Codename Goanna. This project provides a web services library for Eiffel. The library contains clusters that support servlets, end-points (HTTP, CGI, FastCGI), XML-RPC, SOAP, logging (log4e), DOM Level 2, and XML to DOM parsing.
11 October 2005 - HTML Web Application Framework Added (CVS Only)
12 January 2002 - Release 0.4.
3 June 2001 - Release 0.3.
The Goanna project is hosted by SourceForge which provides a public Subversion repository, mailing lists, file store and much more. Links to the latest release packages can be found on the Downloads page.
To check out Goanna into a directory named goanna, type: svn co goanna
To check out Log4e into a directory named log4e, type: svn co log4e
To check out Gperf into a directory named gperf, type: svn co gperf