note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class E2B_SHARED_CONTEXT feature {NONE} -- Access: stateful translation_pool: E2B_TRANSLATION_POOL -- Shared translation pool. once create Result.make end boogie_universe: IV_UNIVERSE -- Shared boogie universe. do Result := boogie_universe_cell.item end autoproof_errors: LINKED_LIST [E2B_AUTOPROOF_ERROR] -- List of autoproof errors. once create Result.make Result.compare_objects end result_handlers: HASH_TABLE [PROCEDURE [E2B_BOOGIE_PROCEDURE_RESULT, E2B_RESULT_GENERATOR], STRING] -- List of Boogie verification result handlers. once create Result.make (100) end feature {NONE} -- Access: stateless name_translator: E2B_NAME_TRANSLATOR -- Shared global name translator. once create Result end translation_mapping: E2B_SPECIAL_MAPPING -- Shared mapping for special translations. once create Result.make end messages: E2B_MESSAGES -- Messages used in AutoProof. once create Result end feature -- Access (public) options: E2B_OPTIONS -- Shared translation options. once create Result.make ensure class end helper: E2B_HELPER -- Shared helper. once create Result end feature -- Status notification. status_notifier_agent_cell: CELL [PROCEDURE [READABLE_STRING_GENERAL]] -- Once cell holding status update agent. once create Result.put (Void) end set_status (a_message: READABLE_STRING_32) -- Set status message. do if status_notifier_agent_cell.item /= Void then ([a_message]) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation boogie_universe_cell: CELL [IV_UNIVERSE] -- Once cell holding shared boogie universe instance. once create Result.put (Void) end timer: DT_SHARED_SYSTEM_CLOCK -- Timer for debugging. once create Result end start_time: ARRAYED_STACK [DT_TIME] -- Start time set by calling 'start'. once create Result.make (5) end start_timer local l_time: DT_TIME do l_time := timer.system_clock.time_now start_time.extend (l_time) end stop_timer do start_time.remove end current_timer: INTEGER local l_time: DT_TIME do l_time := start_time.item Result := timer.system_clock.time_now.time_duration (l_time).millisecond_count end end