note description: "Helper class to create IV-nodes." frozen class IV_FACTORY inherit IV_SHARED_TYPES rename equal as any_equal end E2B_SHARED_CONTEXT rename equal as any_equal export {NONE} all end INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER rename equal as any_equal export {NONE} all end feature -- Values false_: IV_VALUE -- Value for constant `false'. do create Result.make ("false", types.bool) end true_: IV_VALUE -- Value for constant `true'. do create Result.make ("true", types.bool) end void_: IV_VALUE -- Value for constant `Void'. do create Result.make ("Void", types.ref) end int_value (a_value: INTEGER): IV_VALUE -- Value for integer `a_value'. do create Result.make (a_value.out, end int64_value (a_value: INTEGER_64): IV_VALUE -- Value for integer `a_value'. do create Result.make (a_value.out, end nat64_value (a_value: NATURAL_64): IV_VALUE -- Value for integer `a_value'. do create Result.make (a_value.out, end real_value (a_value: REAL_64): IV_VALUE -- Value for floating point `a_value'. local l_temp: STRING do l_temp := a_value.out if not l_temp.has ('.') then l_temp.append (".0") end create Result.make (l_temp, types.real) end type_value (a_value: CL_TYPE_A): IV_VALUE -- Value for integer `a_value'. do create Result.make (name_translator.boogie_name_for_type (a_value), types.type) end feature -- Entities entity (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8; a_type: IV_TYPE): IV_ENTITY -- Entity with name `a_name' and type `a_type'. do create Result.make (a_name, a_type) end unique_entity (a_name_prefix: READABLE_STRING_8; a_type: IV_TYPE): IV_ENTITY -- Entity with name `a_name_X' (where 'X' is unique) and type `a_type'. do create Result.make (helper.unique_identifier (a_name_prefix), a_type) end heap_entity (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8): IV_ENTITY do Result := entity (a_name, types.heap) end global_heap: IV_ENTITY once Result := heap_entity ("Heap") end old_heap: IV_EXPRESSION once Result := function_call ("old", << global_heap >>, types.heap) end ref_entity (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8): IV_ENTITY do Result := entity (a_name, types.ref) end std_current: IV_ENTITY once Result := ref_entity ("Current") end universe: IV_ENTITY once create Result.make ("universe", types.set (types.ref)) end feature -- Boolean operators or_ (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- Or operator `||'. do create Result.make (a_left, "||", a_right, types.bool) end or_clean (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_EXPRESSION -- Or operator `||', removing "false" disjuncts. do if a_left.is_false then Result := a_right elseif a_right.is_false then Result := a_left else Result := or_ (a_left, a_right) end end and_ (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- And operator `&&'. do create Result.make (a_left, "&&", a_right, types.bool) end and_clean (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_EXPRESSION -- And operator `&&', removing "true" conjuncts. do if a_left.is_true then Result := a_right elseif a_right.is_true then Result := a_left else Result := and_ (a_left, a_right) end end implies_ (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- Implies operator `==>'. do create Result.make (a_left, "==>", a_right, types.bool) end implies_clean (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_EXPRESSION -- Implies operator `==>', removing "true" antecedents. do if a_left.is_true then Result := a_right else Result := implies_ (a_left, a_right) end end equiv (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- Equivalence operator `==>'. do create Result.make (a_left, "<==>", a_right, types.bool) end not_ (a_expr: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_UNARY_OPERATION -- Not operator `!'. do create Result.make ("!", a_expr, types.bool) end conditional (a_cond, a_then, a_else: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION -- Expression "if a_cond then a_then else a_else" do create Result.make_if_then_else (a_cond, a_then, a_else) end conjunction (a_conjuncts: ITERABLE [IV_ASSERT]): IV_EXPRESSION -- Conjunction of all expressions in `a_conjuncts'. do Result := true_ across a_conjuncts as i loop Result := and_clean (Result, i.expression) end end feature -- Relational operators equal (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- Equal operator `=='. do create Result.make (a_left, "==", a_right, types.bool) end not_equal (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- Not equal operator `!='. do create Result.make (a_left, "!=", a_right, types.bool) end less_equal (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- Less than or equal operator `<='. do create Result.make (a_left, "<=", a_right, types.bool) end less (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- Less than operator `<'. do create Result.make (a_left, "<", a_right, types.bool) end sub_type (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- Less than operator `<:'. do create Result.make (a_left, "<:", a_right, types.bool) end feature -- Integer operators plus (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- Plus operator `+'. do create Result.make (a_left, "+", a_right, end plus_one (a_expr: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- `a_expr + 1'. do Result := plus (a_expr, int_value (1)) end minus (a_left, a_right: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- Plus operator `-'. do create Result.make (a_left, "-", a_right, end minus_one (a_expr: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_BINARY_OPERATION -- `a_expr - 1'. do Result := minus (a_expr, int_value (1)) end feature -- Functions type_of (a_arg: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_FUNCTION_CALL -- Function call `type_of (a_arg)'. do create Result.make ("type_of", types.type) Result.add_argument (a_arg) end old_ (a_arg: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_FUNCTION_CALL -- Function call `old (a_arg)'. do create Result.make ("old", a_arg.type) Result.add_argument (a_arg) end function_call (a_function_name: READABLE_STRING_8; a_arguments: ARRAY [IV_EXPRESSION]; a_result_type: IV_TYPE): IV_FUNCTION_CALL -- Function call to `a_function_name' with arguments `a_arguments'. do create Result.make (a_function_name, a_result_type) if attached a_arguments then across a_arguments as i loop Result.add_argument (i) end end end feature -- Heap and map access map_access (a_map: IV_EXPRESSION; a_indexes: like {IV_MAP_ACCESS}.indexes): IV_MAP_ACCESS -- Map access to `a_map'[`a_index']. do create Result.make (a_map, a_indexes) end map_update (a_map: IV_EXPRESSION; a_indexes: ARRAYED_LIST [IV_EXPRESSION]; a_value: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_MAP_UPDATE -- Map update `a_map'[`a_index' := `a_value']. do create Result.make (a_map, a_indexes, a_value) end heap_access (a_heap: IV_EXPRESSION; a_target: IV_EXPRESSION; a_name: READABLE_STRING_8; a_content_type: IV_TYPE): IV_MAP_ACCESS -- Heap access to `a_feature' on `Current'. do Result := map_access (a_heap, create {ARRAYED_LIST [IV_EXPRESSION]}.make_from_array (<<a_target, create {IV_ENTITY}.make (a_name, types.field (a_content_type)) >>)) end heap_current_access (a_mapping: E2B_ENTITY_MAPPING; a_name: READABLE_STRING_8; a_content_type: IV_TYPE): IV_MAP_ACCESS -- Heap access to `a_feature' on `Current'. do Result := heap_access (a_mapping.heap, a_mapping.current_expression, a_name, a_content_type) end is_heap (a_heap: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_EXPRESSION -- Expression "IsHeap(a_entity)". do Result := function_call ("IsHeap", << a_heap >>, types.bool) end array_access (a_heap: IV_EXPRESSION; a_array, a_index: IV_EXPRESSION; a_content_type: IV_TYPE): IV_MAP_ACCESS -- Array access to `a_array'[`a_index']. do Result := map_access ( heap_access (a_heap, a_array, "area", create {IV_MAP_TYPE}.make (<<>>, create {ARRAYED_LIST [IV_TYPE]}.make_from_array (<<>>), a_content_type)), create {ARRAYED_LIST [IV_EXPRESSION]}.make_from_array (<<a_index>>)) end feature -- Statements procedure_call (a_proc_name: STRING; a_arguments: ARRAY [IV_EXPRESSION]): IV_PROCEDURE_CALL -- Procedure call. do create Result.make (a_proc_name) if attached a_arguments then across a_arguments as i loop Result.add_argument (i) end end end singleton_block (a_statement: IV_STATEMENT): IV_BLOCK -- Block that consists of `a_statement'. do if attached {IV_BLOCK} a_statement as b then Result := b else create Result.make Result.add_statement (a_statement) end end return: IV_RETURN -- Return statement. once create Result end feature -- Framing global_writable: IV_ENTITY -- Procedure-wide writable frame. do create Result.make ("writable", types.frame) end global_readable: IV_ENTITY -- Procedure-wide readable frame. do create Result.make ("readable", types.frame) end frame_access (a_frame, a_obj, a_field: IV_EXPRESSION): IV_MAP_ACCESS -- Expression `a_frame [a_obj, a_field]'. do create Result.make (a_frame, create {ARRAYED_LIST [IV_EXPRESSION]}.make_from_array (<< a_obj, a_field >>)) end writes_routine_frame (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_type: CL_TYPE_A; a_boogie_procedure: IV_PROCEDURE): IV_EXPRESSION -- Boolean expression stating that only the modifies set of `a_feature' in `a_type' (translated into `a_boogie_procedure') -- has changed between the old heap and the current heap. local l_fcall: IV_FUNCTION_CALL l_old_heap: IV_EXPRESSION do l_old_heap := old_ (create {IV_ENTITY}.make ("Heap", types.heap)) create l_fcall.make (name_translator.boogie_function_for_write_frame (a_feature, a_type), types.set (types.ref)) l_fcall.add_argument (l_old_heap) across a_boogie_procedure.arguments as i loop l_fcall.add_argument (i.entity) end if helper.is_setter (a_feature) then Result := function_call ("flat_same_outside", <<l_old_heap, global_heap, l_fcall>>, types.bool) else Result := function_call ("same_outside", <<l_old_heap, global_heap, l_fcall>>, types.bool) end -- TODO: fix inlining if not (a_feature.feature_name) then Result := true_ end end feature -- Axioms add_dynamic_predicate_definition (a_call, a_body: IV_EXPRESSION; a_type: CL_TYPE_A; a_heap, a_current: IV_ENTITY; a_extra_vars: ARRAY [IV_ENTITY]) -- Add axioms that define predicate `a_call' as `a_body' if the dynamic type of `a_current' is `a_type', -- and state that this definition can only be strengthened in descendants. local l_forall: IV_FORALL do -- type_of(current) == type ==> call(heap, current) == body create l_forall.make (implies_ ( function_call ("attached_exact", << a_heap, a_current, type_value (a_type) >>, types.bool), equiv (a_call, a_body))) l_forall.add_bound_variable (a_heap) l_forall.add_bound_variable (a_current) across a_extra_vars as v loop l_forall.add_bound_variable (v) end l_forall.add_trigger (a_call) boogie_universe.add_declaration (create {IV_AXIOM}.make (l_forall)) -- If the definition is trivially true, no point stating that it is only strengthened. if not a_body.is_true then -- Inheritance axiom: -- type_of(current) <: type ==> call(heap, current) ==> body create l_forall.make (implies_ ( function_call ("attached", << a_heap, a_current, type_value (a_type) >>, types.bool), implies_ (a_call, a_body))) l_forall.add_bound_variable (a_heap) l_forall.add_bound_variable (a_current) across a_extra_vars as v loop l_forall.add_bound_variable (v) end l_forall.add_trigger (a_call) boogie_universe.add_declaration (create {IV_AXIOM}.make (l_forall)) end end feature -- Miscellaneous trace (a_text: READABLE_STRING_8): IV_STATEMENT -- Tracing statement. local l_assume: IV_ASSERT do create l_assume.make_assume (true_) l_assume.set_attribute_string (":captureState %"" + a_text + "%"") Result := l_assume end note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2012-2014 ETH Zurich", "Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Politecnico di Milano", "Copyright (c) 2022 Schaffhausen Institute of Technology" author: "Julian Tschannen", "Nadia Polikarpova", "Alexander Kogtenkov" license: "GNU General Public License" license_name: "GPL" EIS: "name=GPL", "src=", "tag=license" copying: "[ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. ]" end