class E2B_BOOGIE_OUTPUT_PARSER create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize output parser. do end feature -- Access last_result: E2B_BOOGIE_RESULT -- Last Boogie result. feature -- Basic operations parse (a_boogie_output: STRING) -- Parse Boogie output and create result. local l_line: STRING do -- Reset state create last_result.make input_lines := Void current_procedure_result := Void current_procedure_error := Void -- Parse output across a_boogie_output.split ('%N') as l loop l_line := l l_line.right_adjust if not (l_line.is_empty or l_line.starts_with ("//")) then parse_line (l_line) end end postprocess_times end feature {NONE} -- Implementation input_lines: LIST [STRING] -- Input to Boogie verifier as list of lines. current_procedure_result: E2B_BOOGIE_PROCEDURE_RESULT -- Info of currently processed procedure result. current_procedure_error: E2B_BOOGIE_PROCEDURE_ERROR -- Info of currenlty processed procedure error. parse_line (a_line: STRING) -- Parse individual line. local l_line: INTEGER do if version_regexp.matches (a_line) then -- version: version_regexp.captured_substring (1) last_result.set_boogie_version (version_regexp.captured_substring (1)) elseif parsing_regexp.matches (a_line) then -- boogie file name: parsing_regexp.captured_substring (1) fill_boogie_input_lines (create {PATH}.make_from_string (parsing_regexp.captured_substring (1))) last_result.set_input_text (input_lines) elseif finished_regexp.matches (a_line) then -- nr verified: finished_regexp.captured_substring (1).to_integer -- nr failed: finished_regexp.captured_substring (2).to_integer -- inconclusive text (optional): finished_regexp.captured_substring (3) -- nr inconclusive (optional): finished_regexp.captured_substring (4).to_integer check current_procedure_error = Void end check current_procedure_result = Void or else current_procedure_result.is_error end elseif verifying_regexp.matches (a_line) then -- name of procedure: verifying_regexp.captured_substring (1) check current_procedure_error = Void end check current_procedure_result = Void or else current_procedure_result.is_error end create current_procedure_result.make (verifying_regexp.captured_substring (1), last_result) elseif verified_regexp.matches (a_line) then -- time in seconds: verified_regexp.captured_substring (1).to_real -- result (inconclusive/error/verified): verified_regexp.captured_substring (2) check current_procedure_error = Void end check current_procedure_result /= Void end if verified_regexp.captured_substring (3) ~ "verified" then current_procedure_result.set_successful elseif verified_regexp.captured_substring (3) ~ "inconclusive" then current_procedure_result.set_inconclusive else check verified_regexp.captured_substring (3).starts_with ("error") end current_procedure_result.set_error end if attached verified_regexp.captured_substring (1) as t then if t.has (',') then t.replace_substring_all (",", ".") end if t.is_real_32 then current_procedure_result.set_time (t.to_real_32) end end last_result.procedure_results.extend (current_procedure_result) if not current_procedure_result.is_error then current_procedure_result := Void end elseif boogie_error_regexp.matches (a_line) then -- file: boogie_error_regexp.captured_substring (1) -- line: boogie_error_regexp.captured_substring (2).to_integer -- column: boogie_error_regexp.captured_substring (3).to_integer -- error message: boogie_error_regexp.captured_substring (4) check current_procedure_error = Void end check attached current_procedure_result implies current_procedure_result.is_error end l_line := boogie_error_regexp.captured_substring (2).to_integer create current_procedure_error.make (boogie_error_regexp.captured_substring (4)) current_procedure_error.set_line (l_line, input_lines.i_th (l_line)) if attached current_procedure_result then current_procedure_result.errors.extend (current_procedure_error) else last_result.boogie_errors.extend (current_procedure_error.error_message) end if not current_procedure_error.has_related_location then current_procedure_error := Void end elseif error_regexp.matches (a_line) then -- file: error_regexp.captured_substring (1) -- line: error_regexp.captured_substring (2).to_integer -- column: error_regexp.captured_substring (3).to_integer -- error code: error_regexp.captured_substring (4) -- error message: error_regexp.captured_substring (5) check current_procedure_error = Void end check current_procedure_result /= Void end l_line := error_regexp.captured_substring (2).to_integer create current_procedure_error.make (error_regexp.captured_substring (5)) current_procedure_error.set_line (l_line, input_lines.i_th (l_line)) current_procedure_result.errors.extend (current_procedure_error) if not current_procedure_error.has_related_location then current_procedure_error := Void end elseif related_regexp.matches (a_line) then -- file: related_regexp.captured_substring (1) -- line: related_regexp.captured_substring (2).to_integer -- column: related_regexp.captured_substring (3).to_integer -- message: related_regexp.captured_substring (4) check current_procedure_error /= Void end check current_procedure_result /= Void end l_line := related_regexp.captured_substring (2).to_integer current_procedure_error.set_related_line (l_line, input_lines.i_th (l_line)) current_procedure_error := Void end end fill_boogie_input_lines (a_filename: PATH) -- Fill `input_lines' with file `a_filename'. local l_file: PLAIN_TEXT_FILE do create l_file.make_with_path (a_filename) create {ARRAYED_LIST [STRING]} input_lines.make (10_000) from l_file.open_read until l_file.end_of_file loop l_file.read_line input_lines.extend (l_file.last_string.twin) end l_file.close end postprocess_times -- Change verification times from cumulative to differences. local l_sorted_procs: ARRAYED_LIST [E2B_BOOGIE_PROCEDURE_RESULT] j: INTEGER do -- Sort procedures results in descending order by verification times: create l_sorted_procs.make (last_result.procedure_results.count) across last_result.procedure_results as i loop from j := 1 until j > l_sorted_procs.count or else l_sorted_procs [j].time < i.time loop j := j + 1 end l_sorted_procs.go_i_th (j) l_sorted_procs.put_left (i) end -- For each result in the list but last, subtract the time of the next procedure from j := 1 until j >= l_sorted_procs.count loop l_sorted_procs [j].set_time (l_sorted_procs [j].time - l_sorted_procs [j + 1].time) j := j + 1 end end feature {NONE} -- Regular expressions version_regexp: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- Regular expression for version information line. once create Result.make Result.compile ("^Boogie program verifier version ([^,]*).*$") end parsing_regexp: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- Regular expression for parsing line once create Result.make Result.compile ("^Parsing (.*)$") end finished_regexp: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- Regular expression for finished line. once create Result.make Result.compile ("^Boogie program verifier finished with ([0-9]*) verified, ([0-9]*) errors?(, ([0-9]*) inconclusives?)?$") end verifying_regexp: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- Regular expression for verifying section. once create Result.make Result.compile ("^Verifying\s+([\w.$#\^]+)\s+.*$") end verified_regexp: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- Regular expression for verified information line. once create Result.make Result.compile ("^\s*\[([0-9.,]*) s, (solver resource count: [0-9]+, )?[0-9]+ proof obligations?\]\s*(\w+)\s*$") end boogie_error_regexp: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- Regular expression for error line. once create Result.make Result.compile ("^(.*)\(([0-9]*),([0-9]*)\): [Ee]rror: (.*)$") end error_regexp: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- Regular expression for error line. once create Result.make Result.compile ("^(.*)\(([0-9]*),([0-9]*)\): Error (.*): (.*)$") end related_regexp: RX_PCRE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION -- Regular expression for related information line. once create Result.make Result.compile ("^(.*)\(([0-9]*),([0-9]*)\): Related location: (.*)$") end note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2013-2014 ETH Zurich", "Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Politecnico di Milano", "Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Schaffhausen Institute of Technology" author: "Julian Tschannen", "Nadia Polikarpova", "Alexander Kogtenkov" license: "GNU General Public License" license_name: "GPL" EIS: "name=GPL", "src=", "tag=license" copying: "[ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ]" end