indexing description: "All of the text that may be presented to the user as content" project: "Project Goanna " library: "FastCGI Applications" date: "$Date: 2001/05/11" revision: "$Revision$" author: "Neal L. Lester " copyright: "Copyright (c) 2001 Lockheed-Martin Space System Company" license: "Eiffel Forum Freeware License v1 (see forum.txt)." class TEXT_LIST create make feature {NONE} -- Initialization make is do end feature -- Text application_title : STRING is "" -- This string is placed in the title bar of every page with the page context language : STRING is "english" yes : STRING is "Yes" no : STRING is "No" more : STRING is "More" previous : STRING is "Previous" submit : STRING is "Submit" no_text : STRING is "" continue : STRING is "Continue" done : STRING is "Done" -- Personal information personal_information : STRING is "Personal Information" -- Login Sequence user_login : STRING is "User Login" login_user_id : STRING is "User ID:" login_password : STRING is "Password:" login_confirm_password : STRING is "Confirm Password:" login_new_user : STRING is "Your Name:" login_user_id_error_message : STRING is do result := "This User ID does not match anything on our user list. Please enter a different User ID or click on '" + login_wrong_form_button_text + "'. Check your CAPS LOCK key, this entry is case sensitive." end login_password_error_message : STRING is "The password you entered does match the one on file for this User ID. Please re-enter your password. Check your CAPS LOCK key, this entry is case sensitive." login_button_label : STRING is "Login" new_user_button_label : STRING is "Login as a New User" login_wrong_form_button_text : STRING is "I Don't Have a User ID" new_user_wrong_form_button_text : STRING is "I Already Have a User ID" new_user_id_empty : STRING is "You may not enter a blank User ID. Please enter a User ID." new_user_id_exists : STRING is do result := "The User ID you entered is already in use by another person. Please enter another user ID or click on %"" + new_user_wrong_form_button_text + "%"." end confirm_password_error_message : STRING is "The entry in the 'Confirm Password' box does not match the entry in the 'Password' box. Please retype them both; they must be the same in order to confirm that we have correctly understood your proposed password." -- Choosing a wife goanna_application : STRING is "This is a GOANNA Application" choosing_a_wife : STRING is "Choosing A Wife" choosing_a_wife_for : STRING is "Choosing A Wife For " -- Needs trailing space; users name will be added compatibility : STRING is "Compatibility" he_drinks : STRING is "Do you drink?" she_drinks : STRING is "Does she drink?" has_a_girlfriend : STRING is "Do you have a girlfriend?" she_is_pregnant : STRING is "Is she pregnant?" her_habits : STRING is "Her Habits" his_habits : STRING is "Your Habits" too_late : STRING is "It is too late for you, my friend, she has already chosen you!" marry_at_pub : STRING is "Marry her soon, at the pub!" marry_at_church : STRING is "Marry her soon, at a church/mosque/temple!" your_a_saint : STRING is "She will never be happy with such a saint!" your_a_drunkard : STRING is "She will never be happy with such a drunkard!" try_a_pub : STRING is "You won't find a wife here. Try going to the local pub!" try_a_church : STRING is "You won't find a wife here. Try going to the local church/mosque/temple!" end -- class TEXT_LIST