indexing description: "Compatibility between user and girl friend" author: "Neal L. Lester (" date: "$ May 11, 2001: $" revision: "$version 1.0$" class COMPATIBILITY inherit TOPIC_SEQUENCE_DOMAIN_WITH_CHILDREN redefine initialize, update end DOMAIN_WITH_PARENT redefine update end USER_RELATED create make_with_user_and_parent feature -- Attributes she_is_pregnant : SHE_IS_PREGNANT has_a_girlfriend : HAS_A_GIRLFRIEND she_drinks : SHE_DRINKS feature -- Implement deferred features create_children is do create she_is_pregnant.make_with_user_and_parent (current, user) create has_a_girlfriend.make_with_user_and_parent (current, user) create she_drinks.make_with_user_and_parent (current, user) child_list.force_last (she_is_pregnant) child_list.force_last (has_a_girlfriend) child_list.force_last (she_drinks) end title : STRING is do result := text.compatibility end create_sequence is do add_element_container (~always_true, "True", page_factory~yes_no (she_is_pregnant)) add_element_container (~ask_has_a_girlfriend, "Not Pregnant", page_factory~yes_no (has_a_girlfriend)) add_element_container (~ask_she_drinks, "Not Pregnant and Has a Girlfriend", page_factory~yes_no (she_drinks)) end ask_has_a_girlfriend : BOOLEAN is -- Should the sequence activate the has a girlfriend question do result := not she_is_pregnant.yes end ask_she_drinks : BOOLEAN is -- Should the sequence active the does she drink question do result := (not she_is_pregnant.yes) and (has_a_girlfriend.yes) end feature initialize is do precursor {TOPIC_SEQUENCE_DOMAIN_WITH_CHILDREN} end update is do precursor {DOMAIN_WITH_PARENT} precursor {TOPIC_SEQUENCE_DOMAIN_WITH_CHILDREN} end undo is do end make_with_user_and_parent (new_parent: DOMAIN_WITH_CHILDREN; new_user: like user_anchor) is require new_user_exists: new_user /= Void new_parent_exists: new_parent /= Void do set_user (new_user) make_with_parent (new_parent) end invariant valid_she_is_pregnant : she_is_pregnant /= Void valid_has_a_girlfriend : has_a_girlfriend /= Void valid_she_drinks : she_drinks /= Void child_list_has_she_is_pregnant: child_list.has (she_is_pregnant) child_list_has_has_a_girlfriend: child_list.has (has_a_girlfriend) child_list_has_she_drinks: child_list.has (she_drinks) end -- class COMPATIBILITY