indexing description: "Containers of page_sequence_elements for use in page_sequences" project: "Project Goanna " library: "FastCGI Applications" date: "$Date: 2001/05/11" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Neal L. Lester " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Lockheed-Martin Space System Company" license: "Eiffel Forum Freeware License v1 (see forum.txt)." class ELEMENT_CONTAINER create make feature -- Attributes branch_condition : BOOLEAN is -- If true, element is incorporated in sequence, if false, element is skipped do ([]) result := branch_function.last_result end branch_function : FUNCTION [PAGE_SEQUENCE_ELEMENT, TUPLE, BOOLEAN] -- The function used to determine branch_condition condition_description : STRING -- A text representation of the branch condition element : FUNCTION[SEQUENCE_ELEMENT_FACTORY,TUPLE,PAGE_SEQUENCE_ELEMENT] -- A function that will return a page_sequence_element feature {NONE} -- creation make (new_condition : FUNCTION [PAGE_SEQUENCE_ELEMENT, TUPLE, BOOLEAN] ; new_description : STRING ; new_element : FUNCTION[SEQUENCE_ELEMENT_FACTORY,TUPLE,PAGE_SEQUENCE_ELEMENT]) is require valid_new_condition : new_condition /= Void valid_new_description : new_description /= Void valid_new_element : new_element /= Void do branch_function := new_condition condition_description := new_description element := new_element end invariant valid_branch_function : branch_function /= Void valid_condition_description : condition_description /= Void valid_element : element /= Void end -- class ELEMENT_CONTAINER