note description: "[ Container where all elements are unique with respect to object equality. Elements can be added and removed. ]" author: "Nadia Polikarpova" revised_by: "Alexander Kogtenkov" model: set, lock manual_inv: true false_guards: true deferred class V_SET [G -> ANY] inherit V_CONTAINER [G] rename has as has_exactly redefine count, is_empty, occurrences, is_model_equal end V_LOCKER [G] rename locked as set redefine set, is_model_equal end feature -- Measurement count: INTEGER -- Number of elements. deferred ensure then definition_set: Result = set.count end feature -- Status report is_empty: BOOLEAN -- Is container empty? note status: nonvariant do check inv end Result := count = 0 ensure then definition_set: Result = set.is_empty end feature -- Search has (v: G): BOOLEAN -- Is `v' contained? -- (Uses object equality.) require v_closed_with_subjects: v.is_closed_with_subjects lock_closed: lock.closed deferred ensure definition: Result = set_has (v) end item (v: G): G -- Element of `set' equivalent to `v' according to object equality. require v_closed_with_subjects: v.is_closed_with_subjects has: set_has (v) lock_closed: lock.closed deferred ensure definition: Result = set_item (v) end occurrences (v: G): INTEGER -- How many times is `v' contained? -- (Uses reference equality.) note status: impure, nonvariant do if has_exactly (v) then Result := 1 end check inv end end feature -- Iteration new_cursor: V_SET_ITERATOR [G] -- New iterator pointing to a position in the set, from which it can traverse all elements by going `forth'. note status: impure deferred end at (v: G): V_SET_ITERATOR [G] -- New iterator over `Current' pointing at element `v' if it exists and `after' otherwise. note status: impure require lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped v_locked: lock.locked [v] deferred ensure result_fresh: Result.is_fresh result_wrapped: Result.is_wrapped and Result.inv result_in_observers: observers = old observers & Result target_definition: = Current index_definition_found: set_has (v) implies Result.sequence [Result.index_] = set_item (v) index_definition_not_found: not set_has (v) implies Result.index_ = Result.sequence.count + 1 modify_field (["observers", "closed"], Current) end feature -- Comparison is_subset_of (other: V_SET [G]): BOOLEAN -- Does `other' have all elements of `Current'? -- (Uses object equality.) note status: impure, nonvariant require lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped same_lock: other.lock = lock local it: like new_cursor do Result := True if other /= Current then from it := new_cursor invariant is_wrapped other.is_wrapped it.is_wrapped inv_only ("lock_non_current", "items_locked") other.inv_only ("items_locked") lock.inv_only ("owns_definition") 1 <= it.index_ and it.index_ <= it.sequence.count + 1 Result implies ∀ i: 1 |..| (it.index_ - 1) ¦ other.set_has (it.sequence [i]) not Result implies not other.set_has (it.sequence [it.index_ - 1]) modify_model ("index_", it) until it.after or not Result loop if attached it.item as v then Result := other.has (v) else check from_loop_exit_condition: False then end end it.forth variant it.sequence.count - it.index_ end forget_iterator (it) end check inv_only ("locked_non_void") end ensure definition: Result = ∀ x: set ¦ other.set_has (x) observers_restored: observers ~ old observers other_observers_restored: other.observers ~ old other.observers modify_model ("observers", [Current, other]) end is_superset_of (other: V_SET [G]): BOOLEAN -- Does `Current' have all elements of `other'? -- (Uses object equality..) note status: impure, nonvariant require lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped same_lock: other.lock = lock do Result := other.is_subset_of (Current) ensure definition: Result = ∀ x: other.set ¦ set_has (x) observers_restored: observers ~ old observers other_observers_restored: other.observers ~ old other.observers modify_model ("observers", [Current, other]) end disjoint (other: V_SET [G]): BOOLEAN -- Do no elements of `other' occur in `Current'? -- (Uses object equality.) note status: impure, nonvariant require lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped same_lock: other.lock = lock local it: like new_cursor do if other.is_empty then Result := True elseif other /= Current then from it := new_cursor Result := True invariant is_wrapped other.is_wrapped it.is_wrapped inv_only ("lock_non_current", "items_locked") other.inv_only ("items_locked") lock.inv_only ("owns_definition") 1 <= it.index_ and it.index_ <= it.sequence.count + 1 Result implies ∀ i: 1 |..| (it.index_ - 1) ¦ not other.set_has (it.sequence [i]) not Result implies other.set_has (it.sequence [it.index_ - 1]) modify_model ("index_", it) until it.after or not Result loop if attached it.item as v then Result := not other.has (v) else check from_loop_exit_condition: False then end end it.forth variant it.sequence.count - it.index_ end forget_iterator (it) end check inv_only ("locked_non_void") end ensure definition: Result = ∀ x: set ¦ not other.set_has (x) observers_restored: observers ~ old observers other_observers_restored: other.observers ~ old other.observers modify_model ("observers", [Current, other]) end feature -- Extension extend (v: G) -- Add `v' to the set. require v_locked: lock.locked [v] lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped no_iterators: observers.is_empty deferred ensure abstract_effect: set_has (v) precise_effect_has: old set_has (v) implies set = old set precise_effect_new: not old set_has (v) implies set = old set & v modify_model ("set", Current) end join (other: V_SET [G]) -- Add all elements from `other'. note status: nonvariant require lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped same_lock: other.lock = lock no_iterators: observers.is_empty local it: V_SET_ITERATOR [G] do check inv_only ("locked_non_void") end if other /= Current then from it := other.new_cursor invariant is_wrapped other.is_wrapped it.is_wrapped inv_only ("lock_non_current", "items_locked") other.inv_only ("lock_non_current", "items_locked") lock.inv_only ("owns_definition") 1 <= it.index_ and it.index_ <= it.sequence.count + 1 set.old_ <= set ∀ i: 1 |..| (it.index_ - 1) ¦ set_has (it.sequence [i]) ∀ x: set ¦ set.old_ [x] or other.set.old_ [x] modify_model ("set", Current) modify_model ("index_", it) until it.after loop extend (it.item) it.forth variant it.sequence.count - it.index_ end other.forget_iterator (it) end ensure has_old: old set <= set has_other: ∀ y: old other.set ¦ set_has (y) no_extra: ∀ x: set ¦ set.old_ [x] or other.set.old_ [x] observers_restored: observers ~ old observers other_observers_restored: other.observers ~ old other.observers modify_model ("set", Current) modify_model ("observers", [Current, other]) end feature -- Removal remove (v: G) -- Remove `v' from the set, if contained. -- Otherwise do nothing. note status: nonvariant require v_locked: lock.locked [v] lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped no_iterators: observers.is_empty local it: like new_cursor do check inv_only ("lock_non_current", "items_locked", "no_duplicates") end check lock.inv_only ("owns_definition", "equivalence_definition") end it := at (v) if not it.after then v.lemma_transitive (it.sequence [it.index_], set / it.sequence [it.index_]) it.remove check it.inv end end forget_iterator (it) ensure abstract_effect: not set_has (v) precise_effect_not_found: not old set_has (v) implies set = old set precise_effect_found: old set_has (v) implies set = old (set / set_item (v)) observers_restored: observers ~ old observers modify_model (["set", "observers"], Current) end meet (other: V_SET [G]) -- Keep only elements that are also in `other'. note status: nonvariant require lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped same_lock: lock = other.lock no_iterators: observers.is_empty local it: like new_cursor do check inv_only ("locked_non_void") end if other /= Current then from it := new_cursor invariant is_wrapped other.is_wrapped it.is_wrapped it.inv inv_only ("lock_non_current", "items_locked", "no_duplicates") other.inv_only ("lock_non_current", "items_locked") lock.inv_only ("owns_definition", "equivalence_definition") 1 <= it.index_ and it.index_ <= it.sequence.count + 1 set <= set.old_ ∀ i: 1 |..| (it.index_ - 1) ¦ attached it.sequence [i] as x and then other.set_has (x) ∀ y: set.old_ ¦ other.set_has (y) implies set [y] modify_model ("set", Current) modify_model (["sequence", "index_"], it) until it.after loop if not other.has (it.item) then it.remove else it.forth end variant it.sequence.count - it.index_ end forget_iterator (it) end ensure only_old: set <= old set not_too_few: ∀ y: old set ¦ other.set_has (y).old_ = set_has (y) observers_restored: observers ~ old observers other_observers_restored: other.observers ~ old other.observers modify_model ("set", Current) modify_model ("observers", [Current, other]) end subtract (other: V_SET [G]) -- Remove elements that are in `other'. note status: nonvariant require lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped same_lock: lock = other.lock no_iterators: observers.is_empty local it: V_SET_ITERATOR [G] do check inv_only ("locked_non_void") end if other /= Current then from it := other.new_cursor invariant is_wrapped other.is_wrapped it.is_wrapped inv_only ("lock_non_current", "items_locked", "no_duplicates") other.inv_only ("lock_non_current", "items_locked") lock.inv_only ("owns_definition", "equivalence_definition") 1 <= it.index_ and it.index_ <= it.sequence.count + 1 set <= set.old_ ∀ i: 1 |..| (it.index_ - 1) ¦ attached it.sequence [i] as x implies not set_has (x) ∀ y: set.old_ ¦ not other.set_has (y) implies set [y] observers ~ observers.old_ modify_model (["set", "observers"], Current) modify_model ("index_", it) until it.after loop remove (it.item) it.forth variant it.sequence.count - it.index_ end other.forget_iterator (it) else wipe_out end ensure only_old: set <= old set not_too_few: ∀ y: old set ¦ other.set_has (y).old_ /= set_has (y) observers_restored: observers ~ old observers other_observers_restored: other.observers ~ old other.observers modify_model ("set", Current) modify_model ("observers", [Current, other]) end symmetric_subtract (other: V_SET [G]) -- Keep elements that are only in `Current' or only in `other'. note status: nonvariant require lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped same_lock: lock = other.lock no_iterators: observers.is_empty local it: V_SET_ITERATOR [G] seq: MML_SEQUENCE [G] do check inv_only ("locked_non_void", "lock_non_current") end if other /= Current then from it := other.new_cursor seq := it.sequence check other.inv_only ("locked_non_void", "lock_non_current", "bag_definition") end invariant is_wrapped it.is_wrapped inv_only ("items_locked") other.inv_only ("items_locked") lock.inv_only ("owns_definition") 1 <= it.index_ and it.index_ <= seq.count + 1 ∀ x: set.old_ ¦ other.set_has (x).old_ or set [x] ∀ j: 1 |..| (it.index_ - 1) ¦ lock.set_has (set.old_, seq [j]) or set [seq [j]] ∀ x: set ¦ set.old_ [x] or ∃ j: 1 |..| (it.index_ - 1) ¦ x = seq [j] observers ~ observers.old_ modify_model (["set", "observers"], Current) modify_model ("index_", it) until it.after loop if attached it.item as v then if has (v) then check it.inv_only ("target_bag_constraint") end seq.lemma_no_duplicates check other.inv_only ("items_locked", "no_duplicates") end check inv_only ("items_locked", "no_duplicates") end check lock.inv_only ("equivalence_definition") end remove (v) else extend (v) end else check from_loop_exit_condition: False then end end it.forth variant seq.count - it.index_ end other.forget_iterator (it) else wipe_out end ensure set_effect_old: ∀ x: old set ¦ other.set_has (x).old_ or set [x] set_effect_other: ∀ x: other.set.old_ ¦ set_has (x).old_ or set [x] set_effect_new: ∀ x: set ¦ set.old_ [x] or other.set.old_ [x] observers_restored: observers ~ old observers other_observers_restored: other.observers ~ old other.observers modify_model ("set", Current) modify_model ("observers", [Current, other]) end wipe_out -- Remove all elements. require no_iterators: observers.is_empty deferred ensure set_effect: set.is_empty modify_model ("set", Current) end feature -- Specification set: MML_SET [G] -- Set of elements. note status: ghost replaces: bag attribute check is_executable: False then end end set_has (v: G): BOOLEAN -- Does `set' contain an element equal to `v' under object equality? note status: ghost, functional, nonvariant require lock_exists: lock /= Void v_exists: v /= Void set_non_void: set.non_void reads_field (["set", "lock"], Current) reads (set, v) do Result := lock.set_has (set, v) end set_item (v: G): G -- Element of `set' that is equal to `v' under object equality. note status: ghost, functional, nonvariant require lock_exists: lock /= Void v_exists: v /= Void v_in_set: set_has (v) set_non_void: set.non_void reads_field (["set", "lock"], Current) reads (set, v) do Result := lock.set_item (set, v) end bag_from (s: like set): like bag -- A bag that contains all elements of `s' exactly once. note status: ghost, nonvariant, static explicit: contracts require reads ([]) local x: G s1: like set do from s1 := s create Result invariant s = s1 + Result.domain s1.is_disjoint (Result.domain) Result.is_constant (1) s.count = s1.count + Result.count decreases (s1) until s1.is_empty loop x := s1.any_item Result := Result & x s1 := s1 / x end ensure Result.domain = s Result.count = s.count Result.is_constant (1) end is_model_equal (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is the abstract state of `Current' equal to that of `other'? note status: ghost, functional, nonvariant do Result := set ~ other.set end invariant bag_definition: bag = bag_from (set) note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end