class BOOK_COLLECTION create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make (a_name: STRING_32) -- Create a book collection with `a_name' as `name'. do set_name (a_name) create book_index.make (10) ensure name_set: name = a_name end feature -- Access name: STRING_32 -- Name. books: LIST [BOOK] -- collection of book. do create {LINKED_LIST [BOOK]} Result.make across book_index as it loop Result.append (it.item) end end books_by_author (a_author: STRING_32): LIST [BOOK] -- Books wrote by `a_author' in this collection. do if attached book_index [a_author] as l_result then Result := l_result else create {LINKED_LIST [BOOK]} Result.make end end feature -- Change set_name (a_name: STRING_32) -- Set `name' with `a_name'. do name := a_name ensure name_set: name = a_name end add_book (a_book: BOOK) -- Extend collection with `a_book'. local l: detachable LIST [BOOK] do l := ( if l = Void then create {LINKED_LIST [BOOK]} l.make book_index.put (l, end l.force (a_book) end add_books (book_list: like books) -- Append collection with `book_list'. do across book_list as it loop add_book (it.item) end end feature {NONE} -- Implementation book_index: HASH_TABLE [LIST [BOOK], STRING_32] -- Association of author name and its books. end -- class BOOK_COLLECTION