_first_pos, l_first_pos + l_orig_count - 1) l_count := count if l_first_pos + l_new_count <= l_count then l_first_pos := l_string_searcher.substring_index_with_deltas (Current, original, l_first_pos + l_new_count, l_count) else l_first_pos := 0 end end end internal_hash_code := 0 end end end replace_blank -- Replace all current characters with blanks. do fill_with (' ') ensure same_size: (count = old count) and (capacity >= old capacity) all_blank: elks_checking implies occurrences (' ') = count end fill_blank -- Fill with `capacity' blank characters. do fill_character (' ') ensure filled: full same_size: (count = capacity) and (capacity = old capacity) -- all_blank: For every `i' in `count'..`capacity', `item' (`i') = `Blank' end fill_with (c: WIDE_CHARACTER) -- Replace every character with `c'. local l_count: INTEGER do l_count := count if l_count /= 0 then area.fill_with (c, 0, count - 1) internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure same_count: (count = old count) and (capacity >= old capacity) filled: elks_checking implies occurrences (c) = count end replace_character (c: WIDE_CHARACTER) -- Replace every character with `c'. obsolete "ELKS 2001: use `fill_with' instead'" do fill_with (c) ensure same_count: (count = old count) and (capacity >= old capacity) filled: elks_checking implies occurrences (c) = count end fill_character (c: WIDE_CHARACTER) -- Fill with `capacity' characters all equal to `c'. local l_cap: like capacity do l_cap := capacity if l_cap /= 0 then area.fill_with (c, 0, l_cap - 1) count := l_cap internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure filled: full same_size: (count = capacity) and (capacity = old capacity) -- all_char: For every `i' in 1..`capacity', `item' (`i') = `c' end head (n: INTEGER) -- Remove all characters except for the first `n'; -- do nothing if `n' >= `count'. obsolete "ELKS 2001: use `keep_head' instead'" require non_negative_argument: n >= 0 do keep_head (n) ensure new_count: count = n.min (old count) kept: elks_checking implies is_equal (old substring (1, n.min (count))) end keep_head (n: INTEGER) -- Remove all characters except for the first `n'; -- do nothing if `n' >= `count'. require non_negative_argument: n >= 0 do if n < count then count := n internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure new_count: count = n.min (old count) kept: elks_checking implies is_equal (old substring (1, n.min (count))) end tail (n: INTEGER) -- Remove all characters except for the last `n'; -- do nothing if `n' >= `count'. obsolete "ELKS 2001: use `keep_tail' instead'" require non_negative_argument: n >= 0 do keep_tail (n) ensure new_count: count = n.min (old count) kept: elks_checking implies is_equal (old substring (count - n.min(count) + 1, count)) end keep_tail (n: INTEGER) -- Remove all characters except for the last `n'; -- do nothing if `n' >= `count'. require non_negative_argument: n >= 0 local nb: like count do nb := count if n < nb then area.overlapping_move (nb - n, 0, n) count := n internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure new_count: count = n.min (old count) kept: elks_checking implies is_equal (old substring (count - n.min(count) + 1, count)) end left_adjust -- Remove leading whitespace. require is_valid_as_string_8: is_valid_as_string_8 local nb, nb_space: INTEGER l_area: like area do -- Compute number of spaces at the left of current string. from nb := count - 1 l_area := area until nb_space > nb or else not l_area.item (nb_space).is_space loop nb_space := nb_space + 1 end if nb_space > 0 then -- Set new count value. nb := nb + 1 - nb_space -- Shift characters to the left. l_area.overlapping_move (nb_space, 0, nb) -- Set new count. count := nb internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure valid_count: count <= old count new_count: not is_empty implies not item (1).is_space kept: elks_checking implies is_equal ((old twin).substring (old count - count + 1, old count)) end right_adjust -- Remove trailing whitespace. require is_valid_as_string_8: is_valid_as_string_8 local i, nb: INTEGER nb_space: INTEGER l_area: like area do -- Compute number of spaces at the right of current string. from nb := count - 1 i := nb l_area := area until i < 0 or else not l_area.item (i).is_space loop nb_space := nb_space + 1 i := i - 1 end if nb_space > 0 then -- Set new count. count := nb + 1 - nb_space internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure valid_count: count <= old count new_count: (count /= 0) implies ((item (count) /= ' ') and (item (count) /= '%T') and (item (count) /= '%R') and (item (count) /= '%N')) kept: elks_checking implies is_equal ((old twin).substring (1, count)) end share (other: STRING_32) -- Make current string share the text of `other'. -- Subsequent changes to the characters of current string -- will also affect `other', and conversely. require argument_not_void: other /= Void do area := other.area count := other.count internal_hash_code := 0 ensure shared_count: other.count = count shared_area: other.area = area end put (c: WIDE_CHARACTER; i: INTEGER) -- Replace character at position `i' by `c'. do area.put (c, i - 1) internal_hash_code := 0 ensure then stable_count: count = old count stable_before_i: elks_checking implies substring (1, i - 1).is_equal (old substring (1, i - 1)) stable_after_i: elks_checking implies substring (i + 1, count).is_equal (old substring (i + 1, count)) end put_code (v: NATURAL_32; i: INTEGER) -- Replace character at position `i' by character of code `v'. do area.put (v.to_character_32, i - 1) internal_hash_code := 0 end precede, prepend_character (c: WIDE_CHARACTER) -- Add `c' at front. local l_area: like area do if count = capacity then resize (count + additional_space) end l_area := area l_area.overlapping_move (0, 1, count) l_area.put (c, 0) count := count + 1 internal_hash_code := 0 ensure new_count: count = old count + 1 end prepend (s: STRING_32) -- Prepend a copy of `s' at front. require argument_not_void: s /= Void do insert_string (s, 1) ensure new_count: count = old (count + s.count) inserted: elks_checking implies string.is_equal (old (s.twin) + old substring (1, count)) end prepend_boolean (b: BOOLEAN) -- Prepend the string representation of `b' at front. do prepend (b.out) end prepend_double (d: DOUBLE) -- Prepend the string representation of `d' at front. do prepend (d.out) end prepend_integer (i: INTEGER) -- Prepend the string representation of `i' at front. do prepend (i.out) end prepend_real (r: REAL) -- Prepend the string representation of `r' at front. do prepend (r.out) end prepend_string (s: STRING_32) -- Prepend a copy of `s', if not void, at front. do if s /= Void then prepend (s) end end append_string_general (s: STRING_GENERAL) -- Append a copy of `s' at end. local l_s32: STRING_32 do if same_type (s) then l_s32 ?= s check l_s32_not_void: l_s32 /= Void end append (l_s32) else Precursor {STRING_GENERAL} (s) end end append (s: STRING_32) -- Append a copy of `s' at end. require argument_not_void: s /= Void local l_count, l_s_count, l_new_size: INTEGER do l_s_count := s.count if l_s_count > 0 then l_count := count l_new_size := l_s_count + l_count if l_new_size > capacity then resize (l_new_size + additional_space) end area.copy_data (s.area, 0, l_count, l_s_count) count := l_new_size internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure new_count: count = old count + old s.count appended: elks_checking implies is_equal (old twin + old s.twin) end infix "+" (s: STRING_32): like Current -- Append a copy of 's' at the end of a copy of Current, -- Then return the Result. require argument_not_void: s /= Void do Result := new_string (count + s.count) Result.append (Current) Result.append (s) ensure Result_exists: Result /= Void new_count: Result.count = count + s.count initial: elks_checking implies Result.substring (1, count).is_equal (Current) final: elks_checking implies Result.substring (count + 1, count + s.count).same_string (s) end append_string (s: STRING_32) -- Append a copy of `s', if not void, at end. do if s /= Void then append (s) end ensure appended: s /= Void implies (elks_checking implies is_equal (old twin + old s.twin)) end append_integer (i: INTEGER) -- Append the string representation of `i' at end. local l_value: INTEGER l_starting_index, l_ending_index: INTEGER l_temp: WIDE_CHARACTER l_area: like area do if i = 0 then append_character ('0') else -- Extract integer value digit by digit from right to left. from l_starting_index := count if i < 0 then append_character ('-') l_starting_index := l_starting_index + 1 -- Special case for minimum integer value as negating it -- as no effect. if i = {INTEGER}.Min_value then append_character ('8') l_value := -(i // 10) else l_value := -i end else l_value := i end until l_value = 0 loop append_character (((l_value \\ 10)+ 48).to_character_32) l_value := l_value // 10 end -- Now put digits in correct order from left to right. from l_ending_index := count - 1 l_area := area until l_starting_index >= l_ending_index loop l_temp := l_area.item (l_starting_index) l_area.put (l_area.item (l_ending_index), l_starting_index) l_area.put (l_temp, l_ending_index) l_ending_index := l_ending_index - 1 l_starting_index := l_starting_index + 1 end end end append_real (r: REAL) -- Append the string representation of `r' at end. do append (r.out) end append_double (d: DOUBLE) -- Append the string representation of `d' at end. do append (d.out) end append_character, extend (c: WIDE_CHARACTER) -- Append `c' at end. local current_count: INTEGER do current_count := count if current_count = capacity then resize (current_count + additional_space) end area.put (c, current_count) count := current_count + 1 internal_hash_code := 0 ensure then item_inserted: item (count) = c new_count: count = old count + 1 stable_before: elks_checking implies substring (1, count - 1).is_equal (old twin) end append_boolean (b: BOOLEAN) -- Append the string representation of `b' at end. do append (b.out) end insert (s: STRING_32; i: INTEGER) -- Add `s' to left of position `i' in current string. obsolete "ELKS 2001: use `insert_string' instead" require string_exists: s /= Void index_small_enough: i <= count + 1 index_large_enough: i > 0 do insert_string (s, i) ensure inserted: elks_checking implies (is_equal (old substring (1, i - 1) + old (s.twin) + old substring (i, count))) end insert_string (s: STRING_32; i: INTEGER) -- Insert `s' at index `i', shifting characters between ranks -- `i' and `count' rightwards. require string_exists: s /= Void valid_insertion_index: 1 <= i and i <= count + 1 local pos, new_size: INTEGER l_s_count: INTEGER l_area: like area do -- Insert `s' if `s' is not empty, otherwise is useless. l_s_count := s.count if l_s_count /= 0 then -- Resize Current if necessary. new_size := l_s_count + count if new_size > capacity then resize (new_size + additional_space) end -- Perform all operations using a zero based arrays. l_area := area pos := i - 1 -- First shift from `s.count' position all characters starting at index `pos'. l_area.overlapping_move (pos, pos + l_s_count, count - pos) -- Copy string `s' at index `pos'. l_area.copy_data (s.area, 0, pos, l_s_count) count := new_size internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure inserted: elks_checking implies (is_equal (old substring (1, i - 1) + old (s.twin) + old substring (i, count))) end insert_character (c: WIDE_CHARACTER; i: INTEGER) -- Insert `c' at index `i', shifting characters between ranks -- `i' and `count' rightwards. require valid_insertion_index: 1 <= i and i <= count + 1 local pos, new_size: INTEGER l_area: like area do -- Resize Current if necessary. new_size := 1 + count if new_size > capacity then resize (new_size + additional_space) end -- Perform all operations using a zero based arrays. pos := i - 1 l_area := area -- First shift from `s.count' position all characters starting at index `pos'. l_area.overlapping_move (pos, pos + 1, count - pos) -- Insert new character l_area.put (c, pos) count := new_size internal_hash_code := 0 ensure one_more_character: count = old count + 1 inserted: item (i) = c stable_before_i: elks_checking implies substring (1, i - 1).is_equal (old substring (1, i - 1)) stable_after_i: elks_checking implies substring (i + 1, count).is_equal (old substring (i, count)) end feature -- Removal remove (i: INTEGER) -- Remove `i'-th character. local l_count: INTEGER do l_count := count -- Shift characters to the left. area.overlapping_move (i, i - 1, l_count - i) -- Update content. count := l_count - 1 internal_hash_code := 0 end remove_head (n: INTEGER) -- Remove first `n' characters; -- if `n' > `count', remove all. require n_non_negative: n >= 0 do if n > count then count := 0 internal_hash_code := 0 else keep_tail (count - n) end ensure removed: elks_checking implies is_equal (old substring (n.min (count) + 1, count)) end remove_substring (start_index, end_index: INTEGER) -- Remove all characters from `start_index' -- to `end_index' inclusive. require valid_start_index: 1 <= start_index valid_end_index: end_index <= count meaningful_interval: start_index <= end_index + 1 local l_count, nb_removed: INTEGER do nb_removed := end_index - start_index + 1 if nb_removed > 0 then l_count := count area.overlapping_move (start_index + nb_removed - 1, start_index - 1, l_count - end_index) count := l_count - nb_removed end ensure removed: elks_checking implies is_equal (old substring (1, start_index - 1) + old substring (end_index + 1, count)) end remove_tail (n: INTEGER) -- Remove last `n' characters; -- if `n' > `count', remove all. require n_non_negative: n >= 0 local l_count: INTEGER do l_count := count if n > l_count then count := 0 internal_hash_code := 0 else keep_head (l_count - n) end ensure removed: elks_checking implies is_equal (old substring (1, count - n.min (count))) end prune (c: WIDE_CHARACTER) -- Remove first occurrence of `c', if any. require else True local counter: INTEGER do from counter := 1 until counter > count or else (item (counter) = c) loop counter := counter + 1 end if counter <= count then remove (counter) end end prune_all (c: WIDE_CHARACTER) -- Remove all occurrences of `c'. require else True local i, j, nb: INTEGER l_area: like area l_char: WIDE_CHARACTER do -- Traverse string and shift characters to the left -- each time we find an occurrence of `c'. from l_area := area nb := count until i = nb loop l_char := l_area.item (i) if l_char /= c then l_area.put (l_char, j) j := j + 1 end i := i + 1 end count := j internal_hash_code := 0 ensure then changed_count: count = (old count) - (old occurrences (c)) -- removed: For every `i' in 1..`count', `item' (`i') /= `c' end prune_all_leading (c: WIDE_CHARACTER) -- Remove all leading occurrences of `c'. do from until is_empty or else item (1) /= c loop remove (1) end end prune_all_trailing (c: WIDE_CHARACTER) -- Remove all trailing occurrences of `c'. do from until is_empty or else item (count) /= c loop remove (count) end end wipe_out -- Remove all characters. do create area.make (1) count := 0 internal_hash_code := 0 ensure then is_empty: count = 0 empty_capacity: capacity = 0 end clear_all -- Reset all characters. do count := 0 internal_hash_code := 0 ensure is_empty: count = 0 same_capacity: capacity = old capacity end feature -- Resizing adapt_size -- Adapt the size to accommodate `count' characters. do resize (count) end resize (newsize: INTEGER) -- Rearrange string so that it can accommodate -- at least `newsize' characters. -- Do not lose any previously entered character. local area_count: INTEGER do area_count := area.count if newsize >= area_count then area := area.aliased_resized_area (newsize + 1) end end grow (newsize: INTEGER) -- Ensure that the capacity is at least `newsize'. do if newsize > capacity then resize (newsize) end end feature -- Conversion as_lower: like Current -- New object with all letters in lower case. require is_valid_as_string_8: is_valid_as_string_8 do Result := twin Result.to_lower ensure length: Result.count = count anchor: count > 0 implies Result.item (1) = item (1).as_lower recurse: count > 1 implies Result.substring (2, count). is_equal (substring (2, count).as_lower) end as_upper: like Current -- New object with all letters in upper case require is_valid_as_string_8: is_valid_as_string_8 do Result := twin Result.to_upper ensure length: Result.count = count anchor: count > 0 implies Result.item (1) = item (1).as_upper recurse: count > 1 implies Result.substring (2, count). is_equal (substring (2, count).as_upper) end left_justify -- Left justify Current using `count' as witdth. local i, nb: INTEGER l_area: like area do -- Remove leading white spaces. nb := count left_adjust -- Get new count i := count if i < nb then -- `left_adjust' did remove some characters, so we need to add -- some white spaces at the end of the string. from l_area := area until i = nb loop l_area.put (' ', i) i := i + 1 end -- Restore `count' count := nb internal_hash_code := 0 end end center_justify -- Center justify Current using `count' as width. require is_valid_as_string_8: is_valid_as_string_8 local i, nb, l_offset: INTEGER left_nb_space, right_nb_space: INTEGER l_area: like area do -- Compute number of spaces at the left of current string. from nb := count l_area := area until left_nb_space = nb or else not l_area.item (left_nb_space).is_space loop left_nb_space := left_nb_space + 1 end -- Compute number of spaces at the right of current string. from i := nb - 1 l_area := area until i = -1 or else not l_area.item (i).is_space loop right_nb_space := right_nb_space + 1 i := i - 1 end -- We encourage that more spaces will be put to the left, when -- number of spaces is not even. l_offset := left_nb_space + right_nb_space if l_offset \\ 2 = 0 then l_offset := left_nb_space - l_offset // 2 else l_offset := left_nb_space - l_offset // 2 - 1 end if l_offset = 0 then -- Nothing to be done. else -- Shift characters to the right or left (depending on sign of -- `l_offset' by `l_offset' position. l_area.move_data (left_nb_space, left_nb_space - l_offset, nb - left_nb_space - right_nb_space) if l_offset < 0 then -- Fill left part with spaces. l_area.fill_with (' ', left_nb_space, left_nb_space - l_offset - 1) else -- Fill right part with spaces. l_area.fill_with (' ', nb - right_nb_space - l_offset, nb - 1) end internal_hash_code := 0 end end right_justify -- Right justify Current using `count' as width. local i, nb: INTEGER nb_space: INTEGER l_area: like area do nb := count right_adjust i := count nb_space := nb - i if nb_space > 0 then -- Shift characters to the right. from l_area := area variant i + 1 until i = 0 loop i := i - 1 l_area.put (l_area.item (i), i + nb_space) end -- Fill left part with spaces. from variant nb_space + 1 until nb_space = 0 loop nb_space := nb_space - 1 l_area.put (' ', nb_space) end -- Restore `count' count := nb internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure same_count: count = old count end character_justify (pivot: WIDE_CHARACTER; position: INTEGER) -- Justify a string based on a `pivot' -- and the `position' it needs to be in -- the final string. -- This will grow the string if necessary -- to get the pivot in the correct place. require valid_position: position <= capacity positive_position: position >= 1 pivot_not_space: pivot /= ' ' not_empty: not is_empty local l_index_of_pivot, l_new_size: INTEGER l_area: like area do l_index_of_pivot := index_of (pivot, 1) if l_index_of_pivot /= 0 then if l_index_of_pivot < position then -- We need to resize Current so that we can shift Current by -- `l_index_of_pivot - position'. l_new_size := count + position - l_index_of_pivot grow (l_new_size) l_area := area l_area.move_data (0, position - l_index_of_pivot, count) l_area.fill_with (' ', 0, position - l_index_of_pivot - 1) count := l_new_size else -- Simply shift content to the left and reset trailing with spaces. l_area := area l_area.move_data (l_index_of_pivot - position, 0, count - l_index_of_pivot + position) l_area.fill_with (' ', count - l_index_of_pivot + position, count - 1) end internal_hash_code := 0 end end to_lower -- Convert to lower case. require is_valid_as_string_8: is_valid_as_string_8 local i: INTEGER a: like area do from i := count - 1 a := area until i < 0 loop a.put (a.item (i).lower, i) i := i - 1 end internal_hash_code := 0 ensure length_end_content: elks_checking implies is_equal (old as_lower) end to_upper -- Convert to upper case. require is_valid_as_string_8: is_valid_as_string_8 local i: INTEGER a: like area do from i := count - 1 a := area until i < 0 loop a.put (a.item (i).upper, i) i := i - 1 end internal_hash_code := 0 ensure length_end_content: elks_checking implies is_equal (old as_upper) end to_integer_8: INTEGER_8 -- 8-bit integer value require is_integer_8: is_integer_8 do ctoi_convertor.parse_string_with_type (Current, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_integer_8) Result := ctoi_convertor.parsed_integer_8 end to_integer_16: INTEGER_16 -- 16-bit integer value require is_integer_16: is_integer_16 do ctoi_convertor.parse_string_with_type (Current, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_integer_16) Result := ctoi_convertor.parsed_integer_16 end to_integer, to_integer_32: INTEGER -- 32-bit integer value require is_integer: is_integer_32 do ctoi_convertor.parse_string_with_type (Current, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_integer_32) Result := ctoi_convertor.parsed_integer end to_integer_64: INTEGER_64 -- 64-bit integer value require is_integer_64: is_integer_64 do ctoi_convertor.parse_string_with_type (Current, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_integer_64) Result := ctoi_convertor.parsed_integer_64 end to_natural_8: NATURAL_8 -- 8-bit natural value require is_natural_8: is_natural_8 do ctoi_convertor.parse_string_with_type (Current, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_natural_8) Result := ctoi_convertor.parsed_natural_8 end to_natural_16: NATURAL_16 -- 16-bit natural value require is_natural_16: is_natural_16 do ctoi_convertor.parse_string_with_type (Current, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_natural_16) Result := ctoi_convertor.parsed_natural_16 end to_natural, to_natural_32: NATURAL_32 -- 32-bit natural value require is_natural: is_natural do ctoi_convertor.parse_string_with_type (Current, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_natural_32) Result := ctoi_convertor.parsed_natural_32 end to_natural_64: NATURAL_64 -- 64-bit natural value require is_natural_64: is_natural_64 do ctoi_convertor.parse_string_with_type (Current, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_natural_64) Result := ctoi_convertor.parsed_natural_64 end to_real: REAL -- Real value; -- for example, when applied to "123.0", will yield 123.0 require represents_a_real: is_real do Result := to_double end to_double: DOUBLE -- "Double" value; -- for example, when applied to "123.0", will yield 123.0 (double) require represents_a_double: is_double do ctor_convertor.parse_string_with_type (Current, {NUMERIC_INFORMATION}.type_double) Result := ctor_convertor.parsed_double end to_boolean: BOOLEAN -- Boolean value; -- "True" yields `True', "False" yields `False' -- (case-insensitive) require is_boolean: is_boolean do check true_constant.count = 4 end if count = 4 then Result := True end ensure to_boolean: (Result = true_constant.same_string (as_lower.as_string_8)) or (not Result = false_constant.same_string (as_lower.as_string_8)) end linear_representation: LINEAR [WIDE_CHARACTER] -- Representation as a linear structure local temp: ARRAYED_LIST [WIDE_CHARACTER] i: INTEGER do create temp.make (capacity) from i := 1 until i > count loop temp.extend (item (i)) i := i + 1 end Result := temp end split (a_separator: WIDE_CHARACTER): LIST [STRING_32] -- Split on `a_separator'. local l_list: ARRAYED_LIST [STRING_32] part: STRING_32 i, j, c: INTEGER do c := count -- Worse case allocation: every character is a separator create l_list.make (c + 1) if c > 0 then from i := 1 until i > c loop j := index_of (a_separator, i) if j = 0 then -- No separator was found, we will -- simply create a list with a copy of -- Current in it. j := c + 1 end part := substring (i, j - 1) l_list.extend (part) i := j + 1 end if j = c then check last_character_is_a_separator: item (j) = a_separator end -- A separator was found at the end of the string l_list.extend ("") end else -- Extend empty string, since Current is empty. l_list.extend ("") end Result := l_list check l_list.count = occurrences (a_separator) + 1 end ensure Result /= Void end frozen to_c: ANY -- A reference to a C form of current string. -- Useful only for interfacing with C software. require not_is_dotnet: not {PLATFORM}.is_dotnet local l_area: like area do l_area := area l_area.put ('%U', count) Result := l_area end mirrored: like Current -- Mirror image of string; -- Result for "Hello world" is "dlrow olleH". do Result := twin if count > 0 then Result.mirror end ensure same_count: Result.count = count -- reversed: For every `i' in 1..`count', `Result'.`item' (`i') = `item' (`count'+1-`i') end mirror -- Reverse the order of characters. -- "Hello world" -> "dlrow olleH". local a: like area c: WIDE_CHARACTER i, j: INTEGER do if count > 0 then from i := count - 1 a := area until i <= j loop c := a.item (i) a.put (a.item (j), i) a.put (c, j) i := i - 1 j := j + 1 end internal_hash_code := 0 end ensure same_count: count = old count -- reversed: For every `i' in 1..`count', `item' (`i') = old `item' (`count'+1-`i') end feature -- Duplication substring (start_index, end_index: INTEGER): like Current -- Copy of substring containing all characters at indices -- between `start_index' and `end_index' do if (1 <= start_index) and (start_index <= end_index) and (end_index <= count) then Result := new_string (end_index - start_index + 1) Result.area.copy_data (area, start_index - 1, 0, end_index - start_index + 1) Result.set_count (end_index - start_index + 1) else Result := new_string (0) end ensure then first_item: Result.count > 0 implies Result.item (1) = item (start_index) recurse: Result.count > 0 implies Result.substring (2, Result.count).is_equal (substring (start_index + 1, end_index)) end multiply (n: INTEGER) -- Duplicate a string within itself -- ("hello").multiply(3) => "hellohellohello" require meaningful_multiplier: n >= 1 local s: like Current i: INTEGER do s := twin grow (n * count) from i := n until i = 1 loop append (s) i := i - 1 end end feature -- Output out: STRING -- Printable representation do create Result.make (count) Result.append (as_string_8) ensure then out_not_void: Result /= Void same_items: same_type ("") implies Result.same_string (as_string_8) end feature {STRING_HANDLER} -- Implementation frozen set_count (number: INTEGER) -- Set `count' to `number' of characters. do count := number internal_hash_code := 0 end feature {NONE} -- Empty string implementation internal_hash_code: INTEGER -- Computed hash-code. frozen set_internal_hash_code (v: like internal_hash_code) -- Set `internal_hash_code' with `v'. do internal_hash_code := v end feature {NONE} -- Implementation new_string (n: INTEGER): like Current -- New instance of current with space for at least `n' characters. require n_non_negative: n >= 0 do create Result.make (n) ensure new_string_not_void: Result /= Void new_string_empty: Result.is_empty new_string_area_big_enough: Result.capacity >= n end feature {NONE} -- Transformation correct_mismatch -- Attempt to correct object mismatch during retrieve using `mismatch_information'. do -- Nothing to be done because we only added `internal_hash_code' that will -- be recomputed next time we query `hash_code'. end feature {NONE} -- Implementation is_valid_integer_or_natural (type: INTEGER) : BOOLEAN -- Is `Current' a valid number according to given `type'? do Result := is_valid_as_string_8 if Result then ctoi_convertor.reset (type) ctoi_convertor.parse_string_with_type (Current, type) Result := ctoi_convertor.is_integral_integer end end str_strict_cmp (this, other: like area; nb: INTEGER): INTEGER -- Compare `this' and `other' strings -- for the first `nb' characters. -- 0 if equal, < 0 if `this' < `other', -- > 0 if `this' > `other' require this_not_void: this /= Void or else nb = 0 other_not_void: other /= Void nb_non_negative: nb >= 0 nb_valid: (this /= Void implies nb <= this.count) and nb <= other.count local i, l_current_code, l_other_code: INTEGER do from until i = nb loop l_current_code := this.item (i).code l_other_code := other.item (i).code if l_current_code /= l_other_code then Result := l_current_code - l_other_code i := nb - 1 -- Jump out of loop end i := i + 1 end end invariant extendible: extendible compare_character: not object_comparison index_set_has_same_count: index_set.count = count area_not_void: area /= Void note library: "EiffelBase: Library of reusable components for Eiffel." copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2006, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 356 Storke Road, Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end