note description: "[ Helper ghost objects that prevent container items from unwanted modifications. ]" author: "Nadia Polikarpova" revised_by: "Alexander Kogtenkov" status: ghost model: locked, equivalence manual_inv: true false_guards: true explicit: "all" class V_LOCK [G -> ANY] feature -- Access locked: MML_SET [G] -- All locked items (might be shared between multiple `observers'). note guard: in_use_still_locked status: ghost attribute check is_executable: False then end end equivalence: MML_RELATION [G, G] -- Cache of object equality relation on items from `locked'. note guard: no_new_pairs status: ghost attribute check is_executable: False then end end feature -- Basic operations lock (item: G) -- Add `item' and its subjects to `locked'. note status: setter require wrapped: is_wrapped item_wrapped: item.is_wrapped subjects_wrapped: ∀ s: item.subjects ¦ s.is_wrapped not_current: item /= Current and not item.subjects [Current] do unwrap add_equivalences (item) locked := locked & item set_owns (owns & item + item.subjects) wrap ensure locked_effect: locked = old locked & item owns_effect: owns = old owns & item + item.subjects observers_effect: observers = old observers wrapped: is_wrapped modify (Current) modify_field ("owner", [item, item.subjects, owns]) end unlock (item: G) -- Remove `item' that is not in use and its subjects from `locked'. note status: setter require wrapped: is_wrapped item_locked: locked [item] not_in_use: ∀ o: observers ¦ attached {V_LOCKER [G]} o as c and then not c.locked [item] not_subject: ∀ o: locked ¦ not o.subjects [item] and o.subjects.is_disjoint (item.subjects) do unwrap locked := locked / item set_owns (owns / item - item.subjects) wrap ensure locked_effect: locked = old locked / item owns_effect: owns = old owns / item - item.subjects item_wrapped: item.is_wrapped wrapped: is_wrapped modify (Current) modify_field ("owner", [item, owns]) end add_client (c: V_LOCKER [G]) -- Add `c' to `observers'. require c_exists: c /= Void wrapped: is_wrapped do unwrap set_observers (observers & c) wrap ensure wrapped: is_wrapped observers_effect: observers = old observers & c modify_model ("observers", Current) end feature -- Specification in_use_still_locked (new_locked: like locked; o: ANY): BOOLEAN -- All items that are in use by any of the `observers' are still in `new_locked'. (Update guard). note status: functional, nonvariant do Result := attached {V_LOCKER [G]} o as l and then ∀ x: locked - new_locked ¦ not l.locked [x] end no_new_pairs (new_eq: like equivalence; o: ANY): BOOLEAN -- `new_eq' does not introduce any new pairs compared to `equivalence' on the elements of `locked'. (Update guard). note status: functional, nonvariant do Result := ∀ x: locked ¦ ∀ y: locked ¦ not equivalence [x, y] implies not new_eq [x, y] end set_has (s: MML_SET [G]; v: G): BOOLEAN -- Does `s' contain an element equal to `v' under object equality? note status: functional, nonvariant, static require v_exists: v /= Void set_non_void: s.non_void reads (s, v) do Result := ∃ x: s ¦ v.is_model_equal (x) end set_item (s: MML_SET [G]; v: G): G -- Element of `s' that is equal to `v' under object equality. note status: nonvariant, static explicit: contracts require v_exists: v /= Void v_in_set: set_has (s, v) set_non_void: s.non_void reads (s, v) local s1: MML_SET [G] do from s1 := s Result := s1.any_item invariant s1 [Result] ∃ x: s1 ¦ v.is_model_equal (x) s1 <= s decreases (s1) until Result.is_model_equal (v) loop s1 := s1 / Result check ∃ x: s1 ¦ v.is_model_equal (x) end Result := s1.any_item end ensure result_in_set: s [Result] equal_to_v: Result.is_model_equal (v) end feature {NONE} -- Implementation add_equivalences (x: G) -- Add equivalences between `locked' and a new item `x' to `equivalence'. note status: setter require open: is_open x_wrapped: x.is_wrapped locked_wrapped: ∀ a: locked ¦ a.is_wrapped inv_holds: inv new_item: not locked [x] local s: like locked y: G do equivalence := equivalence.extended (x, x) from s := locked invariant s <= locked equivalence [x, x] ∀ a: (locked - s) ¦ equivalence [x, a] = x.is_model_equal (a) and equivalence [a, x] = x.is_model_equal (a) inv decreases (s) until s.is_empty loop y := s.any_item if x.is_model_equal (y) then equivalence := equivalence.extended (x, y) equivalence := equivalence.extended (y, x) else equivalence := equivalence.removed (x, y) equivalence := equivalence.removed (y, x) end s := s / y end ensure still_holds: inv equivalences_added: ∀ a: locked & x ¦ equivalence [x, a] = x.is_model_equal (a) and equivalence [a, x] = x.is_model_equal (a) modify_field ("equivalence", Current) end invariant locked_non_void: locked.non_void owns_definition: ∀ x: locked ¦ owns [x] and x.subjects <= owns equivalence_definition: ∀ x: locked ¦ ∀ y: locked ¦ equivalence [x, y] = x.is_model_equal (y) default_subjects: subjects ~ create {MML_SET [ANY]} observrs_are_lockers: ∀ o: observers ¦ attached {V_LOCKER [G]} o note copyright: "Copyright (c) 1984-2021, Eiffel Software and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see" source: "[ Eiffel Software 5949 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone 805-685-1006, Fax 805-685-6869 Website Customer support ]" end