indexing description: "multi column list event row" library: "elogger" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2006, AXA Rosenberg, and others (see copyright.txt)" author: "Ulrich Weiss, and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see forum.txt)" date: "$Date: $" revision: "$Revision: $" archive: "$Archive: $" class ELOG_EVENT_ROW inherit EV_MULTI_COLUMN_LIST_ROW rename make as row_make export {NONE} row_make end create make feature {NONE} -- Initialisation make (event: ELOG_STORABLE_EVENT) is -- Create new row representing 'event' require event_not_void: event /= Void do default_create log_event := event -- store column data force (event.time_stamp) force (event.severity) force (event.logger_name) force (event.message) end feature -- Access log_event: ELOG_STORABLE_EVENT -- The log event represented by this row invariant log_event_not_void: log_event /= Void end