note description: "Replaces the nth occurence (or all occurences, if nth<=0) of a_old with a_new in a_post. It DOES NOT change a_post.expression. it stores the result in output." class IV_EXPRESSION_REPLACER inherit IV_EXPRESSION_VISITOR create make_nth feature {NONE} -- Initialization make_nth(a_post_expression: IV_EXPRESSION; a_old, a_new: IV_EXPRESSION; a_n_th: INTEGER) -- replace the n_th occurence of a_old in a_post with a_new -- if n_th is <=0, replace all occurences of a_old -- DOES NOT change a_post. it stores the result in output. output will always be a new object (twin). require post_not_void: a_post_expression /= Void a_old_not_void: a_old /= Void a_newt_not_void: a_new /= Void do if a_n_th <= 0 then replace_all := True else replace_all := False set_i_th (1) n_th := a_n_th end postcondition_expression := a_post_expression old_expression := a_old new_expression := a_new output := a_post_expression.twin end feature {IV_EXPRESSION_REPLACER} --Implementation replace_all: BOOLEAN postcondition_expression: IV_EXPRESSION old_expression: IV_EXPRESSION new_expression: IV_EXPRESSION n_th: INTEGER i_th: INTEGER -- Everytime there is an occurrence of old_expression, i_th is incremented by 1. it starts at 1. This is only needed if only the n_th occurrence should be changed. feature -- result is saved in output output: IV_EXPRESSION feature --VISITOR process_binary_operation (a_operation: IV_BINARY_OPERATION) -- Process `a_operation'. local left_replacer: IV_EXPRESSION_REPLACER right_replacer: IV_EXPRESSION_REPLACER new_left: IV_EXPRESSION new_right: IV_EXPRESSION new_binary: IV_BINARY_OPERATION do if replace_all then -- if old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_operation) then --this expression needs to be replaced, and we are finished. if are_equal(old_expression, a_operation) then --this expression needs to be replaced, and we are finished. output:= new_expression.twin else -- check if left or right has to be replaced. create left_replacer.make_nth (a_operation.left, old_expression, new_expression, 0) a_operation.left.process (left_replacer) new_left := left_replacer.output create right_replacer.make_nth (a_operation.right, old_expression, new_expression, 0) a_operation.right.process (right_replacer) new_right := right_replacer.output create new_binary.make (new_left, a_operation.operator, new_right, a_operation.type) output := new_binary.twin end else --code to replace n_th occurrence -- if old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_operation) then if are_equal(old_expression, a_operation) then if i_th = n_th then --this occurrence needs to be replaced, and we are finished. output := new_expression.twin increment_i_th else --increment i_th and then process children create left_replacer.make_nth (a_operation.left, old_expression, new_expression, n_th) left_replacer.set_i_th (i_th+1) a_operation.left.process (left_replacer) set_i_th (left_replacer.i_th) new_left := left_replacer.output create right_replacer.make_nth (a_operation.right, old_expression, new_expression, n_th) right_replacer.set_i_th (i_th+1) a_operation.right.process (right_replacer) set_i_th (right_replacer.i_th) new_right := right_replacer.output create new_binary.make (new_left, a_operation.operator, new_right, a_operation.type) output := new_binary.twin end else --this expression doesn't match the one that has to be replaced, so i_th is NOT incremented. create left_replacer.make_nth (a_operation.left, old_expression, new_expression, n_th) left_replacer.set_i_th (i_th) a_operation.left.process (left_replacer) set_i_th (left_replacer.i_th) new_left := left_replacer.output create right_replacer.make_nth (a_operation.right, old_expression, new_expression, n_th) right_replacer.set_i_th (i_th) a_operation.right.process (right_replacer) set_i_th (right_replacer.i_th) new_right := right_replacer.output create new_binary.make (new_left, a_operation.operator, new_right, a_operation.type) output := new_binary.twin end end end process_conditional_expression (a_conditional: IV_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION) -- do check False end end process_entity (a_entity: IV_ENTITY) -- Process `a_entity'. do if replace_all then -- if old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_entity) then if are_equal(old_expression, a_entity) then output := new_expression.twin else output := a_entity.twin end else--code for replace n_th -- if i_th = n_th and old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_entity) then if i_th = n_th and are_equal(old_expression, a_entity) then output := new_expression.twin increment_i_th -- elseif old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_entity) then --but i_th /= n_th elseif are_equal(old_expression, a_entity) then increment_i_th output := a_entity.twin else output := a_entity.twin end end end process_exists (a_exists: IV_EXISTS) -- Process `a_exists'. local rep: IV_EXPRESSION_REPLACER -- replace the expression of this exist if necessary new_exists: IV_EXISTS do --TODO. isn't needed in my case. if replace_all then if old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_exists) then output := new_expression.twin; else create rep.make_nth (a_exists.expression, old_expression, new_expression, 0) a_exists.expression.process (rep) -- TODO FIXME need to edit bound and free variables create new_exists.make (rep.output) -- TODO FIXME add new bound variables to new_exists output := new_exists.twin end else --replace nth end end process_forall (a_forall: IV_FORALL) -- Process `a_forall'. local rep: IV_EXPRESSION_REPLACER lower_bound_processed: IV_EXPRESSION_REPLACER upper_bound_processed: IV_EXPRESSION_REPLACER new_bounds: IV_BINARY_OPERATION new_bin: IV_BINARY_OPERATION new_lower_bound: IV_BINARY_OPERATION new_upper_bound: IV_BINARY_OPERATION new_forall: IV_FORALL do if replace_all then -- if old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_forall) then --I don't think this is ever needed in my case, a_forall should never have to be replaced. not sure though, doesn't hurt. if are_equal(old_expression, a_forall) then output := new_expression.twin else -- shouldn't mess with the bound variable within the bounds. so if (1 <= i and i <= n) => (a[i] bla bla), don't mess with the i in the bounds on the left side of implication. -- so when translated back to across, it's still fine. if attached {IV_BINARY_OPERATION} a_forall.expression as totbin then if attached {IV_BINARY_OPERATION} totbin.left as bounds then if attached {IV_BINARY_OPERATION} bounds.left as lower_bound then -- process left side of lower bound, but not right side create lower_bound_processed.make_nth (lower_bound.left, old_expression, new_expression, 0) lower_bound.left.process (lower_bound_processed) create new_lower_bound.make (lower_bound_processed.output, lower_bound.operator, lower_bound.right, lower_bound.type) if attached {IV_BINARY_OPERATION} bounds.right as upper_bound then -- process righ side of upper bound, but not left side create upper_bound_processed.make_nth (upper_bound.right, old_expression, new_expression, 0) upper_bound.right.process (upper_bound_processed) create new_upper_bound.make (upper_bound.left, upper_bound.operator, upper_bound_processed.output, upper_bound.type) create new_bounds.make (new_lower_bound, bounds.operator, new_upper_bound, bounds.type) -- process right side of bin expression create rep.make_nth (totbin.right, old_expression, new_expression, 0) totbin.right.process (rep) create new_bin.make (new_bounds, totbin.operator, rep.output, totbin.type) create new_forall.make (new_bin) across a_forall.bound_variables as bvs loop --assumes bound variables weren't replaced. -- new_forall.add_bound_variable (, bvs.item.type) new_forall.bound_variables.force (bvs) end output := new_forall.twin end else -- old code backup create rep.make_nth (a_forall.expression, old_expression, new_expression, 0) a_forall.expression.process (rep) create new_forall.make (rep.output) across a_forall.bound_variables as bvs loop --assumes bound variables weren't replaced. -- new_forall.add_bound_variable (, bvs.item.type) new_forall.bound_variables.force (bvs) end output := new_forall.twin; end elseif attached {IV_FUNCTION_CALL} totbin.left as bounds_expression then -- forall structure create rep.make_nth (a_forall.expression, old_expression, new_expression, 0) a_forall.expression.process (rep) create new_forall.make (rep.output) across a_forall.bound_variables as bvs loop --assumes bound variables weren't replaced. -- new_forall.add_bound_variable (, bvs.item.type) new_forall.bound_variables.force (bvs) end output := new_forall.twin; end else --old code backup create rep.make_nth (a_forall.expression, old_expression, new_expression, 0) a_forall.expression.process (rep) create new_forall.make (rep.output) across a_forall.bound_variables as bvs loop --assumes bound variables weren't replaced. -- new_forall.add_bound_variable (, bvs.item.type) new_forall.bound_variables.force (bvs) end output := new_forall.twin; end end else --replace nth. -- if old_expression.is_deep_equal (a_forall) and i_th = n_th then if are_equal(old_expression, a_forall) and i_th = n_th then output := new_expression.twin increment_i_th -- elseif old_expression.is_deep_equal (a_forall) then -- but i_th /= n_th elseif are_equal(old_expression, a_forall) then increment_i_th create rep.make_nth (a_forall.expression, old_expression, new_expression, n_th) rep.set_i_th (i_th) a_forall.expression.process (rep) set_i_th (rep.i_th) create new_forall.make (rep.output) across a_forall.bound_variables as bvs loop new_forall.add_bound_variable (, bvs.type) new_forall.bound_variables.last.set_property ( --assumes bound variables are always added to the end of the list. end output := new_forall.twin else --a_forall is NOT equal to old_expression create rep.make_nth (a_forall.expression, old_expression, new_expression, n_th) rep.set_i_th (i_th) a_forall.expression.process (rep) set_i_th (rep.i_th) create new_forall.make (rep.output) across a_forall.bound_variables as bvs loop new_forall.add_bound_variable (, bvs.type) new_forall.bound_variables.last.set_property ( --assumes bound variables are always added to the end of the list. end output := new_forall.twin end end end process_function_call (a_call: IV_FUNCTION_CALL) -- Process `a_call' local rep:IV_EXPRESSION_REPLACER new_fun_call: IV_FUNCTION_CALL do if replace_all then -- if old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_call) then if are_equal(old_expression, a_call) then output := new_expression.twin else create new_fun_call.make (, a_call.type) across a_call.arguments as args loop create rep.make_nth (args, old_expression, new_expression, 0) args.process (rep) new_fun_call.add_argument (rep.output) end output := new_fun_call.twin end else --replace nth -- if old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_call) and i_th = n_th then if are_equal(old_expression, a_call) and i_th = n_th then increment_i_th output := new_expression.twin -- elseif old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_call) then -- but i_th /= n_th elseif are_equal(old_expression, a_call) then increment_i_th --not sure if it is necessary to process children in this case? can children be equal if this is equal? create new_fun_call.make (, a_call.type) across a_call.arguments as args loop create rep.make_nth (args, old_expression, new_expression, n_th) rep.set_i_th (i_th) args.process(rep) set_i_th (rep.i_th) new_fun_call.add_argument (rep.output) end output := new_fun_call.twin else --a_call is NOT equal to old_expression, check children create new_fun_call.make (, a_call.type) across a_call.arguments as args loop create rep.make_nth (args, old_expression, new_expression, n_th) rep.set_i_th (i_th) args.process(rep) set_i_th (rep.i_th) new_fun_call.add_argument (rep.output) end output := new_fun_call.twin end end end process_map_access (a_map_access: IV_MAP_ACCESS) -- Process `a_map_access'. local rep: IV_EXPRESSION_REPLACER new_map_access: IV_MAP_ACCESS new_target: IV_EXPRESSION i: INTEGER do if replace_all then -- if a_map_access.is_the_same (old_expression) then -- if old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_map_access) then --perhaps change to is_the_same if are_equal(old_expression, a_map_access) then output := new_expression.twin; else --replace target if needed. create rep.make_nth (, old_expression, new_expression, 0) (rep) new_target := rep.output create new_map_access.make (new_target, a_map_access.indexes.i_th (1)) --replace expression of first index if needed create rep.make_nth (new_map_access.indexes.i_th (1), old_expression, new_expression, 0) new_map_access.indexes.i_th (1).process (rep) new_map_access.indexes.put_i_th (rep.output, 1) --replace expressions of rest of indexes from i:=2 until i>a_map_access.indexes.count loop create rep.make_nth (a_map_access.indexes.i_th (i), old_expression, new_expression, 0) a_map_access.indexes.i_th (i).process (rep) new_map_access.indexes.force (rep.output) i:=i+1 end end else--replace nth -- if (old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_map_access)) and i_th = n_th then if are_equal(old_expression, a_map_access) and i_th = n_th then increment_i_th output := new_expression.twin -- elseif old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_map_access) then -- but i_th /= n_th elseif are_equal(old_expression, a_map_access) then increment_i_th -- this is probably not needed, since children cant be equal if current node is equal? create rep.make_nth (, old_expression, new_expression, n_th) rep.set_i_th (i_th) (rep) set_i_th (rep.i_th) new_target := rep.output create new_map_access.make (new_target, a_map_access.indexes.i_th (1)) --replace expression of first index if nedded. create rep.make_nth (new_map_access.indexes.i_th (1), old_expression, new_expression, n_th) rep.set_i_th (i_th) new_map_access.indexes.i_th (1).process (rep) set_i_th (rep.i_th) new_map_access.indexes.put_i_th (rep.output, 1) --replace expressions of rest of indexes from i:=2 until i> a_map_access.indexes.count loop create rep.make_nth (a_map_access.indexes.i_th (i), old_expression, new_expression, n_th) rep.set_i_th (i_th) a_map_access.indexes.i_th (i).process (rep) set_i_th (rep.i_th) new_map_access.indexes.force (rep.output) i:= i+1 end output := new_map_access.twin else --a_map_access is NOT equal to old_expression, check children --this creates duplicates since IV_MAP_ACCESS has problems with checking equality. --if this is uncommented, some mutations are generated twice. --remove_duplicates in IV_MUTATOR can't remove these duplicates, because IV_MAP_ACCESS are not considered equal with is_deep_equal or any other method. create rep.make_nth (, old_expression, new_expression, n_th) rep.set_i_th (i_th) (rep) set_i_th (rep.i_th) new_target := rep.output create new_map_access.make (new_target, a_map_access.indexes.i_th (1)) --replace expression of first index if nedded. create rep.make_nth (new_map_access.indexes.i_th (1), old_expression, new_expression, n_th) rep.set_i_th (i_th) new_map_access.indexes.i_th (1).process (rep) set_i_th (rep.i_th) new_map_access.indexes.put_i_th (rep.output, 1) --replace expressions of rest of indexes from i:=2 until i> a_map_access.indexes.count loop create rep.make_nth (a_map_access.indexes.i_th (i), old_expression, new_expression, n_th) rep.set_i_th (i_th) a_map_access.indexes.i_th (i).process (rep) set_i_th (rep.i_th) new_map_access.indexes.force (rep.output) i:= i+1 end output := new_map_access.twin end end end process_map_update (a_map_update: IV_MAP_UPDATE) -- Process `a_map_update'. do check not_implemented: False end end process_unary_operation (a_operation: IV_UNARY_OPERATION) -- Process `a_operation'. local rep: IV_EXPRESSION_REPLACER new_unary: IV_UNARY_OPERATION do if replace_all then -- if old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_operation) then if are_equal(old_expression, a_operation) then output := new_expression.twin else create rep.make_nth (a_operation.expression, old_expression, new_expression, 0) a_operation.expression.process (rep) create new_unary.make (a_operation.operator, rep.output, a_operation.type) output := new_unary.twin end else --code for replace nth -- if old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_operation) and i_th = n_th then if are_equal(old_expression, a_operation) and i_th = n_th then output:= new_expression.twin increment_i_th -- elseif old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_operation) then -- but i_th /= n_th elseif are_equal(old_expression, a_operation) then increment_i_th --should children be processed in this case? can children at all equal old_expression if this equals old expression? create rep.make_nth (a_operation.expression, old_expression, new_expression, n_th) rep.set_i_th (i_th) a_operation.expression.process (rep) set_i_th (rep.i_th) create new_unary.make (a_operation.operator, rep.output, a_operation.type) output := new_unary.twin else -- a_operation is NOT equal to old_expression create rep.make_nth (a_operation.expression, old_expression, new_expression, n_th) rep.set_i_th (i_th) a_operation.expression.process (rep) set_i_th (rep.i_th) create new_unary.make (a_operation.operator, rep.output, a_operation.type) output := new_unary.twin end end end process_value (a_value: IV_VALUE) -- Process `a_value'. do -- if replace_all then -- if old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_value) then if are_equal(old_expression, a_value) then output := new_expression.twin else output := a_value.twin end else --code for replace nth -- if old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_value) and i_th = n_th then if are_equal(old_expression, a_value) and i_th = n_th then output := new_expression.twin increment_i_th -- elseif old_expression.is_deep_equal(a_value) then -- but i_th /= n_th elseif are_equal(old_expression, a_value) then output := a_value.twin increment_i_th else output := a_value.twin end end end feature --setter set_i_th(a_i: INTEGER) -- set i_th to a_i do i_th:= a_i end increment_i_th --increment i_th by 1 do i_th:= i_th+1 end feature -- check for equality are_equal(e1, e2: IV_EXPRESSION): BOOLEAN require e1 /= Void e2 /= Void local the_comparer: IV_COMPARER do create the_comparer.make_with_comparee (e2) e1.process (the_comparer) Result := the_comparer.output end note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2013-2014 ETH Zurich", "Copyright (c) 2018 Politecnico di Milano", "Copyright (c) 2022 Schaffhausen Institute of Technology" author: "Julian Tschannen", "Nadia Polikarpova", "Alexander Kogtenkov" license: "GNU General Public License" license_name: "GPL" EIS: "name=GPL", "src=", "tag=license" copying: "[ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ]" end