indexing description: "Objects that manage the sequence of pages during a session" author: "Neal L. Lester" date: "$Date$" revision: "$Revision$" class PAGE_SEQUENCER inherit SYSTEM_CONSTANTS SHARED_APPLICATION_SESSION_MANAGER ACTIVE_URL_LIST USER_ANCHOR create make feature {PAGE_SEQUENCE_ELEMENT, PAGE_FACTORY, USER, APPLICATION_SESSION_MANAGER} -- User backable : BOOLEAN is -- Is there a previous page to display if requested by the user? do Result := not history.is_empty end user : like user_anchor -- The type of user processed by the application feature {APPLICATION_SERVLET} -- communication with GOANNA Application process_dynamic_url (dynamic_url_to_process : DYNAMIC_URL) is -- process an incoming dynamic_url from the servlet require valid_dynamic_url_to_process : dynamic_url_to_process /= Void dynamic_url_from_this_sequencer : = Current valid_active_page : active_page /= Void valid_current_request : current_request /= Void valid_current_response : current_response /= Void do debug io.putstring ("Processing URL: " + dynamic_url_to_process.query_string + "%N") end if = active_page then if not dynamic_url_to_process.back_up then debug io.putstring ("Processing Active Page%N") end process_active_page (dynamic_url_to_process) increment_page else if not history.is_empty then restore_history_item end end else if history.has ( then from until history.item = loop user.set_active_page (history.item) active_page.undo history.remove end restore_history_item process_active_page (dynamic_url_to_process) increment_page else -- User Has Entered a URL from a page that was previously undone if not history.is_empty then -- user chose 'back' Roll-back history item restore_history_item end end end end set_new_request (new_request : GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST; new_response : GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE) is -- Set new request & response for the session to process require valid_new_request : new_request /= Void valid_new_response : new_response /= Void do current_request := new_request current_response := new_response ensure current_request_updated : current_request = new_request current_response_updated : current_response = new_response end build_response is -- Instruct active page to build a response to the current request require not_active_page_void : active_page /= Void do ensure valid_response : active_page.response /= Void end feature -- {DYNAMIC_URL, PAGE} -- Current request/response related attributes active_page : PAGE is -- The currently active page do result := user.active_page end active_sequence : PAGE_SEQUENCE_ELEMENT is -- The currently active page_sequence do result := user.active_sequence end current_request : GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_REQUEST current_response : GOA_HTTP_SERVLET_RESPONSE feature {LOGIN_SEQUENCE} -- Set User set_user (new_user : like user_anchor) is -- Set a new user for the session require valid_new_user : new_user /= Void do user := new_user user.set_page_sequencer (current) if (not user.anonymous) and (not session_manager.user_is_active (user.user_file_name)) then session_manager.add_user (session, user.user_file_name) end ensure user_updated : user = new_user user_sequencer_updated : user.page_sequencer = current user_not_anonymous_implies_registered_with_session_manager : (not user.anonymous) implies session_manager.user_is_active (user.user_file_name) end feature {NONE} -- implementation current_sequence_element_chain : LINKED_LIST [ELEMENT_CONTAINER] -- The chain of page_sequence_elements within active_sequence linking the active_sequence to the page -- To do; hide this from SESSION; it is an implementation detail of a particular type of page_sequence process_active_page (dynamic_url : DYNAMIC_URL) is -- Process the selected dynamic URL as part of the active page require valid_active_page : active_page /= Void valid_dynamic_url : dynamic_url /= Void valid_current_request : current_request /= Void dynamic_url_in_active_page : = active_page local new_page : PAGE do active_page.set_web_request (current_request) dynamic_url.process end restore_history_item is -- restore the current item in history as the active page require history_not_empty : not history.is_empty history_master_sequence_valid : history.item.master_sequence /= Void do user.set_active_page (history.item) active_page.undo user.replace_active_sequence (active_page.master_sequence) active_page.reset_sequence history.remove ensure active_page_restored : active_page = old history.item active_page_removed : active_page /= history.item end history: ARRAYED_STACK [PAGE] is -- Pages previously processed for this user do result := user.history end set_active_page is -- Set active_page to next page in sequence do user.set_active_page ( active_page.set_master_sequence (active_sequence) ensure active_page_updated : active_page = master_sequence_updated : active_page.master_sequence = active_sequence end increment_page is -- Replace active page with the next page in the page sequence do if active_page.historical then debug io.putstring ("Adding active page to history%N") end history.force (active_page) end debug io.putstring ("Calling active_sequence.forth%N") end active_sequence.forth if active_sequence.done then debug io.putstring ("Incrementing Active Sequence if Done%N") end user.next_page_sequence end debug io.putstring ("Setting Active_page%N") end user.set_active_page ( active_page.set_master_sequence (active_sequence) ensure history_updated : old active_page.historical implies history.item = old active_page end feature -- session session : GOA_HTTP_SESSION -- The session associated with this sequencer feature {LOGIN_SEQUENCE, APPLICATION_SERVLET} set_session (new_session : GOA_HTTP_SESSION) is -- set session to new_session require valid_new_session : new_session /= Void do session := new_session ensure session_updated : session = new_session end feature {NONE} -- Creation make (new_session : GOA_HTTP_SESSION) is require valid_new_session : new_session /= Void do session := new_session session.set_attribute ("page_sequencer", current) session.set_max_inactive_interval (session_timeout_interval) create active_url_list.make (100) create user.make (current) if user.login_required then user.set_up_login else user.replace_active_sequence (user.default_page_sequence) end active_sequence.start set_active_page ensure user.login_required implies user.login_sequence /= Void user.login_required implies user.login_sequence = user.active_sequence end invariant valid_session : session /= Void registered_in_session : session.get_attribute ("page_sequencer") = Current valid_history : history /= Void valid_user : user /= Void registered_with_user : session.validated implies user.page_sequencer = current user_on_manager_active_list : (not user.anonymous) implies session_manager.user_is_active (user.user_file_name) end -- class PAGE_SEQUENCER