note description: "Default implementation of the blackboard service." class EBB_BLACKBOARD inherit BLACKBOARD_S DISPOSABLE_SAFE SHARED_WORKBENCH export {NONE} all end SHARED_EIFFEL_PROJECT EBB_SHARED_ALL create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make -- Initialize empty blackboard. do create data.make create {EBB_BASIC_CONTROL} control.make create {LINKED_LIST [EBB_TOOL]} tools.make create {LINKED_LIST [EBB_VERIFICATION_RESULT]} verification_results.make create executions.make initialize -- Autostart Blackboard if eiffel_project.manager.is_project_loaded then start else eiffel_project.manager.load_agents.extend (agent start) end end feature -- Access data: EBB_SYSTEM_DATA -- tools: LIST [EBB_TOOL] -- default_tool_of_type (a_type: INTEGER): EBB_TOOL -- Default tool of type `a_type'. do across tools as c loop if c.category = a_type then Result := c end end end control: EBB_CONTROL -- executions: EBB_EXECUTIONS -- feature -- Status report is_recording_results: BOOLEAN -- Is blackboard recording results at the moment? is_usable: BOOLEAN = True -- feature -- Element change set_control (a_control: attached like control) -- do control := a_control end feature -- Basic operations add_verification_result (a_result: EBB_VERIFICATION_RESULT) do if is_recording_results then verification_results.extend (a_result) else record_results verification_results.extend (a_result) commit_results end end record_results -- Record results to update multiple results at once. require not_recording_results: not is_recording_results do is_recording_results := True ensure recording_results: is_recording_results end commit_results -- Commit all verification results added since last commit of results. require recording_results: is_recording_results do across verification_results as l_cursor loop if data.has_feature (l_cursor.associated_feature) then data.feature_data (l_cursor.associated_feature).add_tool_result (l_cursor) end end verification_results.wipe_out is_recording_results := False data_changed_event.publish ([]) ensure not_recording_results: not is_recording_results end handle_added_class (a_class: CLASS_I) -- Handle that `a_class' was added. do if not then data.add_class (a_class) executions.handle_changed_class (a_class) data_changed_event.publish ([]) end end handle_removed_class (a_class: CLASS_I) -- Handle that `a_class' was removed. do if data.has_class (a_class) then data.remove_class (a_class) executions.handle_changed_class (a_class) data_changed_event.publish ([]) end end handle_changed_invariant (a_class: CLASS_I) -- Handle that invariant of class `a_class' has changed. do if data.has_class (a_class) then across data.class_data (a_class).children as c loop if is_feature_data_verified (c) then c.set_stale end end end executions.handle_changed_class (a_class) data_changed_event.publish ([]) end handle_changed_feature (a_feature: FEATURE_I) -- Handle that `a_feature' changed. do if data.has_feature (a_feature) then data.update_feature (a_feature) else -- TODO: problem during first compilation and with classes from libraries if data.has_class (a_feature.written_class.original_class) then data.add_feature (a_feature) end end executions.handle_changed_class (a_feature.written_class.original_class) data_changed_event.publish ([]) end handle_removed_feature (a_feature: FEATURE_I) -- Handle that `a_feature' was removed. do if data.has_feature (a_feature) then data.remove_feature (a_feature) end executions.handle_changed_class (a_feature.written_class.original_class) data_changed_event.publish ([]) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation verification_results: LIST [EBB_VERIFICATION_RESULT] -- List of verification results. safe_dispose (a_explicit: BOOLEAN) -- do end note date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2010 ETH Zurich", "Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Politecnico di Milano", "Copyright (c) 2022 Schaffhausen Institute of Technology" author: "Julian Tschannen", "Alexander Kogtenkov" license: "GNU General Public License" license_name: "GPL" EIS: "name=GPL", "src=", "tag=license" copying: "[ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ]" end