indexing description: "A single page, or one interaction with the user" project: "Project Goanna " library: "FastCGI Applications" date: "$Date: 2001/05/14" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Neal L. Lester " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Lockheed-Martin Space System Company" license: "Eiffel Forum Freeware License v1 (see forum.txt)." class PAGE inherit ACTIVE_URL_LIST SYSTEM_CONSTANTS PAGE_SEQUENCE_ELEMENT creation make feature -- Implement Deferred Features text: TEXT_LIST is do result := user.preference.language end page : PAGE is do result := current end start is do done := false end forth is do done := true end done : BOOLEAN active_chain : LINKED_LIST [ELEMENT_CONTAINER] is -- Add current to the chain of active elements do create result.make end context : STRING is -- Clear text contribution to text describing the sequence of page_sequence_elements that has generated this page do if display_topic_title then result := topic.title else result := "" end end feature -- {PAGE_SEQUENCER, WEB_SERVER_PROXY, DYNAMIC_URL, PAGE_FACTORY} page_sequencer : PAGE_SEQUENCER -- The page_sequencer associated with this page user : like user_anchor is do result := page_sequencer.user end topic : TOPIC feature {PAGE_SEQUENCER} -- Access by page_sequencer undo is -- Undo any changes made by this page require page_is_active : current = page_sequencer.active_page do topic.undo done := false ensure then done_false : done = false end reset_sequence is -- Sets the active_sequence to state when current page was generated require valid_master_sequence : master_sequence /= Void local a_chain : LINKED_LIST [ELEMENT_CONTAINER] do create a_chain.make sequence_element_chain.start from until sequence_element_chain.after loop a_chain.force (sequence_element_chain.item) sequence_element_chain.forth end master_sequence.restore_chain (a_chain) ensure master_sequence_active_sequence_matches_chain : master_sequence_active_sequence_matches_chain end add_to_response (content_to_add : CONTENT_CONTAINER) is -- Add content_to_add to response require valid_content_to_add : content_to_add /= Void valid_response : response /= Void do page_sequencer.user.preference.client.set_code (content_to_add) response.send (content_to_add.code) end build is -- prepare to display the page require valid_master_sequence : master_sequence /= Void buildable : buildable current_is_active : current = page_sequencer.active_page do page_is_dirty := True sequence_element_chain := clone (master_sequence.active_chain) -- Add Code header create code_header.make code_header.set_text (title) add_to_response (code_header) -- Add page header user.set_up_page_header if user.page_header /= Void then add_to_response (user.page_header) end -- Add Content_List from content_list.start until content_list.after loop add_to_response (content_list.item) content_list.forth end -- Add page footer user.set_up_page_footer if user.page_footer /= Void then add_to_response (user.page_footer) end -- Add code footer create code_footer.make add_to_response (code_footer) ensure page_is_dirty : page_is_dirty valid_response : response /= Void master_sequence_active_sequence_matches_chain : master_sequence_active_sequence_matches_chain end response : GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE is -- The web response associated with the page do result := page_sequencer.current_response end sequence_element_chain : LINKED_LIST [ELEMENT_CONTAINER] -- The chain of page_sequence_elements that generated this page master_sequence : PAGE_SEQUENCE_ELEMENT -- The page_sequence_element in page_sequencer that has generated this page set_master_sequence (new_master_sequence : PAGE_SEQUENCE_ELEMENT) is -- Set master_sequence require valid_new_master_sequence : new_master_sequence /= Void do master_sequence := new_master_sequence ensure master_sequence_updated : master_sequence = new_master_sequence end set_web_request (new_web_request : GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST) is -- Set the web request received in response to this page require valid_new_web_request : new_web_request /= Void do web_request := new_web_request ensure web_request_updated : web_request = new_web_request end buildable : BOOLEAN is -- Does the page contain any content to use for building a response do result := not content_list.is_empty end historical : BOOLEAN -- Add this page page to history (if true); if false, page_sequencer won't add to history feature {DYNAMIC_URL} -- Page Processing process (processing_code : PROCEDURE [PROCESSOR_HOST, TUPLE])is -- do post display processing require valid_processing_code : processing_code /= Void do ([]) end feature {FORM, FORM_ELEMENT, PAGE_SEQUENCER} web_request : GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST -- The web request that this page is responding to feature {NONE} -- Implementation code_footer : CODE_FOOTER -- Programming code added to the end of each page code_header : CODE_HEADER -- Programming code added to the beginning of each page content_list : LINKED_LIST [CONTENT_CONTAINER] -- The content of the page to be displayed title : STRING is -- The clear text title of this page do Result := text.application_title + " : " + page_sequencer.active_sequence.context end restore_chain (chain : LINKED_LIST [ELEMENT_CONTAINER]) is -- The caller is restoring a previously executed chain of page_sequence_elements that generated this page -- This page is the terminal element of this chain. do done := false end master_sequence_active_sequence_matches_chain : BOOLEAN is -- Does sequence_element_chain match active_sequence.active_chain? require valid_master_sequence : master_sequence /= Void local master_chain : LINKED_LIST[ ELEMENT_CONTAINER] do master_chain := clone (master_sequence.active_chain) result := false if (not master_chain.is_empty) and (not sequence_element_chain.is_empty) then master_chain.start sequence_element_chain.start if master_chain.item = sequence_element_chain.item then result := true end from until master_chain.after or sequence_element_chain.after or (master_chain.item /= sequence_element_chain.item) loop master_chain.forth sequence_element_chain.forth if master_chain.item /= sequence_element_chain.item then result := false end end if not (master_chain.after and sequence_element_chain.after) then result := false end else if master_chain.is_empty and sequence_element_chain.is_empty then result := true else result := false end end end feature {PAGE_FACTORY} -- display_topic_title : BOOLEAN -- Display the topic title in context string -- Usefull if topic is not a page sequence in the context set_display_topic_title is -- Set display_topic_title true do display_topic_title := true ensure display_topic_title : display_topic_title end add_content (new_content : CONTENT_CONTAINER)is -- add new_content to content_list require valid_new_content : new_content /= Void do content_list.force (new_content) ensure new_content_added : content_list.has (new_content) end set_not_historical is -- This page should not be added to page history do historical := false ensure not_historical : not historical end set_topic (new_topic : TOPIC) is -- Set a new topic for the page require valid_new_topic : new_topic /= Void do topic := new_topic ensure topic_updated : topic = new_topic end feature {NONE} -- creation make (new_page_sequencer : PAGE_SEQUENCER ; new_topic : TOPIC) is require valid_new_page_sequencer : new_page_sequencer /= Void do create active_url_list.make (10) create content_list.make page_sequencer := new_page_sequencer topic := new_topic historical := true ensure historical : historical end invariant valid_page_sequencer : page_sequencer /= Void valid_content_list : content_list /= Void valid_context : context /= Void valid_topic : topic /= Void end -- class PAGE