note description: "Translator to map Eiffel names to Boogie names." class E2B_NAME_TRANSLATOR inherit INTERNAL_COMPILER_STRING_EXPORTER export {NONE} all end SHARED_WORKBENCH export {NONE} all {ANY} deep_twin, is_deep_equal, standard_is_equal end feature -- Access boogie_procedure_for_feature (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_context_type: CL_TYPE_A): READABLE_STRING_8 -- Name of the boogie procedure that encodes `a_feature'. require a_feature_attached: attached a_feature a_context_type_attached: attached a_context_type local l_type_name: READABLE_STRING_8 l_feature_name: READABLE_STRING_8 do l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (a_context_type) l_feature_name := feature_name (a_feature) Result := l_type_name + "." + l_feature_name ensure result_attached: attached Result result_valid: is_valid_feature_name (Result) end boogie_procedure_for_creator (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_context_type: CL_TYPE_A): READABLE_STRING_8 -- Name of the boogie procedure that encodes `a_feature' used as a creation procedure. require a_feature_attached: attached a_feature a_context_type_attached: attached a_context_type local l_type_name: READABLE_STRING_8 l_feature_name: READABLE_STRING_8 do l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (a_context_type) l_feature_name := feature_name (a_feature) Result := "create." + l_type_name + "." + l_feature_name ensure result_attached: attached Result result_valid: is_valid_feature_name (Result) end boogie_function_for_feature (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_context_type: CL_TYPE_A; a_uninterpreted: BOOLEAN): READABLE_STRING_8 -- Name of the boogie function that encodes the result of `a_feature'. require a_feature_attached: attached a_feature a_context_type_attached: attached a_context_type local l_type_name: READABLE_STRING_8 l_feature_name: READABLE_STRING_8 do l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (a_context_type) l_feature_name := feature_name (a_feature) Result := if a_uninterpreted then "fun0." else "fun." end + l_type_name + "." + l_feature_name ensure result_attached: attached Result end boogie_function_for_write_frame (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_context_type: CL_TYPE_A): READABLE_STRING_8 -- Name of the boogie function that encodes the write frame of `a_feature'. require a_feature_attached: attached a_feature a_context_type_attached: attached a_context_type local l_type_name: READABLE_STRING_8 l_feature_name: READABLE_STRING_8 do l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (a_context_type) l_feature_name := feature_name (a_feature) Result := "modify." + l_type_name + "." + l_feature_name ensure result_attached: attached Result end boogie_function_for_read_frame (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_context_type: CL_TYPE_A): READABLE_STRING_8 -- Name of the boogie function that encodes the read frame of the functional representation of `a_feature'. require a_feature_attached: attached a_feature a_context_type_attached: attached a_context_type local l_type_name: READABLE_STRING_8 l_feature_name: READABLE_STRING_8 do l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (a_context_type) l_feature_name := feature_name (a_feature) Result := "" + l_type_name + "." + l_feature_name ensure result_attached: attached Result end boogie_procedure_for_contract_check (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_context_type: CL_TYPE_A): READABLE_STRING_8 -- Name of the boogie procedure that encodes the consistence check of `a_feature's contracts. require a_feature_attached: attached a_feature a_context_type_attached: attached a_context_type local l_type_name: READABLE_STRING_8 l_feature_name: READABLE_STRING_8 do l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (a_context_type) l_feature_name := feature_name (a_feature) Result := l_type_name + "." + l_feature_name + ".check" ensure result_attached: attached Result end boogie_function_precondition (a_function_name: READABLE_STRING_8): STRING -- Precondition predicate name for function named `a_function_name'. require a_function_name_attached: attached a_function_name do Result := "pre." + a_function_name ensure result_attached: attached Result end -- boogie_free_function_precondition (a_function_name: STRING): STRING -- -- Free precondition predicate name for function named `a_function_name'. -- require -- a_function_name_attached: attached a_function_name -- do -- Result := "free_pre." + a_function_name -- ensure -- result_attached: attached Result -- end boogie_function_trigger (a_function_name: READABLE_STRING_8): STRING -- Trigger predicate name for opaque function named `a_function_name'. require a_function_name_attached: attached a_function_name do Result := "trigger." + a_function_name ensure result_attached: attached Result end boogie_function_for_variant (a_index: INTEGER; a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_context_type: CL_TYPE_A): READABLE_STRING_8 -- Name of the boogie function that encodes `a_index'-th variant of `a_feature'. require a_feature_attached: attached a_feature a_context_type_attached: attached a_context_type local l_type_name: READABLE_STRING_8 l_feature_name: READABLE_STRING_8 do l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (a_context_type) l_feature_name := feature_name (a_feature) Result := "variant." + l_type_name + "." + l_feature_name + "." + a_index.out ensure result_attached: attached Result end boogie_function_for_invariant (a_type: CL_TYPE_A): STRING -- Name of the boogie function that encodes the class invariant of type `a_type'. require a_type: attached a_type local l_type_name: STRING do l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (a_type) Result := l_type_name + ".user_inv" ensure result_attached: attached Result end boogie_function_for_filtered_invariant (a_type: CL_TYPE_A; a_included, a_excluded: LIST [STRING]; a_ancestor: CLASS_C): STRING -- Name of the boogie function that encodes the partial class invariant of type `a_type' -- with `a_included' clauses included and `a_excluded' clauses excluded. require a_type_exists: attached a_type a_ancestor_exists: attached a_ancestor local l_type_name: STRING l_filter_string: STRING do l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (a_type) l_filter_string := "" if a_included /= Void then l_filter_string.append ("#I") across a_included as i loop l_filter_string.append ("#" + i) end end if a_excluded /= Void then l_filter_string.append ("#E") across a_excluded as i loop l_filter_string.append ("#" + i) end end if a_ancestor.class_id /= a_type.base_class.class_id then l_filter_string.append ("#A#" + a_ancestor.name_in_upper) end Result := l_type_name + l_filter_string + ".filtered_inv" ensure result_attached: attached Result end boogie_function_for_ghost_definition (a_type: CL_TYPE_A; a_name: READABLE_STRING_8): STRING -- Name of the boogie function that encodes the static definition of a ghost field `a_name' of type `a_type'. require a_type: attached a_type a_name: attached a_name local l_type_name: STRING do l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (a_type) Result := l_type_name + "." + a_name + ".static" ensure result_attached: attached Result end boogie_field_for_tuple_field (a_context_type: CL_TYPE_A; a_position: INTEGER): STRING -- Name of the boogie constant that encodes tuple field at `a_position' in the tuple type `a_context_type'. require a_context_type_attached: attached a_context_type is_tuple: a_context_type.is_tuple local l_type_name: STRING l_feature_name: STRING do l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (a_context_type) l_feature_name := "field_" + a_position.out Result := l_type_name + "." + l_feature_name ensure result_attached: attached Result result_valid: is_valid_feature_name (Result) end boogie_procedure_for_tuple_creation (a_context_type: CL_TYPE_A): STRING -- Name of the boogie constant that encodes tuple field at `a_position' in the tuple type `a_context_type'. require a_context_type_attached: attached a_context_type is_tuple: a_context_type.is_tuple local l_type_name: STRING do l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (a_context_type) Result := "create." + l_type_name + ".make" ensure result_attached: attached Result result_valid: is_valid_feature_name (Result) end feature_for_boogie_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8): TUPLE [type: TYPE_A; feature_: FEATURE_I; is_creator: BOOLEAN] -- For a feature named `a_name' in Boogie code, -- return its enclosing type (different from where it is defined if inherited), the eiffel feature and whether it is a creator. require valid_feature_name: is_valid_feature_name (a_name) local l_name: READABLE_STRING_8 l_list: LIST [READABLE_STRING_8] l_type_name: READABLE_STRING_8 l_feature_name: READABLE_STRING_8 l_type: TYPE_A l_is_creator: BOOLEAN do if a_name.starts_with ("create.") then l_is_creator := True l_name := a_name.tail (a_name.count - 7) else l_name := a_name end if l_name.has ('.') then l_list := l_name.split ('.') l_type_name := l_list.i_th (1) l_feature_name := l_list.i_th (2) if l_type_name.starts_with ("$") then l_type_name := l_type_name.tail (l_type_name.count - 1) end else -- Built in features l_type_name := "ANY" l_feature_name := l_name end l_type := type_for_boogie_name (l_type_name) Result := [l_type, l_type.base_class.feature_named (l_feature_name), l_is_creator] ensure result_attached: attached Result end boogie_name_for_type (a_type: CL_TYPE_A): STRING -- Name for type `a_type'. require a_type_attached: attached a_type local i: INTEGER l_type_name: STRING l_helper: E2B_HELPER t: TYPE_A do create l_helper if l_helper.is_agent_type (a_type) then Result := a_type.base_class.name_in_upper elseif attached {GEN_TYPE_A} a_type as l_gen_type then Result := l_gen_type.base_class.name_in_upper.twin Result.append ("^") from i := l_gen_type.generics.lower until i > l_gen_type.generics.upper loop t := l_gen_type.generics [i] if attached {CL_TYPE_A} t as c then l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (c) elseif attached {CL_TYPE_A} l_gen_type.base_class.single_constraint (i) as c then l_type_name := boogie_name_for_type (c) else check class_type_constraint: False then end end Result.append (l_type_name) if i < l_gen_type.generics.upper then Result.append ("#") end i := i + 1 end Result.append ("^") else Result := a_type.base_class.name_in_upper.twin end ensure result_attached: attached Result result_valid: is_valid_type_name (Result) end type_for_boogie_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8): TYPE_A -- Type named `a_name' in Boogie code. require valid_type_name: is_valid_type_name (a_name) local l_class_name: READABLE_STRING_8 l_classes: LIST [CLASS_I] do if a_name.has ('^') then l_class_name := a_name.substring (1, a_name.index_of ('^', 1)-1) -- TODO: handle generic parameters elseif a_name.has ('#') then l_class_name := a_name.substring (1, a_name.index_of ('#', 1)-1) -- TODO: handle generic parameters else l_class_name := a_name end l_classes := universe.classes_with_name (l_class_name) if not l_classes.is_empty then Result := l_classes.first.compiled_class.actual_type end ensure result_attached: attached Result end postcondition_predicate_name (a_feature: FEATURE_I; a_context_type: CL_TYPE_A): STRING -- Postcondition predicate name for feature `a_feature'. require a_feature_attached: attached a_feature a_context_type_attached: attached a_context_type do Result := "post." + boogie_procedure_for_feature (a_feature, a_context_type) ensure result_attached: attached Result end boogie_name_for_local (i: INTEGER): STRING -- Name for local with index `i'. require i_valid: i > 0 do Result := "local" + i.out ensure result_attached: attached Result end feature -- Status report is_valid_feature_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN -- Can `a_name' be mapped to an Eiffel feature? do -- TODO: implement Result := True end is_valid_type_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN -- Can `a_name' be mapped to an Eiffel type? do -- TODO: implement Result := True end is_creator_name (a_name: READABLE_STRING_8): BOOLEAN -- Is Boogie procedure `a_name' a translation of a creator? do Result := a_name.starts_with ("create.") end feature -- Name adaptation feature_name (f: FEATURE_I): READABLE_STRING_8 -- Name of `f` adpated to Boogie naming convention. do Result := f.feature_name end note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2012-2014 ETH Zurich", "Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Politecnico di Milano", "Copyright (c) 2022 Schaffhausen Institute of Technology" author: "Julian Tschannen", "Nadia Polikarpova", "Alexander Kogtenkov" license: "GNU General Public License" license_name: "GPL" EIS: "name=GPL", "src=", "tag=license" copying: "[ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ]" end