indexing description: "A servlet that links to an application" project: "Project Goanna " library: "FastCGI Applications" date: "$Date: 2001/05/10" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Neal L. Lester " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Lockheed-Martin Space System Company" license: "Eiffel Forum Freeware License v1 (see forum.txt)." class APPLICATION_SERVLET inherit GOA_HTTP_SERVLET redefine do_get, do_head, do_post end create init feature -- operations do_get (req: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; resp: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Called to allow the servlet to handle a GET request. local selected_url : DYNAMIC_URL page_sequencer : PAGE_SEQUENCER do debug io.putstring ("Handling do_get...%N") end if req.session.has_attribute ("page_sequencer") then page_sequencer ?= req.session.get_attribute ("page_sequencer") page_sequencer.set_session (req.session) else -- if the user did not have a sequencer then bootstrap one create page_sequencer.make (req.session) end page_sequencer.set_new_request (req, resp) if page_sequencer.active_url_list.has (req.query_string) then selected_url := page_sequencer.active_url_list.item (req.query_string) page_sequencer.process_dynamic_url (selected_url) end page_sequencer.build_response end do_head (req: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; resp: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Called to allow the servlet to handle a HEAD request. do debug io.putstring ("Handling do_head...%N") end do_get (req, resp) end do_post (req: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; resp: GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Called to allow the servlet to handle a POST request. do debug io.putstring ("Handling do_post...%N") end do_get (req, resp) end end -- class APPLICATION_SERVLET