description: "Eiffel compilation" copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001-2002, Eric Bezault and others" license: "Eiffel Forum License v2 (see forum.txt)" date: "$Date: 2005/07/08 22:38:29 $" revision: "$Revision: 1.40 $" Install ${system} directory. Compile '${system}'. Use Eiffel compiler set in ${GOBO_EIFFEL} or 'se' if this variable is not defined. Compile in debug mode if ${debug} is defined. Compile '${system}' with ISE Eiffel. Compile in debug mode if ${debug} is defined. Compile '${system}' with Visual Eiffel. Compile in debug mode if ${debug} is defined. If '${vetuner}' is set, set call 'vetuner' with the given tuning level. Compile '${system}' with SmartEiffel. Compile in debug mode if ${debug} is defined. Compile '${system}' in debug mode. Use Eiffel compiler set in ${GOBO_EIFFEL} or 'se' if this variable is not defined. Compile '${system}' with ISE Eiffel in debug mode. Compile '${system}' with Visual Eiffel in debug mode. If '${vetuner}' is set, set call 'vetuner' with the given tuning level. Compile '${system}' with SmartEiffel in debug mode. Compile '${system}' with SmartEiffel in bootstrap mode. Remove intermediary generated files. Remove all generated files. Build Ace file or ESD file for Eiffel compiler ${gexace_system} if specifed, ${eiffel} otherwise. Generate file in ${gexace_output} if specified. Pass $DEBUG option to 'gexace' if ${debug} is defined. Pass $BOOTSTRAP option to 'gexace' if ${bootstrap} is defined. Pass $GOBO_EIFFEL value to 'gexace'. Pass $GOBO_OS value to 'gexace'. Pass $GOBO_CC value to 'gexace' if defined. Pass $GOBO_XML_EXPAT option to 'gexace' if defined. Pass $GOBO_DOTNET option to 'gexace' if defined. Pass $SE_1_0 option to 'gexace' if defined. To be redefined in descendant if additional options are necessary. Prepare compilation if necessary. Install other items in ${system} directory. Remove other intermediary generated files. Remove other generated files.