note description: "[ Hash tables with hash function provided by HASHABLE and object equality. Implementation uses chaining. Search, extension and removal are amortized constant time. ]" author: "Nadia Polikarpova" revised_by: "Alexander Kogtenkov" model: map, lock manual_inv: true false_guards: true frozen class V_HASH_TABLE [K -> V_HASHABLE, V] inherit V_TABLE [K, V] redefine is_equal_, map, lock, forget_iterator end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (l: V_HASH_LOCK [K]) -- Create an empty table with lock `l'. note status: creator explicit: wrapping require l_wrapped: l.is_wrapped do lock := l set_subjects (create {MML_SET [ANY]}.singleton (l)) l.add_client (Current) make_empty_buckets (default_capacity) ensure then map_empty: map.is_empty lock_set: lock = l lock_observers_effect: l.observers = old l.observers & Current is_empty observers_empty: observers.is_empty modify (Current) modify_model ("observers", l) end feature -- Initialization copy_ (other: V_HASH_TABLE [K, V]) -- Initialize by copying all the items of `other'. note explicit: wrapping require lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped same_lock: lock = other.lock no_iterators: observers.is_empty local it: V_HASH_TABLE_ITERATOR [K, V] do if other /= Current then unwrap check other.inv_only ("items_locked", "locked_definition", "buckets_owned", "buckets_count", "buckets_non_empty", "lists_definition", "no_duplicates") end make_empty_buckets (other.capacity) from it := other.new_cursor invariant is_wrapped other.is_wrapped it.is_wrapped lock.inv_only ("locked_non_void", "owns_definition", "equivalence_definition") inv_only ("locked_non_void", "locked_definition") 1 <= it.index_ and it.index_ <= it.sequence.count + 1 ∀ i: 1 |..| it.sequence.count ¦ map.domain [it.sequence [i]] = (i < it.index_) map.domain <= map = | map.domain ∀ x: - map.domain ¦ not domain_has (x) modify_model ("map", Current) modify_model ("index_", it) until it.after loop use_definition (it.value_sequence_from (it.sequence, simple_extend (it.item, it.key) it.lemma_sequence_no_duplicates it.forth variant it.sequence.count - it.index_ end check map.domain = end other.forget_iterator (it) end ensure map_effect: map ~ old observers_restored: observers ~ old observers other_observers_restored: other.observers ~ old other.observers modify_model ("map", Current) modify_model ("observers", [Current, other]) end feature -- Measurement count: INTEGER -- Number of elements. do check inv_only ("count_definition", "bag_definition") end use_definition (bag_from (map)) Result := count_ end feature -- Search has_key (k: K): BOOLEAN -- Is key `k' contained? -- (Uses object equality.) do Result := cell_for_key (k) /= Void end key (k: K): K -- Element of `map.domain' equivalent to `v' according to object equality. do if attached cell_for_key (k) as c then Result := c.item.left else check from_precondition: False then end end end item alias "[]" (k: K): V assign force -- Value associated with `k'. do if attached cell_for_key (k) as c then Result := c.item.right else check from_precondition: False then end end end feature -- Iteration new_cursor: V_HASH_TABLE_ITERATOR [K, V] -- New iterator pointing to a position in the map, from which it can traverse all elements by going `forth'. note status: impure do create Result.make (Current) Result.start end at_key (k: K): V_HASH_TABLE_ITERATOR [K, V] -- New iterator pointing to a position with key `k'. -- If key does not exist, iterator is off. note status: impure do create Result.make (Current) Result.search_key (k) end feature -- Comparison is_equal_ (other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Is the abstract state of Current equal to that of `other'? local i: INTEGER l: V_LINKED_LIST [MML_PAIR [K, V]] do check inv_only ("count_definition", "subjects_definition") end check other.inv_only ("count_definition", "subjects_definition") end if count_ = other.count_ then from Result := True i := 1 invariant inv 1 <= i and i <= lists.count + 1 Result implies ∀ j: 1 |..| (i - 1) ¦ ∀ k: 1 |..| lists [j].sequence.count ¦ [lists [j].sequence [k].left] and then [lists [j].sequence [k].left] = lists [j].sequence [k].right not Result implies i > 1 and then not (∀ k: 1 |..| lists [i - 1].sequence.count ¦ [lists [i - 1].sequence [k].left] and then [lists [i - 1].sequence [k].left] = lists [i - 1].sequence [k].right) until i > buckets.count or not Result loop l := buckets [i] Result := has_list (l, other) i := i + 1 variant lists.count - i end end if Result then (map.domain) end end feature -- Extension extend (v: V; k: K) -- Extend table with key-value pair <`k', `v'>. note explicit: wrapping do check lock.inv_only ("owns_definition") end check inv_only ("items_locked", "locked_definition") end auto_resize (count_ + 1) simple_extend (v, k) end feature -- Removal remove (k: K) -- Remove key `k' and its associated value. note explicit: wrapping local idx, i_: INTEGER do unwrap check lock.inv_only ("owns_definition", "equivalence_definition", "hash_definition") end idx := index (k) i_ := remove_equal (buckets [idx], k) count_ := count_ - 1 k.lemma_transitive (domain_item (k), create {MML_SET [K]}.singleton (buckets_ [idx] [i_])) map := map.removed (buckets_ [idx] [i_]) buckets_ := buckets_.replaced_at (idx, buckets_ [idx].removed_at (i_)) wrap auto_resize (count_) end wipe_out -- Remove all elements. note explicit: wrapping do unwrap make_empty_buckets (default_capacity) end feature {NONE} -- Performance parameters default_capacity: INTEGER = 16 -- Default size of `buckets'. target_load_factor: INTEGER = 75 -- Approximate percentage of elements per bucket that bucket array has after automatic resizing. growth_rate: INTEGER = 2 -- Rate by which bucket array grows and shrinks. feature {V_CONTAINER, V_ITERATOR, V_LOCK} -- Implementation buckets: V_ARRAY [V_LINKED_LIST [MML_PAIR [K, V]]] -- Element storage. attribute end count_: INTEGER -- Number of elements. attribute end capacity: INTEGER -- Bucket array size. require buckets_closed: buckets.closed do Result := buckets.count ensure definition: Result = buckets.sequence.count end bucket_index (hc, n: INTEGER): INTEGER -- The bucket an item with hash code `hc' belongs, -- if there are `n' buckets in total. note explicit: contracts require reads ([]) n_positive: n > 0 hc_non_negative: 0 <= hc do Result := hc \\ n + 1 ensure in_bounds: 1 <= Result and Result <= n end index (k: K): INTEGER -- Index of `k' into in `buckets'. require k_closed: k.closed buckets_closed: buckets.closed positive_capacity: buckets.sequence.count > 0 do check k.inv end Result := bucket_index (k.hash_code, capacity) ensure definition: Result = bucket_index (k.hash_code_, buckets.sequence.count) end cell_for_key (k: K): detachable V_LINKABLE [MML_PAIR [K, V]] -- Cell of one of the buckets where the key is equal to `k' according to object equality. -- Void if the list has no such cell. require closed: closed k_closed_with_subjects: k.is_closed_with_subjects lock_closed: lock.closed do check inv_only ("locked_definition", "owns_definition", "buckets_non_empty", "buckets_lower", "buckets_count", "lists_definition", "lists_counts", "buckets_content", "domain_not_too_small", "map_implementation", "items_locked", "no_duplicates", "valid_buckets") end check lock.inv_only ("owns_definition", "equivalence_definition", "hash_domain_definition", "hash_definition") end Result := cell_equal (buckets [index (k)], k) check ∀ j: 1 |..| buckets_ [index (k)].count ¦ buckets_ [index (k)] [j] = lists [index (k)].sequence [j].left end if domain_has (k) and then attached Result then k.lemma_transitive (Result.item.left, create {MML_SET [K]}.singleton (domain_item (k))) end ensure definition_not_found: not domain_has (k) implies Result = Void definition_found: domain_has (k) implies Result /= Void and then Result.item.left = domain_item (k) and then map [Result.item.left] = Result.item.right end cell_equal (list: V_LINKED_LIST [MML_PAIR [K, V]]; k: K): detachable V_LINKABLE [MML_PAIR [K, V]] -- Cell of `list' where the key is equal to `k' according to object equality. -- Void if the list has no such cell. require list_closed: list.closed k_closed_with_subjects: k.is_closed_with_subjects list_keys_closed_with_subjects: ∀ i: 1 |..| list.sequence.count ¦ list.sequence [i].left.is_closed_with_subjects do check list.inv_only ("cells_domain", "cells_exist", "cells_linked", "cells_first", "first_cell_empty", "sequence_implementation") end if not list.is_empty then Result := cell_before (list, k) if Result = Void then Result := list.first_cell else Result := Result.right end end ensure definition_not_found: Result = Void implies ∀ i: 1 |..| list.sequence.count ¦ not k.is_model_equal (list.sequence [i].left) definition_found: Result /= Void implies list.cells.has (Result) and list.sequence.has (Result.item) and k.is_model_equal (Result.item.left) end cell_before (list: V_LINKED_LIST [MML_PAIR [K, V]]; k: K): detachable V_LINKABLE [MML_PAIR [K, V]] -- Cell of `list' to the left of the cell where the key is equal to `k' according to object equality. -- Void if the first list element is equal to `k'; last cell if no list element is equal to `k'. require list_closed: list.closed not_empty: not list.sequence.is_empty k_closed_with_subjects: k.is_closed_with_subjects list_keys_closed_with_subjects: ∀ i: 1 |..| list.sequence.count ¦ list.sequence [i].left.is_closed_with_subjects local j_: INTEGER do check list.inv_only ("cells_domain", "cells_exist", "cells_first", "first_cell_empty", "sequence_implementation") end if attached list.first_cell as c then if not k.is_equal_ (c.item.left) then from j_ := 1 Result := c invariant list.inv_only ("cells_domain", "cells_exist", "cells_linked", "cells_first", "cells_last", "first_cell_empty", "sequence_implementation") 1 <= j_ and j_ <= list.sequence.count Result = list.cells [j_] list.sequence.domain [j_ + 1] implies Result.right = list.cells [j_ + 1] ∀ l: 1 |..| j_ ¦ not k.is_model_equal (list.sequence [l].left) until attached Result.right as r implies k.is_equal_ (r.item.left) loop Result := r j_ := j_ + 1 variant list.sequence.count - j_ end end else check from_precondition: False then end end ensure definition_not_found: Result /= Void and then Result.right = Void implies ∀ i: 1 |..| list.sequence.count ¦ not k.is_model_equal (list.sequence [i].left) definition_found_first: Result = Void implies k.is_model_equal (list.sequence.first.left) definition_found_later: Result /= Void and then attached Result.right as r implies list.cells.has (Result) and list.cells.has (r) and k.is_model_equal (r.item.left) end make_empty_buckets (n: INTEGER) -- Create an empty set with `buckets' of size `n'. require open: is_open n_positive: n > 0 no_iterators: observers.is_empty inv_only ("lock_exists", "subjects_definition", "A2") local i: INTEGER do create buckets.make (1, n) check buckets.inv_only ("owns_definition"); buckets.area.inv_only ("default_owns") end from i := 1 invariant 1 <= i and i <= n + 1 buckets.is_wrapped buckets.sequence.count = n ∀ j: 1 |..| (i - 1) ¦ buckets.sequence [j].is_wrapped and buckets.sequence [j].is_fresh and buckets.sequence [j].sequence.is_empty and buckets.sequence [j].observers.is_empty ∀ k: 1 |..| (i - 1) ¦ ∀ l: 1 |..| (i - 1) ¦ k /= l implies buckets.sequence [k] /= buckets.sequence [l] modify_model ("sequence", buckets) until i > n loop buckets [i] := create {V_LINKED_LIST [MML_PAIR [K, V]]} i := i + 1 end count_ := 0 create map create buckets_.constant ({MML_SEQUENCE [K]}.empty_sequence, buckets.sequence.count) check map.domain.is_empty end wrap ensure wrapped: is_wrapped map_effect: map.is_empty locked_effect: locked.is_empty capacity_effect: lists.count = n modify_field (["buckets", "count_", "map", "lists", "buckets_", "locked", "bag", "owns", "closed"], Current) end remove_at (it: V_HASH_TABLE_ITERATOR [K, V]) -- Remove element to which `it' points. require wrapped: is_wrapped it_open: it.is_open valid_target: = Current lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped only_iterator: observers ~ create {MML_SET [ANY]}.singleton (it) 1 <= it.bucket_index and it.bucket_index <= lists.count list_iterator_wrapped: it.list_iterator.is_wrapped it.inv_only ("target_which_bucket", "list_iterator_not_off") local idx_, i_: INTEGER do unwrap idx_ := it.bucket_index i_ := it.list_iterator.index_ check it.list_iterator.inv_only ("subjects_definition", "A2", "sequence_definition") end check lists [idx_].observers ~ create {MML_SET [ANY]}.singleton (it.list_iterator) end it.list_iterator.remove count_ := count_ - 1 map := map.removed (buckets_ [idx_] [i_]) buckets_ := buckets_.replaced_at (idx_, buckets_ [idx_].removed_at (i_)) wrap ensure wrapped: is_wrapped list_iterator_wrapped: it.list_iterator.is_wrapped map_effect: map = old (map.removed (buckets_ [it.bucket_index] [it.list_iterator.index_])) same_index: it.list_iterator.index_ = old it.list_iterator.index_ same_lists: lists = old lists buckets_effect: buckets_ = old (buckets_.replaced_at (it.bucket_index, buckets_ [it.bucket_index].removed_at (it.list_iterator.index_))) modify_model ("map", Current) modify_model (["index_", "sequence"], it.list_iterator) end remove_equal (list: V_LINKED_LIST [MML_PAIR [K, V]]; k: K): INTEGER -- Remove an element where key is equal to `k' from `list'; return the index of the element in the prestate. note status: impure require list_wrapped: list.is_wrapped not_empty: not list.sequence.is_empty lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped key_locked: lock.locked [k] list_keys_owned: ∀ i: 1 |..| list.sequence.count ¦ lock.locked [list.sequence [i].left] has_equal: ∃ i: 1 |..| list.sequence.count ¦ k.is_model_equal (list.sequence [i].left) no_observers: list.observers.is_empty local c: V_LINKABLE [MML_PAIR [K, V]] do check lock.inv_only ("owns_definition") end c := cell_before (list, k) if c = Void then Result := 1 list.remove_front else Result := list.cells.index_of (c) + 1 check list.inv_only ("cells_domain", "cells_exist", "cells_linked", "cells_last", "sequence_implementation") end list.remove_after (c, Result - 1) end ensure list_wrapped: list.is_wrapped found: k.is_model_equal ((old list.sequence) [Result].left) removed: list.sequence ~ old list.sequence.removed_at (Result) modify_model ("sequence", list) end replace_at (it: V_HASH_TABLE_ITERATOR [K, V]; v: V) -- Replace the value at the element to which `it' points. require wrapped: is_wrapped it_open: it.is_open valid_target: = Current lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped only_iterator: observers ~ create {MML_SET [ANY]}.singleton (it) 1 <= it.bucket_index and it.bucket_index <= lists.count list_iterator_wrapped: it.list_iterator.is_wrapped it.inv_only ("target_which_bucket", "list_iterator_not_off") local idx_, i_: INTEGER x: K do unwrap idx_ := it.bucket_index i_ := it.list_iterator.index_ check it.list_iterator.inv_only ("subjects_definition", "A2", "sequence_definition") end x := it.list_iterator.item.left check x = buckets_ [idx_] [i_] end check lists [idx_].observers ~ create {MML_SET [ANY]}.singleton (it.list_iterator) end it.list_iterator.put (create {MML_PAIR [K, V]}.make (x, v)) map := map.updated (x, v) check map.domain = map.domain.old_ end wrap ensure wrapped: is_wrapped list_iterator_wrapped: it.list_iterator.is_wrapped map_effect: map = old (map.updated (buckets_ [it.bucket_index] [it.list_iterator.index_], v)) same_index: it.list_iterator.index_ = old it.list_iterator.index_ modify_field (["map", "bag", "closed"], Current) modify_model (["sequence", "box"], it.list_iterator) end simple_extend (v: V; k: K) -- Extend table with key-value pair <`k', `v'> without resizing the buckets. require wrapped: is_wrapped k_locked: lock.locked [k] fresh_key: not domain_has (k) lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped no_iterators: observers.is_empty local idx: INTEGER list: V_LINKED_LIST [MML_PAIR [K, V]] do unwrap check lock.inv_only ("owns_definition", "equivalence_definition", "hash_domain_definition", "hash_definition") end idx := index (k) list := buckets [idx] list.extend_back (create {MML_PAIR [K, V]}.make (k, v)) buckets_ := buckets_.replaced_at (idx, buckets_ [idx] & k) map := map.updated (k, v) count_ := count_ + 1 wrap ensure wrapped: is_wrapped map_effect: map ~ old map.updated (k, v) map_domain_effect: map.domain ~ old map.domain & k capacity_unchanged: lists.count = old lists.count modify_model ("map", Current) end auto_resize (new_count: INTEGER) -- Resize `buckets' to an optimal size for `new_count'. require wrapped: is_wrapped no_iterators: observers.is_empty lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped do check inv end if new_count * target_load_factor // 100 > growth_rate * capacity then resize (capacity * growth_rate) elseif capacity > default_capacity and new_count * target_load_factor // 100 < capacity // growth_rate then resize (capacity // growth_rate) end check inv_only ("locked_definition") end ensure wrapped: is_wrapped map_unchanged: map ~ old map locked_unchanged: locked ~ old locked modify_model ("map", Current) end resize (c: INTEGER) -- Resize `buckets' to `c'. require wrapped: is_wrapped c_positive: c > 0 no_iterators: observers.is_empty lock_wrapped: lock.is_wrapped local i: INTEGER b: like buckets it: V_LINKED_LIST_ITERATOR [MML_PAIR [K, V]] do b := buckets check lock.inv_only ("owns_definition") end unwrap make_empty_buckets (c) from i := 1 invariant is_wrapped ∀ j: 1 |..| b.sequence.count ¦ b.sequence [j].is_wrapped lists.count = c inv_only ("locked_definition") locked <= locked.old_ ∀ x: locked ¦ map [x] = map.old_ [x] ∀ k: 1 |..| buckets_.old_.count ¦ ∀ l: 1 |..| buckets_.old_ [k].count ¦ map.domain [buckets_.old_ [k] [l]] = (k < i) modify_model ("map", Current) modify_field (["observers", "closed"], lists.old_.range) until i > b.count loop from it := b [i].new_cursor invariant is_wrapped it.is_wrapped inv_only ("locked_definition") 1 <= it.index_ and it.index_ <= b.sequence [i].count + 1 lists.count = c ∀ k: 1 |..| buckets_.old_.count ¦ ∀ l: 1 |..| buckets_.old_ [k].count ¦ map.domain [buckets_.old_ [k] [l]] = (k < i or (k = i and l < it.index_)) locked <= locked.old_ ∀ x: locked ¦ map [x] = map.old_ [x] modify_model ("map", Current) modify_model ("index_", it) until it.after loop check it.inv_only ("sequence_definition") end check lock.inv_only ("equivalence_definition") end simple_extend (it.item.right, it.item.left) it.forth variant lists.old_ [i].count - it.index_ end i := i + 1 end ensure wrapped: is_wrapped capacity_effect: lists.count = c map_unchanged: map = old map modify_model ("map", Current) end has_list (list: V_LINKED_LIST [MML_PAIR [K, V]]; other: like Current): BOOLEAN -- Does `other' contain all elements stored in the bucket `list'? require list_closed: list.closed other_closed: other.closed lock_closed: lock.closed other_lock_closed: other.lock.closed list_items_locked: ∀ j: 1 |..| list.sequence.count ¦ lock.locked [list.sequence [j].left] local c: V_LINKABLE [MML_PAIR [K, V]] i_: INTEGER do check list.inv_only ("cells_domain", "first_cell_empty", "cells_first", "cells_last", "cells_exist", "cells_linked", "sequence_implementation") end check lock.inv_only ("owns_definition") end check other.lock.inv_only ("owns_definition") end from Result := True c := list.first_cell i_ := 1 invariant other.inv_only ("items_locked", "locked_definition") 1 <= i_ and i_ <= list.sequence.count + 1 i_ <= list.sequence.count implies c = list.cells [i_] i_ = list.sequence.count + 1 implies c = Void Result implies ∀ j: 1 |..| (i_ - 1) ¦ [list.sequence [j].left] and then [list.sequence [j].left] = list.sequence [j].right not Result implies i_ > 1 and then (not [list.sequence [i_ - 1].left] or else [list.sequence [i_ - 1].left] /= list.sequence [i_ - 1].right) until c = Void or not Result loop Result := other.has_key (c.item.left) and then (other.key (c.item.left) = c.item.left and other.item (c.item.left) = c.item.right) if other.domain_has (c.item.left) and not Result then check other.inv_only ("no_duplicates") end check other.lock.inv_only ("equivalence_definition") end c.item.left.lemma_transitive (other.key (c.item.left), / other.key (c.item.left)) end c := c.right i_ := i_ + 1 variant list.sequence.count - i_ end ensure definition: Result = ∀ j: 1 |..| list.sequence.count ¦ [list.sequence [j].left] and then [list.sequence [j].left] = list.sequence [j].right end feature -- Specification map: MML_MAP [K, V] -- Map of keys to values. note status: ghost attribute check is_executable: False then end end buckets_: MML_SEQUENCE [MML_SEQUENCE [K]] -- Abstract element storage. note status: ghost attribute check is_executable: False then end end lock: V_HASH_LOCK [K] -- Helper object for keeping items consistent. note status: ghost attribute check is_executable: False then end end forget_iterator (it: V_ITERATOR [V]) -- Remove `it' from `observers'. note status: ghost explicit: contracts, wrapping local i, j: INTEGER do check it.inv_only ("subjects_definition", "A2") end unwrap check attached {V_HASH_TABLE_ITERATOR [K, V]} it as htit then check htit.inv_only ("target_is_bucket", "owns_definition") end check htit.list_iterator.inv_only ("subjects_definition", "default_owns", "A2") end i := htit.bucket_index htit.unwrap set_observers (observers / htit) if lists.domain [i] then lemma_lists_domain (i) lists [i].forget_iterator (htit.list_iterator) else htit.list_iterator.unwrap end from j := 1 invariant 1 <= j and j <= lists.count + 1 htit.list_iterator.is_open ∀ k: 1 |..| lists.count ¦ lists [k].is_wrapped and then lists [k].observers = if k >= j and k /= i then lists [k].observers.old_ else lists [k].observers.old_ / htit.list_iterator end inv_only ("A2", "items_locked", "no_duplicates", "valid_buckets") modify_field (["observers", "closed"], lists.range) until j > lists.count loop if j /= i then lists [j].unwrap lists [j].observers := lists [j].observers / htit.list_iterator lists [j].wrap end j := j + 1 end end wrap end feature {V_CONTAINER, V_ITERATOR, V_LOCK} -- Specification lists: MML_SEQUENCE [V_LINKED_LIST [MML_PAIR [K, V]]] -- Cache of `buckets.sequence' (required in the invariant of the iterator). note status: ghost attribute check is_executable: False then end end lemma_lists_domain (i: INTEGER) -- `lock' is not in the ownership domain of any of the `lists'. note status: lemma require 1 <= i and i <= lists.count lists [i].closed do check lists [i].inv_only ("owns_definition") end check ∀ j: 1 |..| lists [i].cells.count ¦ lists [i].cells [j].inv_only ("default_owns") end check not lists [i].transitive_owns [lock] end ensure not lists [i].ownership_domain [lock] end lemma_domain -- `lock' is not in the ownership domain of `Current'. note status: lemma require closed do check inv_only ("owns_definition") end check buckets.inv_only ("owns_definition"); buckets.area.inv_only ("default_owns") end check ∀ i: 1 |..| lists.count ¦ lists [i].inv_only ("owns_definition") end check ∀ i: 1 |..| lists.count ¦ ∀ j: 1 |..| lists [i].cells.count ¦ lists [i].cells [j].inv_only ("default_owns") end check ∀ i: 1 |..| lists.count ¦ not lists [i].transitive_owns [lock] end check not transitive_owns [lock] end ensure not ownership_domain [lock] end invariant -- Abstract state: buckets_non_empty: not buckets_.is_empty valid_buckets: ∀ x: map.domain ¦ lock.hash.domain [x] and then lock.hash [x] >= 0 and then buckets_ [bucket_index (lock.hash [x], buckets_.count)].has (x) domain_not_too_small: ∀ i: 1 |..| buckets_.count ¦ ∀ j: 1 |..| buckets_ [i].count ¦ map.domain [buckets_ [i] [j]] no_precise_duplicates: ∀ i: 1 |..| buckets_.count ¦ -- ToDo: within is enough? ∀ j: 1 |..| buckets_.count ¦ ∀ k: 1 |..| buckets_ [i].count ¦ ∀ l: 1 |..| buckets_ [j].count ¦ i /= j or k /= l implies buckets_ [i] [k] /= buckets_ [j] [l] -- Concrete state: count_definition: count_ = map.count buckets_exist: buckets /= Void buckets_owned: owns [buckets] buckets_lower: buckets.lower_ = 1 lists_definition: lists = buckets.sequence all_lists_exist: lists.non_void owns_definition: owns = create {MML_SET [ANY]}.singleton (buckets) + lists.range buckets_count: buckets_.count = lists.count lists_distinct: lists.no_duplicates lists_counts: ∀ i: 1 |..| buckets_.count ¦ lists [i].sequence.count = buckets_ [i].count buckets_content: ∀ i: 1 |..| buckets_.count ¦ ∀ j: 1 |..| buckets_ [i].count ¦ buckets_ [i] [j] = lists [i].sequence [j].left map_implementation: ∀ i: 1 |..| buckets_.count ¦ ∀ j: 1 |..| buckets_ [i].count ¦ map [buckets_ [i] [j]] = lists [i].sequence [j].right -- Iterators: array_observers: buckets.observers.is_empty iterators_type: ∀ o: observers ¦ attached {V_HASH_TABLE_ITERATOR [K, V]} o list_observers_same: ∀ i: 1 |..| lists.count ¦ ∀ j: 1 |..| lists.count ¦ lists [i].observers = lists [j].observers list_observers_count: ∀ i: 1 |..| lists.count ¦ lists [i].observers.count <= observers.count note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end