indexing description: "Constants used by the entire application" project: "Project Goanna " library: "FastCGI Applications" date: "$Date: 2001/05/10" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Neal L. Lester " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Lockheed-Martin Space System Company" license: "Eiffel Forum Freeware License v1 (see forum.txt)." class SYSTEM_CONSTANTS feature -- Drive & directory locations data_directory : STRING is "c:" -- The directory where data files are stored (no trailing directory separator) directory_separator : STRING is "\" -- Directory separator of the system's file system feature -- URL's for this application web_server_url : STRING is "http://localhost" -- The URL for the web_server hosting this application - no trailing slash feature -- Subdirectories for this application fast_cgi_directory : STRING is "FastCGI" -- The Apache subdirectory mapped to FastCGI applications; does not include directory separators application_directory : STRING is "application" -- The FastCGI subdirectory that maps to this servlet; does not include directory separators document_root: STRING is "" -- The place where the server looks for static html_documents feature -- Application Configuration port : INTEGER is 80 -8000 -- The port the application uses to communicate with the FastCGI or the httpd server listens on backlog_requests : INTEGER is 5 -- The number of queued requests the servlet can accommodate session_timeout_interval : INTEGER is 900 -- The number of seconds of inactivity before a session expires ------------ Modifications Below This Line Normally Not Required ---------------------- web_file_name : STRING is -- The subdirectory mapped to the application's GET request processor do result := fast_cgi_directory + "/" + application_directory end web_form_name : STRING is -- The subdirectory mapped to the application's POST request processor do result := fast_cgi_directory + "/" + application_directory end feature -- File names file_extension : STRING is ".sto" -- The extension added to data files unique_query_string_factory_file_name : STRING is -- The file name used to store the current unique query string values do Result := data_directory + directory_separator +"unique_query_string_factory_file" + file_extension end unique_request_string_factory_file_name : STRING is -- The file name used to store the current unique request identifier string do Result := data_directory + directory_separator + "unique_request_string_factory_file" + file_extension end unique_form_element_name_factory_file_name : STRING is -- The file name used to store the current unique name identifier string do Result := data_directory + directory_separator + "unique_form_element_name_factory_file" + file_extension end unique_to_do_anchor_factory_file_name : STRING is -- The file name used to store current unique to_do anchors do result := data_directory + directory_separator + "unique_to_do_anchor_factory_file" + file_extension end unique_goanna_session_identifier_factory_file_name : STRING is -- The file name used to store goanna_session_identifiers do result := data_directory + directory_separator + "unique_goanna_session_identifier_factory_file" + file_extension end user_list_file_name : STRING is -- The file name used to store the storable user_list do Result := data_directory + directory_separator + "user_list" + file_extension end user_file_name_file : STRING is -- Used to store current vallue of the user_file_name_sequence do Result := data_directory + directory_separator + "user_file_name_file" + file_extension end valid_organizational_name_list_file_name : STRING is -- Used to store a list of valid organizational names for entities do result := data_directory + directory_separator + "valid_organizational_name_list_file" + file_extension end feature -- string contants new_line : STRING is -- string containing only a new line character local temp_new_line : CHARACTER once temp_new_line := '%N' Result := temp_new_line.out end end -- class SYSTEM_CONSTANTS